unit14 festivals

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Transcript unit14 festivals

Unit 14
USA and
Trick or
Day of the Dead
Lighting candles for prayers
to the dead
Festivals in China
The Spring
The Dragon Boat
The Mid-autumn
The Lantern
The Double Ninth
Teachers’ Day
National Day
New Year’s Day
The 1st day of the
1st lunar month
The 5th day of the
5th lunar month
The 15th day of the
8th lunar month
The 15th day of the
1st lunar month
The 9th day of the
9th lunar month
September 10th
 October 1st
January 1st
Lion dancing
The Spring Festival
red packets
let off firecrackers
The Spring festival
St.Valentine’s Day
The Dragon Boat Festival
eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races
The Mid-Autumn Festival
eat mooncakes
enjoy the moon
Festivals in other countries
• Christmas Day • December 25th
st Sunday
• Easter
• April Fool’s
• Thanksgiving
• Halloween
after the full
moon between
March 22nd and
April 25th
• April 1st
• The 4th Thursday
of November
• October 31st
Christmas Day
Father Christmas
Christmas Day
Father Christmas
Mardi Gras
Arabic lunar calendar
Easter Bunny
a religious festival
Easter eggs
In both British and American English, HOLIDAYS are often
a time to remember some important person or historical
event. People usually take advantage of the occasion to get
together with family and friends to eat, drink and be merry.
But a holiday can serve a purpose that benefits all people by
promoting peace, happiness, friendship or nature. Because it
serves all people, the holidays can be celebrated around the
world. However, when talking about personal leave from
work or study, American English uses the word VACATION.
FESTIVALS take many forms: not all are national or major
Do you know this?
1. What is Kwanzaa? And when do people
celebrate it?
2. When was Kwanzaa born? Why did
people create it?
3. What does Kwanzaa mean?
4. In what way do people in Africa
celebrate “first fruit” festivals?
5. Try explaining “honour their ancestors”
1. What are the Seven Principles of
Kwanzaa? Can you tell us without
looking at your books?
2. What is the exact date of Kwanzaa?
3. Why do people choose such a special
time to celebrate Kwanzaa?
core sentences
which follows
The week following Christmas Day, many African-American
families get together to greet the new year and think about
the past.
which celebrates
Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and
history of African Americans.
The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, a
way to build society, and a way to celebrate the new year.
We must remember our past and build our future.
Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people
celebrate it by lighting a candle each day.
core sentences
Festivals help us understand who we are, remember where
we come from, and share our hopes for a happy future.
As we celebrate them (festivals), we make new history and
develop our culture.
Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new
festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate
their history and culture.
The people who created Kwanzaa used the word for “first
fruit” in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa.
This way, people who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the
spirit of the holidays without all the commercial activities of
notes taking
Kwanzaa is a festival celebrating the culture and history of
African Americans, as well as __ __ __, which lasts __ ___.
The people who created Kwanzaa used the word for “__ __”
in Swahili. The African first-fruit festivals had many things
___ __. People ___ get together to celebrate their harvest,
give thanks for their life and ___ ___ ___.
The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa come from the ____ of
the African festivals. They are ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
Kwanzaa is a time for ____ and ___ without all the ______
activities of Christmas.People celebrate it ___ lighting ____
candles which stands for the seven principles.
language study
I. People celebrate Mardi Gras by dressing up in costumes …
You don’t need to dress up for this dinner.
I don’t want to go to their wedding because I hate dressing up.
I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient costumes.
The little girl dressed herself up as an angel.
dress: vt. dress sb (oneself)
be(get) dressed in… +衣服或表示颜色的词
vi. dress up
dress up in… / dress up as …
穿 put on
讲 throw on
究 pull on
wear 戴首饰,眼镜,发型
have on
be dressed in
language study
II….people would get together to celebrate their harvest;
people used to give thanks for their harvest and for life.
would: 一般跟动态性动词
used to: 可跟动态性和状态性动词.
He ______ come to my home for help when he had any trouble.
He ______ be a teacher.
When he was there, he _____ go to that coffee shop at the
corner after work.
A. would
B. should
C. had better
D. might
III. The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture…
Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture
and history of African Americans.
language study
IV. Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy…
e.g. He is nice as well as considerate.
= He is nice and considerate as well.
V. We must do as much as we can to make our community
He will drive as carefully as he can _______ (avoid) any
He ran as fast as he could ______(catch) the bus.
We will do everything we can ______ (save) our country.
They did whatever they could ______ (stop) the conflicts.
language study
VI. Our friends will play tricks on us and try to fool us. If a
person is taken in, he or she is called “April fool”!
