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The History of
Science & Tech 11
Class Project
Semester 1, 2010 / 2011
Main Sources:
The History of
You will be marked on how well you
• research,
• record,
• format,
• and EDIT your information
Main Sources:
5500 BC
The First Wheel
• The oldest wheel found in
archeological excavations was
discovered in what was
Mesopotamia and is believed to be
over fifty-five hundred years old.
• Humans realized that heavy
objects could be moved easier if
something round, for example a
fallen tree log, was placed under it
and the object rolled over it.
The first wheel
4000-3500 BC
• first horses were all wild
• they were hunted used
for their meat and skin
for leather
• 4000 BC people in
central asia began to
tame horses
• used to carry things
Horse central asia
3500 BC
River Boats
• first boats built out of
inflated and stretched
animal skins and clay pots
• early wood boats included
rafts, canoes, and dugouts
• Egyptians used reeds to caulk
• little is known about how
these ships were actually put
by MVG
Ancient Egyptian
boat called a "dory"
3000 BC
• The chariot is the earliest and
simplest type of horse carriage, used
in both peace and war as the chief
vehicle of many ancient peoples.
• The critical invention that allowed
the construction of light, horsedrawn chariots for use in battle was
the spoked wheel.
• The earliest spoke-wheeled chariots
date to ca. 2000 BC and their usage
peaked around 1300 BC
181-234 AD Wheelbarrow
• Chuko Liang of China is
considered to be the inventor
of the wheelbarrow.
• The wheelbarrows were used
to transport supplies and
injured soldiers
• Chinese wheelbarrows had
two wheels
• required two men to propel
and steer
A Wheelbarrow For Freight.
770 AD
• Inventor is unknown
• Early asian horsemen used
horse booties made from
leather and plants
• First centuary, Romans made
leather and metal shoes
called "hipposandals"
• 1000 AD European horseman
had begun nailing metal shoes
to horses hooves
leanardos flying machines
• 1487 made his first drawing of
a air craft
• in 1490 leonardo produced
drawings for the first ornithopter
• Later he stoped working on flaping
wing design and started on fixed wing design.
• He also made a helicopter and
parachute designs.
• Almost all of leonardos designs
were built in recent years to test
first Submarine
• Designs for underwater boats or
submarines date back to the 1500s and
ideas for underwater travel date back even
further. However it was not until the 19th
century that the first useful submarines
began to appear.
• The first American submarine is as old as
the United States itself. David Bushnell
(1742-1824), a Yale graduate, designed and
built a submarine torpedo boat in 1776. The
one-man vessel submerged by admitting
water into the hull and surfaced by pumping
it out with a hand pump.
first submarine
(turtle submarine)
Blaise Pascal's Public Bus
• 1662 Blaise Pascal
invented the first public
• It was horse drawn
• It had a regular route
schedual and fare system
Paddle Wheel Steam Boat
The use of paddle wheel in
navigation first appears in the
mechanical treatise of the
Roman engineer Vitruvius.
Vitrivius described multi-gear
paddle wheels working as a ship
The first mention of paddle
wheels as a means of propulsion
came from a 4th-5th century
military treatise.
A modern paddle wheel steam boat.
Hotair Balloon
• Hot air balloons first flew in
the air by two brothers named,
Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier
in 1783.
• The materials they used are
very different from us, but we
still use their basic principles.
• These Balloons can fly because
they are buoyant, this means
they are lighter than the air it
Self Propelled Road Vehicle
• Built by French engineer
Nicolas-Joseph Cugnotin
• Designed to pull heavy
• Moved at a walking pace
and had to stop every 1215 minutes to raise the
steam pressure
• It could pull up to 5
• also known as a bike,
pushbike or cycle
• introduced in the 19th
• twice as many as
• A bicycle, also known as
a bike, pushbike or cycle
walking machine
Richard Trevithick's Steam
• Worlds first railway: 21,2,1804.
from Merthyr Tydfil to
Abercynon, Wales
• An earlier model of the steam
locomotive was designed by John
Fitch during the 1780's-90's
• Most models of steam locomotive
use a steel fire-tube boilers
• Richard Trevithicks designed the Full scale replica of Richard
Trevithick's Steam locomotive, in
first steam locomotive in the
the National Waterfront Museum
United Kingdom
First Steamboat
John Fitch - Design Sketch ca. 1787
• the era of the steamboat
began in america in 1787
• John Fitch (17431798)made the first
successful trial of a
forty five foot
• fitch later built a larger
vessel that carried
Early Hybrid Cars
• Ferdinand Porsche
developed the first
efficient working vehicle
by combining gasoline and
• Robert Anderson was the first
the system of electric
known person to create an electric
• His vehicle couldn't go too far, and • this is an example of the
full working car.
had a limited battery power that
was hard to keep charged.
