Transcript session1

Lecture 1:
Communications systems
Aliazam Abbasfar
 Course Information and policies
 Course Syllabus
 Communication Systems
 Design Challenges
Course Information
 Instructor : Aliazam Abbasfar
[email protected]
Office Hours : ?
 Classes: Su-Tu 11am-12:30pm
 Email list ?, webpage ?
 Grading: HWs 20%, Midterm 50%, Final
 Prerequisites:
 ECE2092 Probability
 ECE2144 signals and systems
Class policies
 Exam dates are fixed (No make-up
 Midterm: TBD
 Final: 88/11/7
 Academic honesty
 HW should be your own work
 Turn off your cell phones during lectures
Course Syllabus
Communication systems overview
Fourier Review
Energy/Power Spectral Density
Random Processes and Signals
Transmission Media
Amplitude Modulation
Frequency Modulation
Comparison of different modulations
Analog to digital conversion
Digital Modulation
Course Summary and Hot Topics
 A.B. Carlson, P.B. Crilly and J.C. Rutlege, Communication
Systems, 4th ed.; McGraw-Hill, 2002
 S. Haykin, Communication systems, 3rd ed., John Wiley,
 J.G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Communication Systems
Engineering, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2002
 L.W. Couch, II, "Digital and Analog Communication
Systems," Sixth Edition, Prentice-Hall, New York, 2001
 B.P. Lathi, "Modern Digital and Analog Communications
Systems," 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 1998
F.G. Stremler, "Introduction to Communication Systems," 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., 1990
Simon Haykin, Michael Moher, "An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications,"
2nd Edition
Communication Systems
 Reliable (electronic) exchange of information
 Voice, data, video, music, email, web pages, etc
 Modern era started by telegraph (S. Morse 1837)
 First telegraph line linked Washington with Baltimore
in 1844
 Binary digital communications system
 Transatlantic cable (US-Europe) in 1858
 Telephone was the next breakthrough (A.G. Bell
 driven so many great inventions
 Wireless communication (G. Marconi 1890)
 Communication Networks (Bell Labs 70’s)
Communication System
Block Diagram
 Source encoder converts message into message signal or bits
 Transmitter converts message signal or bits into format
appropriate for channel transmission (analog/digital signal)
 Channel introduces distortion, noise, and interference
 Receiver decodes received signal back to message signal
 Source decoder decodes message signal back into original
Communication medias
 Wireline (wired)
 Telephony (voice, fax, modem, DSL)
 Ethernet/LAN
 Cable TV
 Backplane copper links
 Wireless (Electromagnetic)
 Over the air communication
 Radio and TV broadcast
 Cellular
 Radar
 Fiber optics
 High speed long haul data communication
 High traffic data transfer
Over the air communication
Frequency allocation needed in shared environment
Band allocation to applications
To avoid interference
Spectrum is a very valuable resource
Government regulations and policies
ITU coordinates between nations
Freq band:
3-30KHz Very low freq. (VLF)
30-300KHz Low freq. (LF)
300K-3MHz Medium freq. (MF)
3-30MHz High freq (HF)
30-300MHz Very high freq (VHF)
300M-3G Ultra high freq (UHF)
3-3GHz Super high freq. (SHF)
L : 1-2G
S : 2-4G
C : 4-8G
X : 8-12G
Ku: 12-18G
Electromagnetic waves propagations
 Ground waves travels along
the surface of the earth
 ( freq < 2 MHz)
 Sky waves reflected by
 Very variable – seasonal
Angle and loss of reflection
Freq < 30 MHz
 Line of sight (LOS)
 No reflection or refraction
 Non Line of sight
 Local reflections/refractions
Communication systems today
 Public Switched Telephone Network
(voice, fax, modem, DSL)
 Radio and TV broadcasting
 Satellite systems (TV broadcast,
voice/data , pagers)
 Computer networks (LANs, WANs, and the
 Cellular Phones
 Bluetooth/wireless devices
 Sensor networks
Public Switched Telephone Network
 Circuit switched network designed for voice
 Local exchange handles local calls and routes long
distance calls over high-speed lines
 Fax, modem, DSL use advanced modulation to send
data over voice channel
 Fiber optics are rapidly replacing copper
Radio and TV broadcasting
 AM radio broadcast started in 1920
 E. Armstrong invented super heterodyne AM
