Changing Your State`s Laws to Support Students Experiencing

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Transcript Changing Your State`s Laws to Support Students Experiencing

26 th Annual Conference October 2014


Why should NAEHCY folks get involved with policy?

• • • You are experts.

• • No one else knows what you know.

Good policies are informed policies.

No one else is likely to take up these issues.

• Children and youth experiencing homelessness are invisible to the public and to policymakers.

As constituents, you have the most power to effect change. 2

Why should NAEHCY folks get involved with



• • • All the same reasons, plus: Many of the laws that affect children and families are state laws.

• • Education Child welfare Many of the laws that affect unaccompanied youth are state laws.


Let’s get started






What law changes do you need in your state?

Where should you start?

Who should be on your team?

How do you approach policymakers?

When will we be done?

Check out NAEHCY’s “State Advocacy Toolkit” at


What law changes do you need in your state?

      Can unaccompanied youth access medical care or shelter?

Can they get their own birth certificates and access their school records?

Do state laws support or hinder McKinney-Vento implementation?

Do state laws make it harder for homeless youth to accrue credits? Participate in sports?

Are there barriers to accessing benefits and services?

How does child welfare law affect your students? Do foster youth have legal rights that could benefit homeless youth?


What law changes do you need in your state? (cont.)

 Ask young people. (How?)  Ask service providers and community members. (Who?)  It’s important to understand the barrier, why it is happening, and what specific steps could address it.

 It’s important to distinguish between implementation problems and legislative problems.


Where should you start?

 Do you have a deeper understanding and specific experience with some issues?

 Are some issues less controversial than others?

 Are there law changes that require little or no cost?  What issues can rally the broadest and strongest support?

 Have your governor or legislators announced related initiatives you can build on?

 Can you build on laws that are already in place, in your state or elsewhere?


Where should you start?

 Research can be helpful!

 CHYP,, and NAEHCY collaborated on CA report 8

Who should be on your team ?

 Who really knows the issue?

 Youth, practitioners (which ones?)  Who can help with the detail work?

 Lawyers (Pro bono? Legal services? NAEHCY?)  Who has relationships at the Capitol?

 You probably know someone who knows a state legislator or two. (Where to start?)  Who is likely to support your bill?

 Don’t forget the media! (Good candidates?)  Who might oppose your bill?


How do you approach policymakers?

 Let the people with the best relationships start the conversation.

 Have a specific proposal and concise justification ready.

 Ask for what you want, and know what you’re willing to accept.

 Have data and real stories!

 Be prepared to answer questions and concerns.

 Go get information you don’t have.

 Prepare witnesses to testify about bills. (Who?) 10

How do you approach policymakers? (cont).

 Solicit letters of support from constituents. (Who?)  Especially members of relevant committees.

 It helps to share draft letters.

 Prepare witnesses to testify about bills. (Who?)  Build momentum. (What organizations are good at


 The media  Advocacy days, especially led by youth  Professional associations 11

Wait: Am I going to get into trouble for this??

 Lobbying: asking legislators to take a specific position on a specific piece of legislation, or urge others to do the same (IRS definition for non profits)  Advocacy: any activity that a person or organization undertakes to influence policy - includes educating, providing information, arguing a cause.


Can you lobby?

 Check to be sure that you can’t.

 I’ve been amazed at how many liaisons can lobby, and how many superintendents support it.

 If you can’t lobby:  Advocate!

  Find others to “ make the pitch ” for you.

Act as a private individual - you don government ’ t lose your rights as a citizen just because you work for 13

When will we be done?

 When you win.

 It may require compromise (SB 177).

 It may require multiple tries (AB 951).

 You may need to add supporters, raise the issue’s profile, tweak your proposal, and/or address opponents’ concerns.

 If the legislature isn’t fruitful, administrative agencies may be able to help.


MD Higher Education Tuition Waiver: Background

 Context: Pre-existing Foster Youth Tuition Waiver  Waives tuition/fees at public institutions for youth under 25 who were in foster care in Maryland as of age 13 (and younger siblings of such youth)  Expanded in 2013  Process: Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Task Force  Included leadership from state agencies (education, child welfare, juvenile justice, housing, public health) as well as advocates, service providers, youth   Consulted with higher education leadership, and NAEHCY Published report and recommendations in Dec. 2013  Key recommendation: expand foster youth tuition waiver to unaccompanied homeless youth

What Does the Tuition Waiver Cover?

 Tuition and fees at MD public colleges (2 and 4 year), universities, and state-approved vocational programs (usually housed in community colleges)  For unaccompanied homeless youth up to age 25  As verified by same parties as FAFSA  Full-time or part-time student

Implementation: The Next Phase

 Reconnect with agency/institutional leadership  Share information and listen to concerns  Identify gaps in legislation and work with leadership to develop implementation guidance  Consult experts  Engage youth  Conduct outreach to target population  Rely on champions in ongoing campaign

CA Successes

SB 177: Homeless Youth Education Success Act  Deems homeless students to meet residency requirements for interscholastic sports, immediately upon enrollment  Requires the California Department of Education and the Department of Social Services to:  Organize an inter-agency work group  Develop policies and practices to support homeless children and youth  Ensure that child abuse and neglect reporting requirements do not create barriers 18

CA Successes (cont.)

AB 1068: Pupil Records  Gives unaccompanied youth age 14 and over the right to access and consent to disclose their school records  Extends these rights to caregivers who enroll students in school using California’s caregiver authorization affidavit  Prevents schools from releasing directory information of students experiencing homelessness, unless a parent expressly consents 19

CA Successes (cont.)

AB 309: CalFresh (SNAP) for Homeless Youth  Clarifies that there is no minimum age requirement for unaccompanied homeless youth to apply  Requires consideration of unaccompanied youth as their own household if applicable  Expedites benefits  Provides for training for LEA liaisons and homeless shelter operators about CalFresh 20

CA Successes (cont.)

AB 652: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act: Homeless Children  Clarifies that the fact that a child/youth is homeless or classified as an unaccompanied minor is not, in and of itself, a sufficient basis for reporting child abuse or neglect 21

CA Successes (cont.)

AB 1733: Free ID cards and birth certificates for homeless adults, children and youth  Must provide verification of homelessness from a homeless liaison, service provider, or attorney  Includes homeless children and youth under ED definition  Language should allow homeless youth to obtain birth certificates on their own

CA Successes (cont.)

AB 1806: Increasing graduation rates  Adds homeless students to existing foster youth exemption from district-specific graduation requirements if they change districts after their 2 nd year of high school.

 Ensures partial credits for students who change schools during homelessness  Requires liaisons to be invited to meetings regarding potential expulsions of homeless students (does not require attendance).

Contact Information

 Monisha Cherayil  [email protected]


 410-625-9409 x. 234  Shahera Hyatt   [email protected]

Patricia Julianelle  [email protected]

 (202) 436-9087 24