I. Please take the washing in, if it rains.
II. Japan refused to take in the refugees.
III. Give me time to take in the whole situation.
IV. She didn’t take in what I said.
V. The tour takes in some famous old castles.
VI. She was not easily taken in.
VII.She totally took him in.
欺骗,蒙骗 (常用被动)
language study
VII. Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in
that way we keep our culture alive.
each time: 每次;引导时间状语从句
e.g. every time; the moment; once
1. 每次我一感冒,我的背就痛.
2. Every time when I think of my faraway mother, I will
telephone her.
VIIIl. 重要句式
No fighting or conflicts are allowed.
It is a reminder that … and that…
It is not a sad day, but rather a day to celebrate the cycle of
1. Not he but you ___ (be) wanted on the phone.
2. ___ (be) not you but he going to Beijing on business?
3. Neither you nor I ___ (be) able to persuade him.
4. There ___(be) one or two things I’d like to know about.
5. Not you but ___ ___ to blame.
A. him; is
B. he; is
C. him; are
D. he; are
6. E-mail, as well as telephones, ___ an important part in daily
A. is playing B. have printed C. printed D. have printed
7. The teacher, as well as a number of students, ___ asked to
attend the party last Sunday.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
compare… to…; compare… with…; compared with(to)
1. The youth is often compared ____ the morning sun.
A. with
B. to
C. by
D. as
2. ____ with what you did last year, you have made great
progress this year.
A. Compared B. To compare C.Comparing D.when compared
celebrate; congratulate
1. We ____ him on having passed the examination.
2. The people ___ the victory.
3. I want to ____ you with all my heart.
4. The press ____ his braveness in fighting the thief.
A. congratulated
B. celebrated
C. congratulations
D. celebration
dress sb / oneself ; be dressed in sth; wear; put on; have on
1. Our English teacher ____ a black coat today.
A. is having on B. is putting on C. wears D. dresses
2. They are going to ___ the boy in new clothes.
A. dress
B. wear
C. have on
D. put on
3. The first thing she did after getting up in the morning was
to dress for her two-years-old daughter.
4. While in the college, he used to grow long hair.
5. He got up, dressed and went out in a hurry.
6. Have on your overcoat before going out.
no…or & and
1. They have no books ___ magazines for sale.
2. It can still live for a long time with no water ___ no food.
1. Children are not allowed ____(play) in the garden.
2. They don’t allow ____(throw) litter around, and neither
do we.
have … in common; in common with
1. ___ most young people he hates getting up in the morning
but likes staying up late at night.
A. As
B. In common
C. Liking
D. In common with
2. They had nothing in ___ and no wonder they divorced.
A. common B. usual
C. ordinary D. general
do as much as (all; everything; what; whatever) sb can to
1.He is poor in English, so he has decided to spend as much
time as he can ____ (study) English.
2. Don’t you think we should do as much as we can ____
(help) our friends out?
used to ; would
1. Now he doesn’t have enough money to spend on books as
he ____.
A. would
B. used to
C. spent
D. do
2. There ____ a cinema here before the war.
A. would be B. used to have C. used to be D. were
3. ---Are you a football player?
A. Yes, I was
B. No, but I used to be
C. Yes, I used to
D. No, but I am
4. People ___ believe that the earth was flat, which is not the
case, as we know now.
A. would
B. used to
C. were used to D. are used to
1. Often he ____ sit for hours doing nothing at all when he
was in low spirits.
2. It is ____ walk from the school to the place where I live. 平
A.10 minutes B. 10-minute C. a 10-minutes D. a 10-minute 台
A. should
B. would
C. could
D. might
 3. He’s sure we’ll win the match, but I don’t ____ his faith in
the team.
A. share
B. believe
C. exchange
D. join
4. The rising crime rate has become ____ major concern of
___ society.
A. the;the
B. a;/
C. /; the
D. a; a
5. The taxi driver often ____ passengers to take their
belongings when they leave the car.
A. watches
B. catches
C. remembers
D. reminds
6. We should do as much as we can ____ our country better
and more beautiful.
A. make
B. makes
C. making
D. to make
7. One learns a language by making mistakes and ____ them.
A. correct
B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct
8. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. ____ most people
say it was the worst winter of their lives.
A. At last
B. In fact
C. In a word
D. As a result
9. Roses need special care ____ they can live through winter.
A. because
B. so that
C. even if
D. as
10. Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the
required standard--- ____, you failed.
A. in the end
B. after all
C. in other words D. in fact
11. The woman was ____ by the businessman’s offers of
marriage and stupidly gave him most of her money.
12. A committee was set up to ___ the causes of the plane 平
A. taken in B. taken on C. taken off D. taken out
A. look up
B. look into C. look out D. look around
13. The conflict spread everywhere, into villages, ____ into
the cities.
