Change Management Presentation

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Change Management

What is it?

What are the barriers to change?

How can you help?

Change strategy

People are different

“You’ll never get me up on one of those butterfly things.” 

Why do you think the caterpillar does not want to be a butterfly?




there are many different responses and answers, including:

          Caterpillars have no need to fly. They are well-grounded! Caterpillars can eat anything green and find food everywhere. Butterflies are a stage beyond caterpillars. Butterflies have to fly to get climb. It's easier for butterflies to develop perspective than caterpillars. We can attempt to resist and suffer the stress and difficulties. You have to stop being a caterpillar in order to become a butterfly. Change is not always a conscious decision. Change will occur, inevitably. We can choose to be active participants in change. Or not, maybe. We go through stages of development to death.            Risk avoidance is normal. Change is often actively resisted. Change is inevitable. Caterpillars don't like wings. Caterpillars must hate flying since they don't try. There is a need for vision and perspective -- we're all on a journey. Caterpillars focus only on eating and survival. Butterflies get blown around by the wind and caterpillars can drag their Metamorphosis is an uncontrollable process with an unclear result. Metamorphosis is a dark, damp, confined place, so I'm scared! and my favorite answer:

I'll NEVER be a butterfly; My mother was a moth.

Teaching the caterpillar to fly – S. J. Simmerman  





You work for an organization that is spending millions of dollars on a very important new process that will completely change how you work, and who you work with and require you to think about your job in a totally new way! The success of the company depends on you and your co-workers.

Go knock ’em dead tiger!

Catherine Rezak “The Alignment Factor”




“Thoughtable Quotes


Nestle executive in a 2002 interview with CIO magazine the executive summarized what the company had learned.

“No major software implementation is really about software. It’s about change management… When you move to SAP, you are changing the way people work… You are challenging principles, their beliefs and the way they have done things for many years”

Jon Madonna, CEO KPMG Marwick in Jumping the Curve

“Nothing stops an organization faster than people who believe that the way they work yesterday is the best way to work tomorrow. To succeed, not only do your people have to change the way they act, they’ve got to change the way they think about the past.”

Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince 1532

“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”

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Quality of the Change Initiative X Alignment of People = Results

Michael Fischer; Kimberly Clark

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Change Management

A planned approach to integrating change which includes formal processes for assessing the impact of the change on both the people it affects and the way they do their jobs.

Application of techniques to gain acceptance and understanding of the change and change behavior to take advantage of the new functionality.

Change is the interplay among various forces that are involved in growing something new. Deep change comes only through real growth – through learning and unlearning.

70% of all change initiatives fail due to failure to address human component of change.

HBR by Michael Beer & Nitin Nohria

True stability results when presumed order and disorder are balanced.

A truly stable system expects the unexpected and is prepared to be disrupted, wants to be transformed. – Tom Robbins  




Implementation of large scale business transformation initiatives, like SAP, by nature result in significant and fundamental change...

 How people do their jobs changes  What the job, work content is may change  Who people work with and report to may change  The tools (systems, reports, etc.) of the job and how people interface with them change  Implementing the initiative requires additional, unfamiliar work, maybe in unfamiliar locations  New skills, behaviors will be required  Employee assignment  Controls (over process and information) will change  How information is provided, accessed, and shared will change 

CHANGE MANAGEMENT Helps Determines How People Will React To These Changes, And Therefore, The Ultimate Success Of The Transformation of the VISION, KNOWLEDGE, & RESPONSIBILITY




Phase Shock and Surprise Denial and Refusal Rational Understanding Emotional Acceptance Exercising and Learning Realisation.

Description Confrontation with unexpected situations. This can happen ‘by accident’ (e.g. losses in particular business units) or planned events (e.g. workshops for personal development and team performance improvement). These situations make people realize that their own patterns of doing things are not suitable for new conditions any more. Thus, their perceived own competence decreases. People activate values as support for their conviction that change is not necessary. Hence, they believe there is no need for change; their perceived competency increases again.

