Insulin detemir

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Transcript Insulin detemir

Clinical presentation

Insulin detemir: Agenda

Rationale: The need for a new basal insulin


Clinical efficacy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes



Body weight


1 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Rationale: The need for a new basal insulin

2 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

The physiological insulin profile

3 Adapted from Polonsky

et al. 1988

Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Basal-bolus therapy attempts to recreate the physiological insulin profile

4 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Insulin analogues: desired properties

• Meal-related analogues (e.g. insulin aspart) designed to give: • Rapid absorption • Peak action coinciding with peak carbohydrate absorption • Basal insulin analogue should provide: • • Slow and steady rate of absorption Protracted action • Low within-subject variability in action 5 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Therapeutic potential of intensive analogue-based insulin therapy

Achievement and maintenance of glycaemic targets: • • HbA 1c Postprandial plasma glucose • Fasting plasma glucose • • • • Low within-subject variability Reduced risk of hypoglycaemia Minimal weight gain Enhanced convenience and improved quality of life 6 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Pharmacokinetic limitations of subcutaneous exogenous basal insulin

NPH insulin Improved basal insulin 7 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Variability in glucose infusion rate (GIR) profiles for 3 patients with type 1 diabetes following NPH injection

8 Data from study1450 (T. Heise

et al



2003;52 (Suppl.1): A121) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Variability in GIR profiles for 3 patients with type 1 diabetes following insulin glargine injection

9 Data from study1450 (T. Heise

et al



2003;52 (Suppl.1): A121) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

The balance between control and tolerability: data from DCCT


New Engl J Med

1993;328:977 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Factors influencing insulin absorption

• Insulin preparation • Dose, concentration and volume • Physical status (solution or suspension) • • Mechanism of protraction • • • Self association Precipitation Albumin binding Injection site factors • • • • Region of injection Depth of injection Lipodystrophy Blood flow changes e.g. temperature, exercise, hypoglycaemia, ketoacidosis 11 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Receptor binding, metabolic and mitogenic potency of insulin analogues Human insulin Insulin receptor affinity


Metabolic potency


IGF-I receptor affinity


IGF-IR/IR affinity


Mitogenic potency (Saos/B10 cells)

100 2.9

975 ± 173

B10 Asp Insulin lispro Insulin aspart

205 ± 20 207 ± 14 587 ± 50 84 ± 6 92 ± 6

Insulin glargine Insulin detemir

86 ± 3 

18 - 46

82 ± 3 101 ± 2 60 ± 3 


156 ± 16 81 ± 9 641 ± 51

16 ± 1





66 ± 10 58 ± 22 783 ± 13 


12 Adapted from P. Kurtzhals

et al. Diabetes

2000;49:999 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •


13 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

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Strategies for engineering basal insulins

Modification of isoelectric point: precipitation at pH 7.4

• • NovoSol Basal Insulin glargine Strengthening of hexamer association, e.g.

• Co(III)-hexamer Acylation with hydrophobic residues, e.g.

• Insulin detemir 14 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Structure of insulin detemir

15 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

3-Dimensional structure of hexameric insulin

Human insulin Insulin detemir 16 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Potential sites of protraction

In the subcutaneous depot In the circulation In the interstitial space 17 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Insulin detemir Mode of protraction

• • Self association (hexameric) Fatty acid side chains bind to albumin in injection depot • Albumin binding in circulation Protracted absorption ‘Buffering’ effect and minor contribution to protraction 18 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Albumin binding buffers against changes in absorption rate 225 200 175 150 125 100 Absorption rate from subcutaneous depot Interstitial human insulin (muscle/fat) Interstitial detemir (muscle/fat) 75 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Duration

Calculated effect of a 60-minute doubling of absorption rate on the interstitial concentrations of NPH insulin and insulin detemir 19 Data on file: Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Safety of albumin binding (1)

• • • • Plasma concentration of HSA FFA binding sites/HSA molecule Plasma concentration of FFA Insulin detemir conc. at therapeutic dose ~600 x 10 -6 M at least 8 ~300 x 10 -6 M <0.01 x 10 -6 M • Therefore, insulin detemir occupies only a minute fraction of available albumin binding sites HSA: human serum albumin FFA: free fatty acid 20 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Safety of albumin binding (2)

No drug–drug interactions observed in

in vitro

studies with drugs at clinically relevant concentrations.