• By 1870 Sir David Solomon
invented a lighter more efficient
vehicle, but this car still faced
difficulties in battery recharging
Gasoline Engine Automobile
• Alphonse Beau de Rochas, a
French civil engineer, patented
but did not build a four-stroke
engine (French patent
#52,593, January 16, 1862).
• The very first self-powered
road vehicles were powered by
steam engines and by that
definition Nicolas Joseph
Cugnot of France built the first
automobile in 1769
First four-stroke gas
The First Motorcycle
In 1876 Sylvester Howard Roper attached a
two-cylinder steam-engine to a bicycle and
the world's first motorcycle was born
In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler strapped a gas
engine to a wooden bicycle and the world's
first gas powered motorcycle was born.
if it weren’t for the invention of this gaspowered wooden gadget 124 years ago, we
might still be getting around by horse and
The First Cable Car
• January 17, 1871 the first
cable car was patented in
sanfrancisco by a man by
the name of Andrew Hallidie
• It was a mechanism by which
cars were pulled by an
endless steel cable between
the rails over the steam
driven shaft in the
A cable car
First Escalator
• An escalator is a staircase
that does all the work for
you, moving up and down on a
conveyor belt to take you up
or down in a building.
• This machine was first made
in 1889 by Leamon Souder ,
this was only the first of
four different designs he
This is an example of what the first
came up with including 2
wood escalator looked like in 1889 by
spiral designs.
Leamon Souder.
• Invented by Count Ferndinand von
Zeppelin, he was born July 8 1838
in Konstanz Prussia.
• Took nearly a decade to develop
• Made the first directed flight on
July 2nd 1900, first commericial
flight in 1910 over lake Constance
• Count Zepplin died on March 8th
Zepplin in flight.
The First Engined Airplane
• This machine powered the first, heavier
than air, self-propelled, maneuverable,
piloted aircraft; the Wright 1903 Flyer,
flown at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in
December, 1903.
• At the time of the brothers first flight,
most of their contemporaries did not use
gasoline powered internal combustion
engines for flight.
• The completed engine developed about 12
horsepower. For comparison, a modern
lawn mower engine develops about 6
First Helicopter
• The very first piloted helicopter was invented
by Paul Cornu in 1907 however, this design was
not successful.
• French inventor, Etienne Oehmichen built and
flew a helicopter one kilometer in 1924.
• One of aviation's greatest designers, Russian
born Igor Sikorsky began work on helicopters
as early as 1910.
• By 1940, Igor Sikorsky's successful VS-300
had become the model for all modern singlerotor helicopters. He also designed and built
the first military helicopter, XR-4, which he
delivered to Colonel Franklin Gregory of the
U.S. Army.
Assembly Line
An assembly line is a
manufacturing process in which
parts are added to a product in
a sequential manner using
optimally planned logistics to
create a product much faster
than with handcrafting-type
• Idea came from some one who
saw at a slaughter house people
repeating the same thing over
and over.
Ford Assembly line, 1913.
Hydrofoil Boats
• Early hydroplanes had mostly
straight lines and flat surfaces
aside from the uniformly curved
bow and sponsons.
• The curved bow was eventually
replaced by what is known as a
pickle fork bow, where a space is
left between the front few feet of
the sponsons to induce air under
the hull, to enable the boat to float
on air bubbles.
Hydrofoil boat 1910
First Liquid Propelled Rocket
The highest specific impulse chemical
rockets use liquid propellants.
Liquid propellants have been used
since the first rocket, and are still
being used today .
On March 16th, 1926, Robert H
Goddard used liquid oxygen and
gasoline as propellants for his first
successful liquid rocket launch.
