MAWG.Oct2012.COIA update - International Health Partnership

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Transcript MAWG.Oct2012.COIA update - International Health Partnership

Putting the recommendations
into action
Promises made in context Global Strategy for
Women's and Children's Health
 More than 200 commitments from a range of constituencies
 15 countries attracted more than 10 commitments
 7 countries with only one commitment and 1 country with no commitment
Holding ourselves to account
 Recommendations 1-3:
Better information for better results
 Recommendations 4-6:
Better tracking of resources
for women's and children's health
 Recommendations 7-10:
Better oversight of results and resources: nationally and globally
What do we mean by
The strategic work plan
Accountability Framework
Monitoring of results
Birth and death registration
1. Vital events (CRVS)
2. Health indicators & equity
3. Innovation
4. Resource tracking
5. Country Compacts
6. Reaching Women/Children
Maternal death surveillance & response
eHealth & innovation
Monitoring country resources
Reviews and compacts
7. National oversight
Advocacy and action
8. Transparency
9. Reporting aid for Women/
Children’s health
10. Global Oversight
Monitoring results
Tracking resources
Global review (iERG)
Country Accountability Framework
 Standard tool developed for assessing country
situation and priority actions
 Method based on IHP+ common framework, building
on existing country plans and processes
 10 multi-country workshops to orient 75 country
teams and facilitate the development of roadmaps
 50+ Country Accountability Self-Assessments
 20+ National accountability workshops with roadmaps
for 2012-15
- Lack of clarity on existing M&E plans and resources
- Level of involvement variable: high level gov, CSO,
parliamentarians, development partners
Country Accountability Framework
A tool for assessing and planning implementation of
the country accountability framework for health
with a focus on women's and children's health
06 March 2012
Monitoring the Recommendations: Compacts
By 2012, in order to facilitate resource tracking, compacts between
country governments and all major development partners ...
 31 countries have signed up to the International Health Partnership (IHP+), 17
countries have signed compacts/partnership agreement (Benin, Cambodia, DRC,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra
Leone, Togo, Uganda, Zambia)
 What about other countries? Compact-lie arrangements?
Monitoring the recommendations
Oversight, advocacy and action
National oversight: By 2012, all countries have established
accountability mechanisms that are transparent …
 Working with Parliaments
- Inter-Parliamentary Union Resolution on maternal and child health:
Access to health as a basic right: the role of Parliaments in addressing key
challenges to securing the health of women and children
 Annual health sector review meetings involving a broad range of stakeholders
including civil society … MNCH agenda
 National Countdown to 2015 events
- Using annual reports and country profiles to
convene national conferences with all stakeholders
Independent expert review group
• 7 members, co-chairs Richard Horton and
Joy Phumaphi
• Focuses on implementation of Global
Strategy (promises) and
recommendations of Commission
• Report launched in Sep at UNGA
• Achievement: accountability framework is based on
the IHP+ principles
– Accountability framed in context of national health
strategy, with special attention for MNCH; annual
reviews, transparency; tracking resources include all
sources, subaccounts; inclusive process and
advocacy: involvement civil society etc.
• Job done?
– Much work still needs to be done at global and
country levels to reach adequate levels of
accountability for health, but trend is positive
– Global Fund, GAVI, USG and others and the countryled accountability platform