Female/Male Notes

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Female/Male Notes
Animal Reproduction =
Female Reproductive System
a. Female reproductive organ = Ovary
egg production and release
produce estrogen and progesterone,
Either side of lower abdomen
1.5 inch oval in size
What is the egg (Ova)?
female reproductive cell
23 chromosomes
has a food supply
size of a dot (largest cell
in the body)
II. The egg (haploid = 23 chromosomes)
a. When are eggs made?
Prior to birth in the female fetus
each ovary has between 200,000 and
1 million eggs present
each contained in a follicle
When are the eggs released?
a. First time is at puberty when female
makes estrogen to cause eggs to
b. one follicle ruptures every 28 days
c. ovulation is the release of an egg
d. ruptured follicle = corpus luteum
e. corpus luteum makes progesterone
f. ovaries take turns releasing an egg
Does the female actually release all
of her 400,000 eggs?
a. no – takes too long
b. only about 400 eggs get used up
c. fertile span (12 – 50 years old)
(http://biology.clemson.edu/biolab/ovum.html )
Where does the egg go after
a. leaves ovary and attempts to get into
b. opening of oviduct is about the size of
a hyphen
c. oviduct is not connected to ovary
d. oviduct is 4 inches long with cilia to
push egg along
e. trip takes 6 – 10 days
a. Trace the path of the egg from ovulation (release) to
implantation (pregnancy):
Captured by fimbrae of oviduct
Travel down oviduct, fertilized by sperm
Growing ball of cells implanted in uterus wall
How long does an egg live?
a. 72 hours after ovulation
b. 24 hours in oviduct
c. dies after 72 hours and disintegrates
because food supply is gone
d. if fertilized, pregnancy starts and
another food supply is created
Ovary – 1.5 inch sphere
Oviduct (Fallopian Tube)–
Tubes from near ovary into the
Uterus –
Pear shaped organ, womb
Endometrium –
inner lining of the uterus
Myometrium - layer of muscle
Cervix –
opening at the base of the uterus,
dilates open during delivery of a
Vagina –
tube to the outside of the body
Picture female parts
If the egg gets fertilized, where
does it go?
Uterus – pear shaped and very
Are drugs, medication or diet going to
affect the final outcome of the egg?
No – meiosis is unaffected once it is
However, mitosis is greatly affected so
fetal development can be harmed.
What affects the female’s
reproductive system?
a. pregnancy
b. venereal disease
c. age
d. Stress and emotions
e. cancer (27% of female cancers affect
reproductive system, 18% breast
cancer, 9% uterine cancer)
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Breast enlarge
Body contours change
Genitals develop
Pubic hair
armpit hair
Menarche = 1st menstruation
VIII. Hormones 
Estrogen and _Progesterone_ are made in
the _Ovary_
Estrogen and
vulvovaginitis an inflammation of the
vulva and vagina.
ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized
egg, or zygote, doesn't travel into the
uterus, but instead grows rapidly in the
fallopian tube.
endometriosis when tissue normally
found only in the uterus starts to grow
outside the uterus — in the ovaries,
fallopian tubes, or other parts of the pelvic
cavity. It can cause abnormal bleeding,
painful periods, and general pelvic pain
Male Reproductive System
Male reproductive organ = Testes
Produce sperm, nourish sperm, and
produce testosterone
a. develop in region near Kidneys in an
b. must descend through a canal into scrotum
c. Hernia – wall tears
d. reason outside of body – 98.6 Degrees too
warm for sperm to be made
What is the sperm?
tad pole shape
b. Able to move
around by flagella
c. no food supply of
their own
d. 23 chromosomes
1/500” long
f. f. 300,000,000/tsp
produced in large
numbers 10-30
billion daily
g. Father determines
sex X or Y
Sperm (haploid = 23 chromosomes)
When are sperm produced?
a. during meiosis called spermatogenesis
b. 400 billion in a lifetime
How long does sperm live?
Between 48 - 72 hours out of the body.
Where would a sperm meet an egg?
a. introduced into vagina and then meets egg in
oviduct or fallopian tubes
b. Only 50 of the 2-300 million get close to the egg
How are sperm released (ejaculation)?
Through the vas deferens and out the urethra
Testis – 1.5 inch oval in the scrotum,
produce sperm and sex hormones
Seminiferous tubules – Site of
spermatogenesis (sperm making)
located inside testis
Epididymis – store and nurture sperm
Vas deferens – long tube where sperm
travels to urethra
Prostate –secretes milky alkaline fluid to
decrease acidity of vagina and fluid to
help with propelling
Seminal vesicle – Produces fructose or
food for sperm energy
Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland) –
Secretes mucus-like fluid for lubrication
Urethra – Common tube for sperm and urine
Penis – External male organ
Prepuce (foreskin) – Often removed
Scrotum - suspends testes away from body
Sperm production:
Sperm vs. Semen
Sperm are the reproductive cells
Semen consists of the cells,
nourishing fluids, and lubricating
fluids from Cowper’s, Seminal, and
Prostate Glands
What is circumcision?
Removal of the foreskin (prepuce)
Difference between meiosis and mitosis?
Meiosis = gamete
Mitosis = growth
What effects sperm?
Age, diet, drugs, medication
Secondary Sex Characteristics
Produce sperm
Lowered voice
Pubic and armpit hair
Body contours change
Genitals develop
Some research indicates
testosterone  hair loss
Hormone - _Testosterone_ made in the
Sperm is made from puberty to
Problems with Male Parts
Testicular cancer
Age: most often occurs in men between the
ages of 15 and 40.
Undescended testicle: testicles do not descend
from the abdomen, where they are located
during fetal development, to the scrotum shortly
before birth.
Family history:
Race and ethnicity
Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis
Caused by STD or bacterial infection