Robert H. Goddard and the first
liquid rocket
Modern Helicoptors
• Modern helicopters are the most
complex flying mechines.
• The turbine engine advanced the
helicopters capabillities.
• The Revolution Helicopter
Corporation created a single-seat
helicopter that can be built by a
person at home in forty to sixty
First Supersonic Jet Flight
• Dr. Hans von Ohain and Sir Frank
Whittle are both recognized as being
the co-inventors of the jet engine.
• Each worked separately and knew
nothing of the other's work. Hans von
Ohain is considered the designer of
the first operational turbojet engine.
• Hans von Ohain's jet was the first to
fly in 1939. Frank Whittle's jet first
flew in in 1941.
• The hovercraft was invented by
Christopher Cockerell in 1956.
• The theory behind one of the
most successful inventions of the
20th century, the Hovercraft, was
originally tested in 1955 using an
empty KiteKat cat food tin inside
a coffee tin, an industrial air
blower and a pair of kitchen
• Sir Christopher Cockerell
developed the first practical
hovercraft designs, these led to
the first hovercraft to be
produced commercially, the
1956 Hovercraft
Bullet Train
• The Shinkansen or "bullet train"
is a network of high speed
railways in Japan
• Test runs have reached 443
km/h, and up to a world record of
581 km/h
• Government approval to build the
railway came in 1959
• opened October 1st 1964
• Was an instant success hitting
the 100 million passenger mark in
three short years
Bullet Train in China
Apollo 11
• The Apollo project became NASA
priority on May 25 1961
• Mission was to land on the moon
• Was used by President Kennedy to
demonstrate the U.S.'s technological
superiority to the world.
• Took 11 years to fufill, finished July
20, 1969 costing 25.4 billion dollars in
Appollo 11
Jumbo Jet
• The jumbo jet is among the most
recognizable aircrast.
• First commercially flown in 1970.
• Held the capacity record for 37
• Three decks on plane.
• Has 4 engines.
Jumbo jets can carry
around 500 people.
Space Shuttle
The space shuttle was concieved
in 1969.
The space shuttle is a reusable
launch system and orbital
spacecraft operated by NASA.
The Space Shuttle Columbia
was first launched on April
12, 1981 when it orbited
the Earth 37 times in
54.5 hours.
The first launch of the
Space Shuttle Columbia
International Space Station
• The ISS is an internationally
developed space station, being
assembled in low earth orbit
• it began construction in 1998 and
its target date is 2011
• the ISS can be seen from earth
by the naked eye
• By far the largest satellite to
ever orbit earth
• it completes 15.7 orbits a day
International Space Station
Segway Human Transporter
• Segway PT is a two-wheeled, selfbalancing electric vehicle invented
by Dean Kamen
• Segway PTs are driven by electric
motors at up to 12.5 miles per
hour (20.1)
• Gyroscopic sensors are used to
detect tilting of the device which
indicates a departure from
perfect balance.
Paul Blart on the
Modern Hybrid Cars
A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a type
of hybrid vehicle and electric vehicle
which combines a conventional internal
combustion engine propulsion system with
an electric propulsion system.
The presence of the electric powertrain
is intended to achieve either better fuel
economy than a conventional vehicle, or
better performance.
A variety of types of HEV exist, and the
degree to which they function as EVs
varies as well.
The most common form of HEV is the
hybrid electric car, although hybrid
electric trucks (pickups and tractors) and
buses also exist.
Cadillac Escalade Hybrid
Maglev Train
• Eric Lithwaite invented the
first one.
• uses magnetic levitation from
a very large number of
• It is faster and the energy
overcomes the air drag
• much quieter then other
• derived from magnetic
Shanghai will be extending its
maglev train line to the
Hongqiao Airport
Driverless Cars
• A driverless car is a vehicle equipped
with an autopilot system, and
capable of driving from one point to
another without aid from an operator.
• The history of autonomous vehicles
started in 1977
• In 2008, General Motors stated that
they will begin testing driverless cars
by 2015, and they could be on the
road by 2018 .
• -Testing for driverless cars will be by
2015, and on the road in 2018
A robotic volkswagen Passat
shown at Standford Univerity