Examples of Natural Materials

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Transcript Examples of Natural Materials

Materials, New and Old

Where do the materials we use come from?

Can you guess?

Hint: There are three types.


Natural Materials 3

Examples of Natural Materials

• Stone (granite, flint, soapstone, etc.) • Wood and plant fibers • Animal parts (antlers, fur, bones, etc.) • Metal (naturally occurring copper, gold, silver, etc.) • Composites (clay, porcelain, soil, etc.)


Processed Materials 5

Examples of Processed Materials

 Metals from ore, such as iron  Alloys, such as bronze  Hides tanned into leather  Sand used to make glass  Mud combined with straw to make adobe bricks  Clay fired into pottery


Human-Made Materials

Various plastic products, toys, cups, etc.


Examples of Plastics PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate):

Found In Soft drink, water bottles


More Plastic Materials HDPE (high density polyethylene):

Found in milk jugs, water bottles, some trash and shopping bags, butter and yogurt tubs, and cereal box liners.


More Plastic Materials PVC Polyvinyl chloride, Found In:

Window cleaner and detergent bottles, clear food packaging, siding, windows, piping.


More Plastic Materials Nylon:

Found in clothing, athletic equipment, carpet, and rugs.


Recycling Human-made materials

 Some plastics are difficult to recycle  Because they are new to nature, they may take a long time to decompose  Increasing use of plastics makes disposal a problem