 FM was invented in 1933
 TV broadcast
 Commercial TV began in London (BBC 1936)
 FCC authorized 1941
 Satellite broadcast services
 Rapid migration to digital broadcast
Satellite systems
 Satellite types:
 Geosynchronous (GEO)
 Medium-earth orbit (MEO)
 Low-earth orbit (LEO)
9000 Km
2000 Km
 GEOs first suggested in a sci-fi book (A.C. Clark 1945)
 First deployed satellites
 No Geo
 Soviet Union’s Sputnik in 1957
 NASA/Bell Laboratories’ Echo-1 in 1960
 Telestar I was launched in 1962
Relay TV signals between US and Europe
 First commercial Sat (Early Bird – 1965)
 GEOs
 Wide coverage
 Good for downlink broadcast
 no good in uplink (high power)
 large delay (bad for voice service)
Satellite systems
Lower power
Smaller delay
Need many satellites
Shift towards LEOs in 1990
Global domination
Compete with cellular systems
Failed miserably (Iridium )
Big, power hungry mobile terminals
 Global Positioning System (GPS)
Satellite signals used to pinpoint location
Popular in cars, cell phones, and navigation devices
Natural area for satellite systems is broadcasting
Now operate in 12GHz band
100s of TV and radio channels
All over the world
Communication networks
 LAN/Ethernet technology in 1970
 wireline was popular again
 10 Mbps data rate far exceeded anything available
using radio
 Wireless LAN was enabled by ISM band (FCC 85)
 No license – free band
 But, must have low power profile
 resulted in high costs ($1400 vs $200 Ethernet)
 Wired Ethernets today offer data rates over 1 Gbps
 Performance gap between wired and wireless LANs is
likely to increase over time
 Additional spectrum allocation might help
 WLANs are preferred due to their convenience
 freedom from wires
Wireless LAN overview
 Provides high-speed data within a small region
 1G : 26 MHz spectrum - 900 MHz ISM band
 Data rate : 1-2 Mbps
 No standard
 Not very successful
 2G : 80 MHz spectrum - 2.4 GHz ISM band
 Data rate : 1.6 Mbps (raw data rates of 11 Mbps)
 IEEE 802.11b standard
 Direct sequence spread spectrum
 range : 150m
 IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standard operates with 300 MHz of
spectrum in the 5 GHz U-NII band.
 Data rate : 20-70 Mbps
 multicarrier modulation
 European counterpart : HIPERLAN
 Type 1, is similar to the IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN standard
Latest standards
 802.11n is the latest WLAN standard
 Close to finalization
 Operates in 2.4 and 5.0 GHz ISM bands
 Adaptive OFDM technology
 MIMO technology (2-4 antenna)
 Data rates up to 600 Mbps
 Range 60 m
 Wimax (802.16) : Wide area wireless network standard
 System architecture similar to cellular
 Hopes to compete with cellular
 OFDM/MIMO is core link technology
 Operates in 2.5 and 3.5 GHz bands
 Bandwidth is 3.5-10 MHz
 Fixed (802.16d) : 75 Mbps max, up to 50 mile cell radius
 Mobile (802.16e) : 15 Mbps max, up to 1-2 mile cell radius
Network Protocols and OSI Model
Cellular systems
 The most successful application of wireless networking
 It began in 1915, wireless voice transmission between New
York and San Francisco
 1946 public mobile telephone service in 25 cities across US
 Initial systems used a central transmitter to cover an
entire metropolitan area
 limited capacity
the maximum # of users was only 534 (30 years after first link)
 Solution came in 50's and 60's (Bell Labs)
 Cellular concept
 Frequency reuse
 First cellular system deployed in Chicago in 1983
 Analog system
 Very popular - already saturated by 1984
Cellular systems
 2nd Generation (2G)
 Digital communications
 Higher capacity
 More services (voice, data, paging)
 So many competitors
 Only 3 standards in US!
 GSM is most popular
 Multi-mode devices
 3G
 CDMA technology
 4G ?
Other wireless systems
 Bluetooth and wireless devices
 Sensor networks
 Automated highways, UAVs
 In-body networks
 Communication systems send information
electronically over communication channels
 Communication systems recreate transmitted
information at receiver with high fidelity
 Many different types of systems which convey
many different types of information
 Design challenges include hardware, system, and
network issues
 Focus of this class is design and performance of
analog and digital communication systems
 Carlson Ch. 1
 Proakis Ch. 1