Compounds investigated: • • • • • FFA (C8 FA, C12 FA, C16 FA) phenylbutazone, warfarin ibuprofen, diazepam Sulphonylureas (tolbutamide, glibenclamide) aspirin, valproate 21 P. Kurtzhals

et al. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

1997;86(12) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Pharmacodynamic profile of insulin detemir - subjects with type 1 diabetes Duration of action (hr) GIR max Pharmacodynamic parameters for insulin detemir and NPH Insulin detemir (mg/kg/min) 0.2 U/kg 12 1.1

0.4 U/kg 20 1.7

NPH 0.3 IU/kg 13 1.6

Insulin detemir 0.2 U/kg Insulin detemir 0.3 U/kg Insulin detemir 0.4 U/kg 22 Adapted from T. Pieber

et al. Diabetes

2002;51(Suppl. 2):A53 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Variability in time-action profile of basal insulins

GIR profiles following four non-consecutive injections of identical doses (0.4U/kg, thigh) in three patients 23 Data from study1450 (T. Heise

et al



2003;52 (Suppl.1): A121) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Clinical efficacy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes

24 D. Russell-Jones

et al. Diabetologia

2002;45(Suppl. 2):A51 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

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9-point blood glucose profiles after 6 months’ therapy with once-daily insulin detemir or NPH insulin Type 1 diabetes

* 25 D. Russell-Jones

et al. Diabetologia

2002;45(Suppl. 2):A51 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

FPG at baseline and after 16 weeks in subjects with type 1 diabetes


= 0.004

26 Data from 1448 study (P. Home

et al



2003;52(Suppl. 1):A122) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Glycaemia results HbA 1C (%) Office FPG (mM) Insulin detemir

q 12 hour

7.75 9.75

Home FBG (mM)


Insulin detemir

am + bed

7.78 8.94

NPH insulin

am + bed





= 0.08

< 0.001



= 0.005

Baseline HbA 1c = 8.60% 27 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Insulin detemir consistently achieves lower FPG values than NPH insulin

Trial 1335 1447 1448 Insulin detemir N 453 252 261 1336* 309 mmol/l endpoint 10.6




N 230 125 119 152 NPH insulin mmol/l endpoint 11.7




Difference Insulin detemir – NPH mmol/l (95% CI) –1.2 (–1.8, –0.5) –1.6 (–2.5, –0.8) –1.9 (–2.8, –1.0) 0.1 (–0.4, 0.5) Meta-analysis of five 4- and 6-month trials in type 1 diabetes † –1.1


< 0.0001

*Study in type 2 diabetes † Meta-analysis of trials 1181, 1205, 1335, 1447, 1448 28 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

HbA 1c : Meta-analysis of phase 3 trials in type 1 diabetes

N Insulin detemir (a) Mean (SE) 983 8.30% (0.01%) N 485 NPH insulin (b) Mean (SE) 8.41% (0.11%) Difference (a-b) after 4–6 months Mean,




< 0.05

Endpoint data from three trials (1335, 1447, 1448) comparing insulin detemir with NPH insulin in basal-bolus therapy 29 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •


30 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

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Variability in time-action profile of basal insulins

Glucose infusion rate profiles following four non-consecutive injections of identical doses (0.4U/kg, thigh) in three patients 31 Data from study1450 (T. Heise

et al



2003;52 (Suppl.1): A121) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Reproducibility: Probability ranges for blood glucose lowering effect of repeated injections

95% probability ranges for individual pharmacodynamic responses relative to the mean 32 T. Heise

et al



2003;52(Suppl.1):A121 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Implications of within-subject pharmacodynamic variability Insulin detemir Insulin glargine NPH insulin

The subject’s risk of experiencing less than half their mean overall insulin effect (hyperglycaemic risk) 0.5% 7.5% 15.5% The subject’s risk of experiencing more than twice their mean maximal insulin effect (hypoglycaemic risk) 0.1% 2.7% 6.5% 33 Data from study1450 (T. Heise

et al



2003;52 (Suppl.1): A121) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Mean fluctuation from average blood glucose level across the day in monitored type 1 patients