A. rather than B. or else C. as well as D. instead of
14. The Shanghai you see today is quite a different city from
what it ____.
A .was used to
B. was used to do
C. used to be
D. used to do
15.People celebrate Mardi Gras __ dressing __ __costumes.
16.He played a trick __ Jane and he had to apologize __
treating her __ a nice lunch.
17.___ April Fool’s Day if a person is taken __, he or she is
called “April Fool.”
18.It reminds us that we need to care __ the world we live __
and learn to respect life and nature.
19.___ common __ many other boys, he liked baseball.
20.I don’t believe __ him. He has no faith __ life.
21.If you compare Kwanzaa __ Christmas, you can find it is
similar ___ Christmas in some way.
A. On Nature Day people don’t allow destroying nature.
B. On Nature Day __ __ nature is allowed.
A. In this book the writer tells us how the festival was born.
B. In this book the writer tells us about ___ ___ ___the festival.
A. Many families have a party to welcome the new year.
B. Many families ___ to ___ the new year.
A. We must do our best to make our community better and
more beautiful.
B. We must do ___ ___ ___ we can to make our community
better and more beautiful.
1. Many students signed up for the 800-metres-long race in
the sports meeting to be held next week.
2. People used to giving thanks for their harvests and for life.
3. People celebrate Kwanzaa by light a candle each day.
4. Many teachers worry about the effects of television for
young people.
5. Some children spend on more time watching television
than they spend in school.
6. We must do as much as we can make our community
better and more beautiful.
7. Because so much viewing, children may not develop the
ability to enjoy themselves.
8. The nature is at its best in spring.
self assessment
1. ___ food you’ve cooked!
A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice
2. I was really anxious about you. You ____ home without a
A. mustn’t leave
B. shouldn’t have left
C. couldn’t have left
D. needn’t leave
3. Tom ought not to ____ me your secret, but he meant no
A. have told
B. tell
C. be telling
D. having told
4. Sir, you ____ be sitting in the waiting room. It is for women
and children only.
A. oughtn’t to
B. can’t be
C. won’t
D. needn’t
5. Would you slow down a bit, please? I can’t _____ you.
A. hold on to B. put up with C. make up to D. keep up with.
6. Have a good rest, you need to ____ your energy for the
tennis match this afternoon.
A. leave
B. save
C. hold
D. get
7. Mrs Smith went to her doctor for ____ about her heart
trouble. A. an advice B. advices C. advice D. advise
8. There are so many beautiful pairs ____ that I can’t decide
which to buy. A. to be chosen
B. to choose from
C. to choose
D. for choosing
9. We all write ____, even when there’s not much to say.
A. step by step
B. by and by
C. now and then
D. more or less
self assessment
10.The girl was too young to ____ easily.
A. take in
B. be taken in
C. take up
D. be taken up
11. ____ I got to the reading-room, I found that he ___ there.
A. At every time; read
B. Each time; reads
C. At each time; would read
D. Each time; was reading
12.Her mother ___ tell her stories patiently every evening
when she was a little girl.
A. would
B. should
C. could
D. use to
self assessment
grammer assessment
I. had better
ought to
 表示劝告had better(not),建议should(not),
命令ought(not) to
 表示推测,“理应……” should (ought to) + do
should (ought to) + have done
shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) + have done
1.---I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
---You ____ her last week.
A. ought to tell
B. would have told C. should have told
2.There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ___ come,
but why didn’t you?
A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have
II. must
have to
have got to
 表示主观的义务和必要must, 表示一种客观的需要“不得不”
have to, 常可与have got to 互换
 must 引起的疑问句,肯定回答用 must; have to
否定回答用 needn’t; don’t have to (不必
 mustn’t 表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”
 have to 的否定形式是 don’t have to,相当于 needn’t. have
got to 的否定形式是 haven’t got to
 表示肯定的推测,“一定是,必然”must do
must be doing (正在进行)
must have done (过去)
 表示否定的推测,“一定没有”can’t (couldn’t) do(have done)
 表示可能的推测,“可能” may (might) do(have done)
1.Mike, you ___ play with fire. You ___ burn yourself.
A. won’t; can’t
B. mustn’t; may
C. don’t have to; must
D. have got to; shouldn’t
2.You ___ see the doctor, Joe. You don’t look very well.
A. must
B. shall
C. may
D. can
3. ---Must I clean the window now?
---No, you ___.
A. mustn’t
B. needn’t
C. can’t
D. may not
4. Jack’s ill, so they ___ change their plan.
A. must
B. should
C. have got to
D. ought to
5. Harry has been reading all day--- he ____ be tired.
A. should
B. has got to
C. has to
D. must
self assessment