People realize the need for change. According to this insight, their perceived competence decreases again. People focus on finding short term solutions, thus they only cure symptoms. There is no willingness to change own patterns of behavior. This phase, which is also called ‘crisis’ is the most important one. Only if management succeeds to create a willingness for changing values, beliefs, and behaviors, the organization will be able to exploit their real potentials. In the worst case, however, change processes will be stopped or slowed down here. The new acceptance of change creates a new willingness for learning. People start to try new behaviors and processes. They will experience success and failure during this phase. It is the change managers task to create some early wins (e.g. by starting with easier projects). This will lead to an increase in peoples perceived own competence.

People gather more information by learning and exercising. This knowledge has a feedback-effect. People understand which behavior is effective in which situation. This, in turn, opens up their minds for new experiences. These extended patterns of behavior increase organizational flexibility. Perceived competency has reached a higher level than prior to change. Integration

People totally integrate their newly acquired patterns of thinking and acting. The new behaviors become routine.




Phases of Change

Oliver Recklies  




Moving beyond the barriers to change










Expect resistance Remember the “20-50-30” rule Get resistance out into the open Choose opening moves carefully Explain the rationale for change Provide a clear aiming point Promise problems Beware of bureaucracy Wear your commitment on your sleeve 10.

Take care of the “me” issues 11.

Alter the reward system to support change 12.

Seek opportunities to involve 13.



your people Over-communicate Make sure people have the know-how needed 15.

Track behavior and measure the results Outrun the resisters 

Price Pritchett;

“Resistance – Moving beyond the barriers to change” 1996 ©


J. M. Juran’s Analogy

Juran likens the team to the bee crashing into the window over and over again until it falls from exhaustion.

Resistance to a project can be invisible unless they are sensitized to the existence of a cultural pattern.

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Expect Resistance

Resistance is the common side effect of change.

It has been said people do not resist change, they resist being changed.

What complicates the picture is that different individuals and groups react in different ways at the same time to the same change.

Change triggers the organization’s immune system sort

of like antibodies. Resistance can be valuable by defending the health of the organization and individuals.

But it can also cause problems. Resistance is a very reliable barometer to measure the impact of change, but not a good gauge of how appropriate the change may be.

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20-50-30 Rule

Resister 30% Change Friendly 20% Fence Sitter 50% Generally time is best spent trying to woo the fence sitters, BUT you must manage the Resisters.

Never presume you must have buy-in from everyone before moving forward. For some, buy-in will only come later (if at all) after the results are in which prove the change was both appropriate and successful.

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Categories of resisters

Understand who are the roadblocks to change 1.

Those who call attention to themselves – high profile in their resistance. Make most noise generally smallest group.


Moderates. Some disguise it to be politically correct. Normally largest group.


Undercover. Resist on the sly, subversive resistance many time through others. The most dangerous type. They demonstrate signs of passive resistance with stronger undertones.

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Acceptance Indifference Passive Resistance Active Resistance — — — —



Cooperation under pressure


Passive resignation


Apathy; loss of interest in the job

Doing only what is ordered

Regressive behavior



Working to rule

Doing as little as possible

Slowing down

Personal withdrawal (increase time off)

Committing “errors”


Deliberate sabotage

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Arnold S. Judson, Changing Behavior in Organizations: Minimizing Resistance to Change


J. Sommer 2004

Resistance guidelines

Always make it safe and easy for people to open up

Operate from premise that people resist for what they consider good reasons. Evaluate the legitimacy, understand the reasons.

Get beyond superficial answers to the true issues (root cause – Ask the 5 Why’s)

Try to understand their position, most resist for good reasons

Listen to them, they may really be an ally and prevent you from doing something dumb.

Treating resisters with respect and dignity may alone keep resistance from escalating.

Discounting it gives them the feeling they must fight. Disallowing it will drive it underground.

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Choose your opening moves carefully

Subtle approach - change quietly and gradually under the radar

Middle of the Road - slow start then accelerate.

Bold & Dramatic to shock the organization and overcome inertia.

Know your organization and people. Opening move is crucial. The way you start says a lot about the way you finish.

Wrong initial messages can cause irreparable harm.

Need to help people pass through the transition phase and convert initial emotions into positive ones of hope, motivation and enthusiasm.

