Job Interview skills Learning Outcomes

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© Career Development and Employment Service
Job Interview skills
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, you should be able to :
Understand the purpose of interviews
Be aware of the processes involved in different types of interviews
Know how to prepare for interview
Be clear about the importance of self presentation
Remember – an interview is not one way traffic! Recruitment
Costs are high and employers want you as much as you want them.
Department of Student Services
© Career Development and Employment Service
An interview will enable an
Ensure that you understand what the job involves, and that you have the
necessary skills
Check your knowledge of/and commitment to the company
It is a two way process and you should use the opportunity to:
Make sure you do want to work for the company
Check that the philosophy/values of the company match your personal
Find out more about the job, training, career structure etc.
Department of Student Services
© Career Development and Employment Service
Types of interview
Individual interviews – one to one.
Panel interviews – usually three people on the
panel, but there could be more!
Telephone interviews – usually part of the initial
selection process
Video interviews – uncommon at graduate level
entry, but not unheard of
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Individual interviews
For a large organisation this may be a ‘sifting’ exercise to see if
you will go forward to the next stage
For a smaller employer, this may be your main meeting
The focus here is usually building on information from your CV
or application form, but you should be prepared for anything
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Panel interviews
Very common for graduate entry level jobs
Usually 3 people on the panel ( could be more, could be less )
All will ask questions
Likely that they will have different areas of interest
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Telephone interviews
Usually used as a screening interview to gain further information before
inviting you for interview
Length of time may vary – could range from 10 minutes to 1 hour
Treat the experience with caution – just because you can’t be seen
doesn’t mean you are not creating an impression!
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Video interviews
Check all technical equipment to make sure everything is working
Talk to the camera - this way you appear to be looking straight at the
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© Career Development and Employment Service
The key to any successful
interview is preparation
Research the company – make sure you have read all the literature they
have sent you and that you know about their main products and services
Use the internet to find out any additional information and read the
financial/business press to find out about any current developments e.g.
new contracts or takeover bids
Find out about the main competitors in order to demonstrate knowledge
of the wider context
Network with people who know about the company and don’t be afraid to
use any contacts you may have to get ‘inside information’
Have a list of questions ready to ask
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In addition…
Plan your route and give yourself plenty of time in case of
traffic disruption
Plan your outfit, and remember – first impressions count!!
Anticipate questions and practise answers
Run through your presentation, paying strict attention to
Bring copies of CV/Application form
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Interview nerves
You will be nervous but you can help yourself by
Getting a good night’s sleep
Allowing plenty of time for the journey
Arriving early so you know exactly where to go – but not too early!
Avoiding stimulants like coffee and cigarettes
Checking your appearance to make sure everything is as it should be
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Remember that practice
Get a friend to ask you questions and give feedback
Use a tape or video recorder to check for any mannerisms or verbal tics
Ask at the Career Development and Employment Service about having a
mock interview
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Watch your language
Avoid speaking too quickly
Take a few seconds before you answer to give yourself time to collect
your thoughts
If you are not clear about the question then ask for clarification
If you lose your thread ask for a moment to clarify your thoughts
Ask if the interviewer needs additional information
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Watch your body
Give a firm, dry handshake
Make eye contact with all members of the panel
Smile to show your interest and enthusiasm
Avoid extravagant hand gestures
Sit slightly forward to indicate involvement
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Do not alienate the interviewer by making them work too hard – it should
be a conversation rather than a question and answer session
Avoid giving ‘yes’ and ‘no’ as answers - it is much more effective if you
go on to give examples to demonstrate what you mean
Don’t just give an answer you think they want to hear - be honest in what
you say and be prepared to back up your ideas and views
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© Career Development and Employment Service
What sort of questions can
you prepare for
Why are you applying for this job?
Give an example of where you have worked in a team
What has been your biggest achievement to date? Why are you interested
in this company?
What are your main strengths?
What are your main weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
How would your friends describe you in 3 words?
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Put your answer in a context for
scenario based questions
Context – brief description of the situation
Action – what steps did you take?
Result – what was the outcome?
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Do you have any
What would my career prospects be like?
What training/support could I expect?
What would the key objectives be in the first 6 months of the job?
How will my performance be measured?
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© Career Development and Employment Service
Do not ask questions just for the sake of it
Do not ask questions if you should already know the answer e.g.if it is in
the company literature
Do not ask about fringe benefits – that conversation can take place when
you have been offered the job
And remember….it may be that all your questions have been answered
over the course of the interview
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