Daytime Nocturnal –1 –2 3 2 1 0 6 10 14 18 Time (hours) 22 2 6 Insulin detemir NPH insulin 34 D. Russell-Jones

et al. Diabetologia

2002;45(Suppl. 2):A51 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Within-subject variability of self-monitored pre-breakfast glucose concentrations

Trial 1335 1447 1448 1336 * 1374** Insulin detemir Mean (mmol/l)












*Type 2 diabetes **Analogue vs. HI 35 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir • NPH insulin Mean (mmol/l)












p (SD)

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.001

< 0.05

< 0.0001


36 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Return to Agenda

Overall hypoglycaemic event rate by study 12 months 12 months 6 months 6 months

37 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Nocturnal hypoglycaemic event rate by study in type 1 diabetes 12 months 12 months 6 months

38 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Monthly rate of hypoglycaemic events in type 1 diabetes

39 P. Vague

et al. Diabetes Care

2003;26(3):590-596 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Risk of all nocturnal hypoglycaemic events in type 1 diabetes

40 I. De Leeuw

et al. Diabetologia

2002;45(Suppl. 2):A257 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Relative risk for all hypoglycaemic events: Insulin detemir vs. NPH insulin

Type 1 diabetes

Relative risk

HbA 1c adjusted Insulin aspart as bolus * Human soluble insulin as bolus *




95% CI






Type 2 diabetes

Relative risk (ID/NPH)

95% CI


HbA 1c adjusted Insulin aspart as bolus 0.92



*Meta-analyses of trials comparing insulin detemir with NPH insulin in type 1 diabetes 41 Data on file: Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Body weight

42 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

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Weight gain with insulin therapy

• • • • • Seen in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes May worsen underlying defect in type 2 diabetes Barrier to starting insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes May decrease compliance with insulin regimens May lower self-esteem 43 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Weight gain in type 1 diabetes: DCCT data

Initial 12 months 44 DCCT.

Diabetes Care

1988;11:567-73 and Purnell

et al



1998;280:140-46 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir • Quartile of weight gain at mean follow up, 6.1 years

Weight change in comparative trials in type 1 diabetes

45 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Weight gain in type 2 diabetes: UKPDS data 10.0




0 0 Intensive (Insulin) Conventional 3 6 9 12 Years from randomisation 15

UKPDS Group (33).


1998;352:837-853 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Weight change over 6 months in type 2 diabetes

47 Data from study 1336. (T. Haak

et al



2003;52( Suppl.1):A120 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Mean body weight (kg) and between group difference at end of trials Trial ID 1181 1243 1205 1316 1335 1447 1448 1336 1374 Insulin detemir N Mean 209 76.1

132 76.3

278 71.2

209 71.3

460 76.3

253 76.2

263 75.1

314 85.8

285 73.0

NPH insulin N Mean 206 76.3

118 77.2

136 71.7

96 72.7

234 76.5

122 75.3

122 76.4

155 91.0

283 74.1

Difference: Insulin detemir – NPH [95% C.I.] –1.12 [–1.68, –0.56]* –1.58 [–2.61, –0.56]* –1.01 [–1.57, –0.45]* –1.44 [–2.19, –0.68]* –0.61 [–1.05, –0.17]* –0.95 [–1.46, –0.44]* –0.73 [–1.26, –0.21]* –0.77 [–1.41, –0.13]* –1.01 [–1.37, –0. 66]*

48 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Analogue versus human insulin-based basal bolus therapy: 8-point blood glucose profiles

49 K. Hermansen et al. ADS/ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting: Abstract 510 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Analogue versus human insulin-based basal-bolus therapy: HbA 1c

50 Data from study 1374 (K. Hermansen et al. ADS/ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting: Abstract 510) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Analogue versus human insulin-based basal-bolus therapy: Hypoglycaemia

51 Data from study 1374 (K. Hermansen et al. ADS/ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting: Abstract 510) Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

Summary Insulin detemir provides:

• • • A protracted and reproducible time-action profile Lower FPG than NPH insulin Reduced variability in comparison to NPH insulin and insulin glargine • A risk reduction for nocturnal hypoglycaemia compared with NPH insulin • A reduced risk of weight gain compared with NPH insulin 52 Novo Nordisk • Clinical presentation of insulin detemir •

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