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Explain the rationale for change

Resistance is rooted in lack of understanding

Give Vision, objectivity & perspective

Give them the logic that is driving the change

The change should tie to business, departmental, personal objectives.

Don’t expect everyone to “get it” if you explain it only once or twice

“Breaking form for the sake of breaking form is only an empty gesture unless the context, the stuff inside the form is intrinsically special and unique.”

- The Republic of Tea

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Provide a clear aiming point

Well defined and understandable goals

Provide a clear map, a picture of the future that is clear not fuzzy

Aiming point should be desirable for the business and people. Needs a good marketing campaign.

Change needs to be purposeful for people to commit

Change should be a bridge to the Vision

“If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra

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Promise problems – uncomfortable transition

"In the transition from being a caterpillar to becoming a butterfly, for a time you're nothing more than a yellow, gooey sticky mess."

Resistance spikes when issues arise

During the “sales pitch” of the project be honest about what is coming

Create a project “Warning Label”

Better chance handling problem if known ahead of time

Attitude “turn lemons into lemonade” can do approach to handling problems

Everyone is either part of the problem or part of the solution – be part of the solution

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Beware of bureaucracy resisters are not only people

Bureaucracy is politics, systems, processes; anything that bogs down the organization.

Its primary virtue is to stabilize, providing structure. It can have a habit of reproducing itself – without removing out dated bureaucracy.

Encourages doing things the same as always.

Beware of “informal” networks.

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” - Max DePree “Things are this way because they got this way and unless things change, things will continue to remain the same.” - Scott J. Simmerman  




Change attributes in conflict with bureaucracy

 

Ambiguity, Uncertainty Confusion

“And after all, how would we know we were making any progress if things didn’t go ‘Thump, Thump?’” - Scott J. Simmerman  

Renegotiation of power Shifting roles and responsibilities

“Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy” – The Eagles   

Elimination of Not Invented Here Think out of the box Solicit input, feedback

Go fast - decide and move forward People will often resist change because they are comfortable with how things are, right now. Goals are set based on the Square Wheels.

By identifying Square Wheels and Round Wheels, we increase discomfort with the way things are and we make change more likely. Risk comes from not changing. We need to make the round wheels useful.

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Wear commitment on your sleeve

People will “test the limits” looking to find their own proof of how serious you are about the change.

Once you have settled on a course of action you must be obvious, passionate and determined to follow through.

EFFECT (to bring about or execute) not just AFFECT (to influence)

Which is really committed to breakfast?




Take care of “me” issues

People want to know how it will affect me

Toughest thing to deal with is not knowing

Lack of adequate communication results in rumors and increased number of resisters

People instinctively start to resist change when they can’t draw a bead on what’s about to happen to them

Initial emotions are fear, denial, shock, resentment, stress, cynicism over latest flavor-of-the-month program, negative prior experience of similar project, etc.

“There’s nothing I’m afraid of like scared people” - Robert Frost

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Team Lessons from Geese V Formation

In the fall when you see geese heading south for the winter flying along in the "V" formation, it has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.

Encourage them to learn from the V-team.

- Agree on the goal.

Work as a team. Don’t create drag.

- Be willing to help others.

- Be willing to get help from others.

- Do all you can with your talents, knowledge and abilities.

- Be willing to lead. - Be willing to let others lead.

- Honk to encourage each other. - Stand by those who get sick or wounded along the way.

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Alter reward system to support change


Do people perceive they will lose in the change process?


Will work be harder for a time, longer? More work?


Initially will there be more job stress?


Does hanging on to old habits make good sense to people?


Are the compensation criteria aligned to the new or old system?

Give people eye-catching reasons to do things differently.

Pass out “psychological paychecks” (praise, honor, attention, awards, etc.) to supporters.

Consider if negative reinforcement is needed for those fighting the change.

Make it visible.

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Seek opportunities to involve people

Change is more likely to be accepted if we don’t think it is being forced upon us without representation

Look for opportunities to involve people, for them to have a role

However; “Change by committee” gets clumsy. Don’t want to set the false expectation that all must agree or all must have input before the change will occur.

