Troop 945 new parent meeting Powerpoint

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Transcript Troop 945 new parent meeting Powerpoint

New Parent Meeting
BSA Troop 945
March 21, 2011
New Parent Meeting
Goals of Scouting
Scouts Organization
Adult Leaders
Rank Advancement
Merit Badges
Uniform Policy
• Troop Outings
• Record Keeping
• Meetings
• Dues/Fundraising/Scout
• Communications
• Troop Committee
• How can you help?
• Summer Camp
• Q & A??
Goals of Scouting
• The Aims of Boy Scouting
– Character development
– Citizenship training
– Physical, mental, and emotional fitness
Aims are Delivered by these Methods
Outdoor Programs
Personal Growth
Leadership Development
Scouts Organization
• Patrols
– Grouping of six or more boys who work together. Each patrol elects its own boy
leader, called a patrol leader.
Troop Youth Leaders
– The troop is actually run by its boy leaders. With the guidance of the
Scoutmaster and his assistants, they plan the program, conduct troop meetings,
and provide leadership among their peers.
– Senior Patrol Leader - top boy leader in the troop. He leads the patrol leaders'
council (PLC) and, in consultation with the Scoutmaster, appoints other junior
leaders and assigns specific responsibilities as needed.
– Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - fills in for senior patrol leader in his absence.
– Patrol Leader - gives leadership to members of his patrol and represents them
on the PLC.
– Assistant Patrol Leader - fills in for the patrol leader in his absence.
– Additional positions include, Quartermaster, Librarian, Historian, Instructor, Troop
Guide, Scribe, Chaplain Aide, etc…..
Scoutmaster and ASM’s
• The Scoutmaster is the adult leader responsible for
the program of the troop and is responsible for
training boys to be Troop leaders.
• With the ASMs, they are responsible to bring
Scouting to the boys, helping the boys grow into
good Scouts and responsible citizens and
Interfacing with the Troop Committee to ensure that
the necessary resources are available to ensure a
good Scout program is provided to the boys.
• A lead ASM is assigned to each Troop outing to
coordinate the activity with the PLC and trip SPL.
Scoutmaster – Garrett Smith
Troop Committee
• The Troop Committee is responsible for seeing that
the necessary resources are made available to
support the Scouts as necessary. These resources
include funding, record keeping, adult recruiting,
boards of review, re-chartering and more.
• Specific Committee positions include:
– Committee Chair, Merit Badge Coordinator, Life-to-Eagle
Coordinator, Board of Review Coordinator, Quartermaster,
Training, and Treasurer (as well as the Chartered Organization
Representative and the Scoutmaster).
Committee Chair – Jim Fraser
Rank Advancement
• Process by which Boy Scout Progresses
Designed to help Scout have exciting and meaningful experience
Education and fun are key to advancement principles
Scout through First Class Ranks focus on Scouting’s basic skills
Goal of BSA and Troop 945: every Scout achieves First Class
within 1 year of joining the Troop
– The last two steps of each Rank advancement is the
Scoutmaster Conference and the Board of Review
Merit Badges
• Over 120 Boy Scout Merit Badges
– Teach Scouts about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and
future careers
– Required for rank advancement beyond First Class Scout
– 21 Merit Badges required for Eagle Scout that include 12 specific
badges (Silver Merit Badges)
– Troop 945 currently has Counselors for 87 of the 120+ Merit
Badges (including ALL Silver Merit Badges)
• Court of Honors are held three times per year
– Monday nights - Instead of the Troop Meeting that week
– Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the boys
Rank Advancement
Merit Badges
Additional awards or recognition
Slide show that documents the Troops activities
Uniform Policy
• Class A Uniform (generally worn)
– Scout uniform shirt, Scout pants, Scout socks, and Scout belt.
• Class A+ Uniform (special occasions, COH)
– Same as Class A plus neckerchief and slide
• Class B Uniform (worn during work activities)
– Scout pants and Boy Scout T-Shirt
Troop 945 Scouts always travel in Class A uniform!!
Recommended Equipment
• Equipment needed for weekend trips
Mess kit (includes fork/spoon)
Water bottle
Scout Handbook
Sleeping Bag
Pocket Knife (once approved)
• Troop provides
– Tent
– food
Troop Outings
• The Troop goes on weekend camping trips about
once a month. These trips are usually within 4 hours
of the Damascus area. The boys are not required to
go on these trips, however they are a lot of fun.
• We usually leave from the Plantations 2 pool parking
• Trips usually cost $20 - $25 dollars and include
camping fees and most meals.
• REMINDER: We always travel in Class A uniform.
Record Keeping
• Troop keeps Merit Badge & Advancement records in
advancement database (TroopMaster)
• Critical that you also keep your own records
Campouts attended
Camped days, miles hiked/backpacked/floated
Service hours and projects
Leadership positions and time
Rank Advancement cards
Merit badge blue cards
• Troop Meetings
– Every Monday (except last Monday of month) at the IWL from 7:30 to 8:30 PM
• Patrol Meetings
– Last Monday of the month, time and location determined by Patrol
• Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) Meetings
– First Thursday of Each Month at the Damascus Rec Center from 7:30 to 9:00 PM
• Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) Meetings
– Last Tuesday of each month at the IWL from 7:30 to 9:00 PM
• Committee Meetings
– Third Thursday of each month at the Damascus Rec Center from 7:30 to 9:00
• Annual dues (Nov), for recharter and troop needs
Full year scouts - $50 / year (includes Boy’s Life)
$60 / year obligation from Mulch sales
Transfer scouts - $1 transfer fee
Trained Adult Leaders – Dues paid by the Troop
Major fundraisers (performed by entire Troop)
– Mulch ( generally sold in Feb and Early March). Mulch delivery
day is mandatory for all families.
– Cowboy Shoots
– Christmas wreaths
– Christmas trees
– Popcorn sales
How do we get the word out?
• Troop Web Site
• Troop Meeting agenda
– Typically e-mailed to Troop prior to meeting
• Yahoo Groups e-mail list
• Adult and Scout announcements at the start of the
Troop meetings
How can you help?
• Troop Resource Survey
Merit Badge Counselor
Specific skill or interest
Plenty of other ways…….
Summer Camp
• Camp Powhatan, Blue Ridge Mountain Council,
Hiwassee, VA
– July 24-30, 2011
– Cost : ~$295 per Scout, ~$160 per Adult
• First year Scouts participate in a specific program
with other Scouts their age (Brown Sea Island).
– Focus on requirements and not Merit Badges
• Dave Wrona is the summer camp coordinator
– [email protected]
Q’s & A’s