Download Report


This section covers
• Most common cases
• Disinfection related problems
• Installation problems
• General tips
• Specific cases
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Failed Disinfection
The virus and spyware definition databases are outdated
• Download latest databases
Manual disinfection is required
• Some viruses use advanced techniques to hide and attach themselves to
files and can be disinfected only with specific tools
Infected file is read-only or user lacks permission to access the file
• If the Scan Wizard does not have access to the file, start the computer in
safe mode and log on with an account that has administrative rights and
run the scan again
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Failed Disinfection
File is on a CD or inside an archive.
• You cannot disinfect or delete files on CD or inside archives
False alarm
• In general, the product does not indicate a harmless file, but false
positives happen from time to time
• Send the sample to F-Secure
A new type of virus might have been detected on your computer
• Send the sample to F-Secure
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Location Based Disinfection
Often the location of the infection is more important that the name of
the infection
• Check where the infected file is located and disinfect based on that
• Special locations include mailbox files,Internet Explorer cache folder, Java
cache folder, the Recycle Bin, temporary folders, compressed files,
System Volume, System Restore and Master Boot Record (MBR)
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Infected Internet Explorer Cache Folders
Infected Internet Explorer cache folders are quite common
• These folders are used to store files that Internet Explorer has
downloaded from the Internet (images, HTML pages, executable and
script files).
Removing infection
• Open Internet Explorer and select "Tools" menu, click "Internet Options"
submenu and then click "Delete Files" button in the appeared dialog box
under "Temporary Internet Files". After that Internet Explorer cache folders
are emptied.
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Infected Java Cache Folder
Another place where infections can be found is inside the Java cache
How to remove infections?
• Access the Java cacke folder (e.g. with Windows Explorer), select all files
and subfolders and delete them.
• As this folder contains only cached files, no actual data is lost in this
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Infection in System Restore Files
F-Secure Anti-Virus has detected a
virus in the "System volume
information" or the "_RESTORE"
folder, but it cannot disinfect, rename
or delete the infected file(s)? What can
be done to get access to those files?
• System Restore is a feature of
Windows XP and Windows ME and if
the virus infects the computer, it is
possible that the virus could be backed
up in the system restore folder.
Disinfecting those files requires special
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Archives and Temporary Files
Removing infections from archives
• AVCS doesn’t automatically disinfect inside a archives
• Extract the archive (real-time protection will scan the extracted content)
and then repack the cleaned files
Cleaning temporary folders
• Go to the temporary folder where the infection was detected, select all files
and subfolders and delete them
• The files are temporary, so you do not lose any information!
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Removing Internet Explorer Trojans
The best way to be safe from such trojans (e.g classloader exploit) is
to make sure that Internet Explorer is up-to-date
• Even with updated IE the trojans are sometimes downloaded, but cannot
How to remove existing trojans?
• Update your Internet Explorer using Windows update to prevent any
further infections
• Clear the Internet Explorer temporary file cache
• Scan the computer with FSAVCS to remove any other the downloaded
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Reappearing Virus or Worm
Why does a virus or worm reappear even though I just deleted it?
• Malware (worm, trojan, backdoor etc.) is able to access shared folders
behind weak passwords (e.g. Randex)
• Create strong passwords for existing shares (remove unnecessary
• It is recommended to avoid shared folders (use file servers to share
• Configure personal firewalls to not accept any inbound connections
(even from local network)
• If the virus warning keeps reappearing every time you start a browser,
check your default home page
• Your browser might have been hijacked
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Installation Problems
Some viruses block antivirus
• Disinfect the computer first before
starting the installation
• The Klez virus is removed
automatically during installation
Conflicting software is installed
• Remove all other antivirus and
firewall products (Sidegrade
module should be able to detect
and remove most conflicting
software automatically)
No administrative rights on current
The host doesn’t meet the system
• Update the computer or use an
older version of the software
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What to Do in a Case of Virus Outbreak
1. Disconnect the infected computer form network
If infections keeps spreading, the whole network should be taken down
2. Check if you are dealing with a real infection or a false alarm
Scan the infected computer with the latest virus definitions update
If the infection is identified exactly (e.g. variant description), then you are
dealing with a real infection
In case of a possible new virus or boot sector virus image, send the file
sample to F-Secure
3. Check the virus description from the PMC (Outbreak Tab) or directly from
the F-Secure Web. Download disinfection tools, if needed
4. Once the virus infection is under control (no spreading in the local network
anymore!), you can take the network back into use
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Further Resources
Support pages
Run FSDiag before contacting support
• FSDiag collects important information about the system configuration and
system errors, that can be sent to F-Secure or the partner for analysis
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F-Secure Diagnostics Tool
Diagnostics tool included in the
installation package
• Collects important system information
(eg. logfiles) to an archive on the local
Access points
• C:\Program Files\F-Secure\Common\
• Fsdiag.tar.gz in the same directory
Page 17
Analyzing FSDIAG
System information
• osver.log
Internal alerts
• logfile.log
• hardware.log
• netstart.log
• system.evt
Network information
Conflicting Software
• appliation.evt
• reg_run.log
• ipconfig.log
• route.log
Firewall overview
• fulldiag.htm
Virus definitions update
• header.ini
• daas.log
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Problems with Defragmentation,
Analyzing or Writing CDs
Burning CDs, running defragmentation or disk analysis while real-time
scanner is running might create problems (corrupted disks, hanging
• Real-time protection always causes some overhead on file I/O, which can
cause problems for time-critical file operations such as creating CD-R/CDRW images
• Disable real-time scanning (or unload program) before starting the
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Scanning Time Exceeded
Errors in the logfile.log about files exceeding the scan limit.
• ”Scanning of D:\EXAMPLE.EXE was aborted due to exceeded scanning
time limit. The file may be in use or reading it was too slow (e.g. the
network connection was under heavy load during the scan).”
• This can be changed with central administration.
• Change policy setting "Limit Scanning Time" (found under scanning
options). Please note that this might have negative impact on performance
of your system (recommended value is 25 seconds).
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Error 506
Errors with string "error=-506" appear in the logfile.log
• The error message is only cosmetic. If the computers are under
centralized management, it is caused by forcing some settings as final in
• Changing the locked settings (security level or similar) from the local user
interface causes errors to appear.
• The security level is not actually changed because the setting is locked, it
just produces the errors in log.
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This section covers
• Most common cases
• Disinfection related problems
• Installation problems
• General tips
• Specific cases
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