The good news is if they see representative involvement and are given proper communication, their concerns are more likely to be addressed

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Active Passive Part of Decision Making Process Part of Planning and Design Input to Planning and Design Consultation Input Inclusion

Making and implementing decisions

Task assignments with accountability

Formulating proposed plans and solutions to problems

Planning groups

Task forces

Analysis of problems and alternatives

Task forces

Formally established councils or committees

Group suggestions and recommendations

Formally established councils or committees

Informal groups

Individual suggestions

Face to face discussions of problems

Face to face invitations to voice opinions

Electronic exchanges

Attendance at briefings

Inclusion on distribution lists

Read project communications

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Arnold S. Judson, Changing Behavior in Organizations: Minimizing Resistance to Change


J. Sommer 2004

Over Communicate

Somebody once said; “The more unpleasant the message the more effort should go into communication” Failure to communicate will fuel the rumor mill.

Multiple modes of communication

Multiple types of communication

Frequent and consistent messages

Listen, provide a means to have a two-way street

A direct correlation between quality of communication and resistance

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Make sure people have the know-how needed

What do people do most when they don’t know what to do?

What looks like obstinacy or lack of cooperation on the part of your people may prove to be a simple lack of know-how.

Fears of becoming obsolete, unclear expectations, inability to perform to prior levels, failure.

They may decide it is best to do nothing as opposed to doing something wrong.

May find what they think is short cut and instead harm another part of the process.

“Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I learn”.

- Anonymous

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30 Learning not Training



Experiential Learning Process

 Vision, Big picture  Learner driven, team based  Build insight  Allow time for reflection& internalization  Mistakes are a tool for learning  Nurture new mental models  




Track behavior and measure results

Major change efforts require monitoring. Things go wrong and unexpected situations develop. Be flexible, adaptable, responsive.

Some resistance is telling you the game plan has flaws. Other resistance is a hindrance to the success of the project. You need to differentiate.

Need to track:

Time tables




Destructive Criticism

Drifting off course or regressing back to old ways

Circumventing system in place with “back room” processes.

"It is a bad plan that admits of no modification." — Publilius Syrus First Century BC  




Outrun the resisters

Resisters rely on a strategy of delay. They hate fast. They hope slow turns into stop.

Evan after the decision has been made they want to sit down, talk things over, weigh risks again…again, consider other options, ruminate over what might possibly go wrong and value deliberation.

In today’s business slow change doesn’t have a very high success rate. There are far more failures from going too slowly that from exceeding some imaginary speed limit.

“It gets late early out there” – Yogi Berra




How can you help?

Everyone who is part of implementing the change management process is a Change Agent (“seed carriers”).

The next slide illustrates the desirable characteristics for a change agent.




Change Agents

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The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It's the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats® guidelines are observed.

The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It's an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions.

The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates.

The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit The White Hat calls for information known or needed. "The facts, just the facts.“ The Black Hat is judgment - the devil's advocate or why something may not work. Spot the difficulties and dangers; where things might go wrong. Probably the most powerful and useful of the Hats but a problem if overused.

A process to engage people in a constructive manner to creatively solve problems

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S T A T E P R E S E N T PREPARING for CHANGE (Awareness & Desire):

       

Why do we need to change?

What is the present state like?

What is the future state like?

What is going to change?

How will affect me?

What are our risks/problems?

Who are the resistors?

What will be the keys to success?

    

Clear understanding of the need for change Quality of leadership Commitment of Sponsors Clear vision of future & Strategy Change Structure MANAGING CHANGE IMPLEMENTING CHANGE (Knowledge & Ability):

      

What is our change process?

How do we involve people?

How do we best internalize changes?

How do we best use our change levers?

How do we position change as a opportunity?

How do we implement new roles, skills and abilities?

How do we minimize the negative impact to people and business?


     

TRAINING Vision, Big picture Learner driver, team based Build insight Allow time for reflection& internalization Mistakes are a tool for learning Nurture new mental models CEMENTING the CHANGES (Reinforcement):

       

Monitor behavior & results Implement reward system Have all concerns been surfaced and addressed?

Are the sponsors champions of the project?

Is the 2-way communication system working effectively?

Are the 6 Thikning Hat principles being used?

