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Transcript IEW2014-poster-and-teaser

2014 International ESD Workshop
Presentation guidelines
2014 IEW
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 General guidelines
 Guidelines for the poster presentation
 Guidelines for the teaser presentation
 Checklist
2014 International ESD Workshop
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General guidelines (1)
 Every author has to prepare
poster and
teaser presentation
 Please use the provided template for
the poster  IEW2014-poster-template.ppt
the teaser presentation  IEW2014-teaser-template.ppt
 Use Powerpoint 2003 or later version
Macintosh Powerpoint is allowed, but extra precautions should
be taken to ensure compatibility with Windows Powerpoint. The
author is responsible that Mac Powerpoint presentations will
work on Windows  please verify!
2014 International ESD Workshop
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General guidelines (2)
 Strong recommendation to keep closely to this template
 Use 36pt fonts for title on top of each page
 Use 24pt fonts for content
(Or 22pt for 2nd level bullets)
 Use white background
 Use sans-serif fonts
this template is using Arial ( better for slides, presentations)
don‘t use serif fonts like times, etc. ( better for books, newspapers, etc.)
2014 International ESD Workshop
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General guidelines (3)
 General recommendations
The poster / teaser slides should provide the message on a
„first sight“
Use 7-7 rule (maximum 7 lines, maximum 7 words per line)
Avoid long full text blocks
Abstract and references have relaxed rules (more text, smaller
fonts size is allowed)
Avoid poor contrast  no yellow, light gray, light blue, etc. on a
white background! (e.g. no good visibility on some beamers)
2014 International ESD Workshop
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General guidelines (4)
 Recommendations for diagrams / graphs
Keep diagrams simple  don‘t put in too much information or
many different curves
Label all axes of the graphs (including units)
Don‘t use too small font size  make axis labels and numbers
Use legends or labels to identify different curve in a graph
Avoid poor contrast  no yellow, light gray, light blue, etc on a
white background!
Use thick lines
Don‘t use grid lines if not absolutely necessary
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Guidelines for the poster presentation (1)
 The poster presentation contains 24 slides maximum
 Mandatory are:
1. Title page, containing title, all author‘s names, affilations
(logos are allowed here)
2. Biography slide (main author only)
3. Abstract slide (up to 200 words, reduced font size is OK for
this slide)
4. Detail slides (i.e. the technical content of your poster
presentation)  19 slides maximum
5. Next to last slide: Conclusions
6. Last slide: References (one page only. Reduced font size is
OK for this slide)
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Guidelines for the poster presentation (2)
 You must bring a set of color print-outs for mounting on the
poster boards
At the venue there is no possibility to print your poster
Pins are available
 Use A4 or Letter page format
 The printed poster pages will be mounted like shown below:
Slide 1
Slide 4
Slide 13
Slide 16
Slide 12
Slide 21
Slide 5
Slide 24
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Guidelines for the poster presentation (3)
 You must submit a PDF for the printed handouts
not for the teaser
 In the print dialog window enter the following:
Print what: Handouts
Color/grayscale: Color
Handouts: slides per page: 2, portrait-format
PDF-settings: PDF/A (PDF/A-1b, …; includes all fonts and
enables all pictures being printed correctly)
 Ensure that the PDF file is a one-to-one copy of your
Is everything there on the right place and readable?
The authors are responsible to provide a error-free PDF file
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Guidelines for the teaser presentation (1)
 Purpose of the teaser:
It is an advertisement for your work
It should generate interest to discuss your work during poster
It is limited to a short presentation  5 minutes maximum!
• ~1 minute per slide
No Q&A after teaser  discussion at the poster
It should not be a complete summary, but introduce the work
and give some highlights
Highlight, don‘t detail
• e.g. provide (open) questions to the audience and let the answer open for
poster discussions afterwards
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Guidelines for the teaser presentation (2)
 The teaser presentation contains 5 slides maximum
 Mandatory are:
Title page, containing title, all author‘s names, affiliations (logos
are allowed here)
Purpose slide
Teaser content (maximum 3 slides)
See template file
2014 International ESD Workshop
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 Poster:
contains 24 slides maximum
bring a set of color printouts on A4/letter paper format (1 slide
per sheet)
send pdf file for handout (color, 2 slides per sheet)
 Teaser:
 contains 5 slides maximum
 Tip for checking the readability:
Put printed teaser and poster slides on the floor before your feet
Stand up and if you can read everything then it‘s fine
2014 International ESD Workshop
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Deadlines (both for poster and teaser!)
 First draft to mentor & TPC chair & AV chair
Feb 24, 2014
 Feedback from mentors
Mar 17, 2014
 Second draft to mentor & TPC chair & AV chair
April 7,
 Final version to mentor & TPC chair & AV chair
April 15, 2014
Have fun and stay discharged!
2014 International ESD Workshop
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