coopzone_powerpoint March 23, 2011 eco-co

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Transcript coopzone_powerpoint March 23, 2011 eco-co

Ecovillage Definition
self-identified communities committed to
living in an ecologically, economically,
culturally and spiritually sustainable way
roots in the intentional communities,’
movement, individuals, organizations,
businesses, existing settlements and
intentional communities/co-housing groups
can all contribute to the ecovillage vision
(Source: Ecovillage Network of Canada)
5 essential elements of an
Group united with the same goal living together on
the land according to agreed to sustainability
Community spirit is at the heart
Essential values of mutual help, cooperation,
solidarity and having regard for each other are
Allow residents to feel secure and confident to
develop dynamic relationships and to express
Value diversity
Health is viewed as prevention and not just healing
Permaculture design
Inventory of all natural resources, plans,
wildlife habitats etc
Develop a plan for the built environment
that has the least impact
Ecological building
Other considerations
Specific ecological values of the community
Financial balance (financial
Economy based upon the skills and capacity
of the residents
Work from home
Stem poverty
Wealth sharing
Equalized pay for all jobs
Skill development
Barter and knowledge sharing
Self-sufficiency is important
Generation of renewable energies
Selling the extra production to the grid
More conscious consumption of goods
(energy efficient housing thereby
reducing requirements, locally grown
food products)
Defined by each individual community
Some indicators
cultural vitality is maintained by artistic and cultural
celebrations and activities;
creativity and arts are perceived as expression of unity and
interrelation with universe;
leisure time is valorized;
there is support for spiritual manifestation in many forms;
opportunities are available for self development;
joy and belonging are realized through rituals and
community life has a unity and integrity expressed through
common vision
an eco-society based on ethical and spiritual
values, awarded by an agency of the United
Nations as a model for a sustainable future
on 500 hectres.
founded in 1975 (12 people), the Federation
has about 1,000 citizens and extends over
500 hectares of territory throughout
Valchiusella and the Alto Canavese area, at
the foothills of the Piedmont Alps (Italy).
a federation of communities and ecovillages with their own social and
political structure in continual evolution
50% self sufficient in food production
50% energy efficient (photo-voltaics)
70% of residents work in cooperatives
(over 60 businesses and services)
school – kindergarten to junior high
The Temples of Humankind (the
eighth wonder of the world)
La Cité Écologique
an ecovillage based upon an alternate school
based community- respect for nature on 800
founded in 1984 by a 20 families interested
in creating a place based education for
children, parents, teacher, grandparents,
community members located region of Les
Bois Francs near Victoriaville, Quebec, today
it has 120 members including children
La Cité Écologique
the concept was to create ecological businesses where parents
would work and children would learn through activities and
the residents work in different spheres of activities that are
related together, such as:
organic agriculture,
organic frozen food,
health center,
ethic and organic clothing,
art promoting peace and solidarity,
presentation of shows with committed artists
La Cité Écologique
La Cité Écologique’s land is
zoned for agriculture
rather than as residential,
the families couldn’t build
individual houses.
they built two large
apartment buildings, and
some families moved into
houses already present on
the site.
Large community facility
(barn like structure)
Co-op housing, Co-housing
and Ecovillages
Co-op housing is a form of tenure and can form the
basis of community
Co-housing is the intentional effort of neighbors to
design their homes to share common space and
common meals (tenure- cooperatives, condominiums, rental units
or a mix of different tenures N Street Co-housing in Davis, Ca)
Ecovillages tackle the environmental problems facing
the neighborhood, the need for jobs and sustainable
livelihood, and explicitly reach out to their neighbors
to work and learn together (Source: Urban Ecovillage Network)
Issues and challenges
Clarity of purpose
Skills and resources
Financial capacity
Land use & zoning
Number of units on a single site without
Sewage treatment
Potable water
Most eco-villages have tended to locate in rural or
non-urban areas
Exact location function of goal and objectives of the
community –
Ecovillages have to be economically viable, not suburban
communities dependent upon an urban centre for economic
Trend to look at urban ecovillages
It has been projected that by the year 2025, 80% of the
world's population will be living in cities
The US recession in some cities – new ideas – Urban
Agriculture -Detroit
Ecovillages-Way of the Future
Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage (ERUEV)
a community of people fostering a
sustainable urban neighborhood that
promotes social and economic wellbeing while contributing to the
preservation of our planet.
Located in Price Hill, near downtown
Cincinnati, Ohio;
building a new way of life on the
foundations of this historic area
(affordable homes, the acres of forest
that surround the ridge and a
traditionally strong sense of community)
to create a healthier, more sustainable
90 lots