Is the learning system effective?

Is the organization ready?

     

Effective 2 way communication Measurement systems Infrastructure aligned Reward systems aligned Organizational structure aligned Skill of change agents MAXIMS TO LIVE BY

    

Communicate, communicate, communicate Continuous improvement is key to success We'll keep trying until we get it right Invest in Quick Wins & Celebrate successes Everyone is different, capitalize on it

Copyright Richard M. DiGeorgio Modified by John Sommer     

Think outside the box, experiment Create ownership and involvement Walk the talk Hold people accountable Utilize 6 Thinking Hats approach MANAGING CHANGE 37


37 F U T U R E S T A T E

Executive Committee

Vision Rationale Support

Project Management Project Communication Core Team Executive Sponsor Change Management Teams Champion

Action Plans Issue Resolution Timely Decisions Positive Reinforcement Communication Design Test Configur e Train

Field Team Users

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38 Integrate the change



Working the people component

change is about people

We need to understand the people in order to implement an effective strategy of change management.

The next set of slides focus on understanding personality types. There are various methods to determine a person’s personality type. I present one, PCM, in this presentation. The objective is to increase the awareness of differences and complexities of people. While it is great to know everyone’s type in order to best understand how to interact, gaining a better understanding of yourself will also be of tremendous benefit.




"If you want them to listen to what you say, talk their language." Taibi Kahler, Ph.D.


Process Communication Model (PCM)

provides a reliable and validated method of identifying and understanding personality structures, life passages, and communication dynamics. Based on a scientific award –winning clinical discovery PCM has been researched through thirty years and experienced by half a million people on five continents in such applications as sales, business, education, politics, religion, medicine, parenting, and personal relationships. Individual personality structure is comprised of six, separate and mutually exclusive behavior types, called










, and


. Likened to a six-floored condominium, personality structure is ordered, indicating the relative amount of time a person experiences and demonstrates the behaviors of a given type floor.

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PCM Example

base current

Promoter Rebel Dreamer Persistor Workaholic




PCM Demographics

80 70 60 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 Female Workaholic Male Reactor Total Pop Persister Dreamer Rebel




 



Thinks first; identifies and categorizes people and things. 

Character strengths:

organized. Logical, responsible and 


Mr. Spock, Des Cartes, Jonathan Hart, HAL, Emily Bronte, George Washington Carver, Joan Crawford, Joe Friday 

% of U.S. Population:

are male. 25%; 25% are female, 75% 

Facial Expressions:

Horizontal lines on the forehead. 


Organized, functional, orderly, contemporary; Awards, certificates, plaques displayed. Everything in its place. 


Ability to think logically; takes in facts and ideas and synthesize them.

Management Style:


Channels of Communication:

Requestive • • • • • • • • •


Feels first; takes in people and things by feeling about them.

Character strengths:


Compassionate, sensitive and


E.T., Mr. Rogers, Jennifer Hart, Uncle Remus, Dr. "Bones" McCoy, C3PO, Lassie, Dinah Shore, Barney

% of U.S. Population:

male. 30%; 75% are female, 25% are

Facial Expressions:

Half moon lines over the eyes


Cozy, soft, nest-like; plants, family pictures, pleasant smells, comfortable furniture, soft colors, soothing music.


Ability to nurture, be empathic and to give to others. Good at creating harmony.

Management Style:


Channels of Communication:

Nurturative • • • • • • • • •


Judges first; evaluates people and things with opinions.

Character strengths:

conscientious Dedicated, observant and


Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Madame Curie, Superman, Florence Nightingale, Archie Bunker, Eleanor Roosevelt.

% of U.S. Population:

male. 10%; 25% are female, 75% are

Facial Expressions: Office/Home:

Furrows between the eyes. Functional; traditional furniture, period pieces, antiques or oriental motif.


Ability to give opinions, beliefs, judgments.

Management Style:


Channels of Communication:

Requestive • • • • • • • • •


Reflections; is motivated externally

Character strengths:

Imaginative, reflective and calm.


Radar O’Riley, Forrest Gump, Greta Garbo, Albert Einstein Clark Kent, Charlie Brown, Gary Cooper,

% of U.S. Population:

male. 10%; 60% are female, 40% are

Facial Expressions:

age. Smooth face, few lines even with


A place to work or live, plain, rustic, no frills; environment is not that important.


Ability to be introspective; works well with things, tasks. Usually very adept with work requiring hand skill.

Management Style:

Autocratic (receives)

Channels of Communication:

Directive (receives) • • • • • • • • •


dislikes. Reacts to people and things with likes and

Character strengths:

Spontaneous, creative and playful.


John Belushi, Dennis the Menace, James Dean, Scarlett O’Hara, Hawkeye Pierce, Lucy, Snoopy, Genie (in Aladdin)

% of U.S. Population:

male. 20%; 60% are female, 40% are

Facial Expressions:

mouth. Smile lines around the eyes and


Full of stimulation, posters, games, toys, lights and sounds.


Ability to play and enjoy the present.

Management Style:

Laissez Faire

Channels of Communication:

Playful • • • • • • • • •


Action oriented.

Character strengths:


Adaptable, persuasive and


Tokyo Rose, P.T. Barnum, Errol Flynn, Preston Tucker, James Bond, Snydley Whiplash, Marco Polo, Calamity Jane

% of U.S. Population:


5%; 40% are female, 60% are

Facial Expressions:

Ruddy complexion. Uses expressions to make a point.


Thick carpets, stuffed chairs, trophies, blacks and reds.


Ability to be firm and direct.

Management Style:


Channels of Communication:

Directive  




WORKAHOLIC PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires being recognized for thinking and for accomplishments. "Good work," "Great idea," "A job well done." Requires time structure. Wants to know deadlines. Distress Sequences: 1st Degree: Expects self to be perfect. Doesn’t delegate well. 2nd Degree: Frustrated with people who don’t think clearly enough. Over controls with criticisms about money, order, fairness or cleanliness. (I’m OK… You’re not OK.) 3rd Degree: Rejects others: "They can’t even think." REACTOR PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires being recognized as a person. "I care about you," "Do you like me for me?" Requires an environment that pampers the senses. Distress sequences: 1st Degree: Over adapts and pleases others in an attempt to be accepted. 2nd Degree: Feels confused, makes mistakes or invites criticism. (I’m not OK…You’re OK.) 3rd Degree: Gets rejected: "I didn’t feel wanted." PERSISTER PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires conviction/belief recognition. "I admire that about you." "I value your opinion." Requires work recognition. "Great job." Distress Sequences: 1st Degree: Expects others to be perfect. Focuses on what is wrong instead of what is right. 2nd Degree: Frustrated with people who don’t share beliefs. Pushes beliefs (preaches at) or crusades. Righteous and suspicious. (I’m OK…You’re not OK.) 3rd Degree: Forsakes others: "They don’t have any commitment." DREAMER PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires having private time and own space. Distress Sequences: 1st Degree: Experiences having to be strong. Spreads self too thin. 2nd Degree: Feels shy, inadequate, embarrassed and withdraws. (I’m not OK… You’re OK.) 3rd Degree: Gets left out: "Nobody told me what to do." REBEL PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires playful contact. Enjoys humor. Likes stimulating fun environment. Distress Sequences: 1st Degree: Tries to understand or tries do something. Invites others to think or do the thinking for them. Delegates inappropriately. 2nd Degree: Gets kicked, becomes angry, and blames. (I’m OK…You’re not OK.) 3rd Degree: Gets censured: "I’ll show you." PROMOTER PERSONALITY PHASE Psychological Needs: Requires incidence, a great deal of excitement in a short period of time. Distress Sequences: 1st Degree: Expects others to fend for themselves. Doesn’t adequately support people. 2nd Degree: Bends or breaks the rules. Vindictive. Manipulates with believing that the end justifies the means. (I’m OK…You’re not OK.) 3rd Degree: Abandons others: "Can’t take it, huh?"

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Now go forth and teach others to fly

Go to the people Learn from them Love them Start with what they know Build on what they have But of the best leaders When their task is accomplished Their work is done The people will remark: "We have done it ourselves."

2000 Year Old Chinese Poem

