Alcohol - Truck Safe Workplace

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Transcript Alcohol - Truck Safe Workplace

Prepared by DAVID HELTON
Purpose of Presentation
• To provide Training for Supervisors as
required by FMCSA 382.603
• To provide Reasonable Suspicion training
as required by FMCSA 382.307
• To provide 60 minutes of Substance abuse
observation training/discussion.
• To provide 60 minutes of Alcohol abuse
observation training/discussion.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(a) An employer shall require a driver to submit to an
alcohol test when the employer has reasonable
suspicion to believe that the driver has violated
prohibitions of subpart (b) of this part concerning
alcohol. The employer’s determination that
reasonable suspicion exists to require the driver to
undergo an alcohol tests must be based on specific
articulable observations concerning the
appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of
the driver.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(b) An employer shall require a driver to submit to
an substance test when the employer has
reasonable suspicion to believe that the driver
has violated prohibitions of subpart (b) of this
part concerning substance abuse. The employer’s
determination that reasonable suspicion exists to
require the driver to undergo a substance tests
must be based on specific contemporaneous,
articulable observations concerning the
appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of
the driver.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
The observations may include indications of
the chronic and withdrawal effects of
controlled substances.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(c) The required observations for alcohol and/or
controlled substances reasonable suspicion
testing shall be made by a supervisor or
company official who is trained in accordance
with 382.603. The person who makes the
determination that reasonable suspicion exists
to conduct an alcohol test shall not conduct the
alcohol test of the driver.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(d) Alcohol testing is authorized by this section only
if the observations required by paragraph (a) of
this section are made during, just preceding, or
just after the period of the work day that the driver
is required to be in compliance with this part. A
driver may be directed by the employer to only
undergo reasonable suspicion testing while the
driver is performing safety –sensitive functions,
just before safety sensitive functions, or just after
the driver has ceased safety-sensitive functions.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(e)(1) If an alcohol test required by this section is not
administered within two hours following the
determination under paragraph (a) of this section,
the employer shall prepare and maintain on file a
record stating the reasons the alcohol tests was not
promptly administered. If an alcohol test required
by this section is not administered within eight
hours following the determination under
paragraph (a) of this section, the employer shall
cease attempts to administer an alcohol test and
shall state in the record the reasons for not
administering the tests.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(2) Notwithstanding the absence of a reasonable
suspicion alcohol tests under this section, no
driver shall report for duty or remain on duty
requiring the performance of safety-sensitive
functions while the driver is under the influence of
or impaired by alcohol, as shown by the
behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of
alcohol misuse, nor shall an employer permit the
driver to perform safety-sensitive functions or
continue to perform safety-sensitive functions,
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(i) An alcohol tests is administered and the drivers
Alcohol concentration is less than 0.02 or
(ii) Twenty four hours have elapsed following the
determination under paragraph (a) of this
section that there is reasonable suspicion to
believe that the driver has violated the
prohibitions this part concerning the use of
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this
section, no employer shall take action under
this part against a driver solely based on the
drivers behavior and appearance, with respect
to alcohol use, in the absence of an alcohol
tests. This does not prohibit an employer with
independent authority of this part from taking
action, otherwise consistent with law.
382.307 Reasonable
Suspicion testing
(f) A written record shall be made of the
observations leading to an alcohol or controlled
substances reasonable suspicion test, and signed
by the supervisor or company official who made
the observations , within 24 hours of the observed
behavior or before the results of the alcohol or
controlled substances tests are released ,
whichever is earlier
382.603 Training for
Each employer shall ensure that all persons
designated to supervise drivers receive at least 60
minutes of training on alcohol misuse and receive
60 minutes of training on controlled substances
use. . The training will be used by supervisors to
determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to
require a driver to undergo testing under 382.307.
The training shall include the physical, behavioral,
speech, and performance indicators of controlled
substances . Recurrent training is not required
Also known as: Speed, Ice, Crystal, Crank
Coke, Crack, Meth-amphetamine.
Pharmaceutical Names: Adderall,
( Amphetamine for A.d.d.)
• Ecstasy(MDMA), Eve(MDA)
• These drugs will screen positive for
Amphetamine or Methamphetamine, but
will Confirm Negative for Amphetamine or
USDOT does test for these drugs as of
The Results of Meth Addiction
Stimulants Physical
 Coarse Powder
 Small White to Clear Crystals
 Capsules Various Size & Colors
 Tablets Various Size & Colors
 Snorted, Injected, Smoked,
Stimulants Physical
Indicators – Clinical
Restlessness, body tremors, excitement
Euphoria, talkativeness, anxiety
Dry mouth
Depression, sedation ( post effect)
dilated pupils
elevated temp, burns on lips & hands
Odors of ( cat urine type smell )
Increased Heart Rate, Tachycardia, Palpations,
Stimulants .. Appearance,
Needle marks on arms
Long little finger nail ( typical in South American/Mexican users)
Redness around nasal area
Raspy hoarse speech
Twitching/jerking motions
Swinging of arms
Lack of concentration
Looking away from the person who is speaking to them. (hiding the pupils.)
Duration of Effects
Cocaine – 5 –90 Minutes
Amphetamine 4 – 8 Hours
Methamphetamine 12 Hours
MDMA, MDA – 4 – 8 Hours
Detection Times in Urine
 Amphetamine/Methamphetamine
in Urine
 Cocaine - 2 – 4 days in Urine
 MDMA, MDA – 1 day
1 –2 days
 Detection times can increase by frequency of
Depressants – Sedatives Hypnotics
Barbiturates, Amytal, Butisol, Nembutal,
Luminal, Seconal, Tuinal, Florinal
Also known as Barbs, Downers, Tranqs
Benzodiazepines, Ativan, Halcion, Librium,
Valium, Xanax, Rohypnol
Also known as Bennies, Rophies
Methqualone, Quaalude also known as
Depressants Physical
White Powder
• Typically Oral , Occasionally injected
Depressants - Physical
Indicators Clinical Effects
Depression, Disorientation
Sedation, Sluggish
Droopy Eyelids
Slowed Slurred Speech
Dilated Pupils
Depressants - Duration of
• Barbiturates 1 – 16 Hours
• Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) 4 – 8 hours
• Methaqualone – 14 days
Depressants - Detection
• Barbiturates 1 day ( short acting ) in Urine
• Barbiturates 2 to 3 weeks ( long acting ) in Urine
• Benzodiazepines 3 days ( short acting ) in Urine
• Benzodiazepines 4 – 6 weeks ( Chronic Use) in Urine
• Methaqualone 14 days
Detection times can increase by frequency of use
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Also Known As..
Chasing the Dragon
What is heroin?
A) Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive opiate drug. Its abuse is more widespread than any other opiate. Heroin is processed from morphine, a
naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish
powder or as the black sticky substance known on the streets as "black tar heroin." Although purer heroin is becoming more common, most
street heroin is "cut" with other drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. Street heroin can also be cut with
strychnine or other poisons. Because heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they are at risk of
overdose or death. Heroin also poses special problems because of the transmission of HIV and other diseases that can occur from sharing
needles or other injection equipment.
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Pharmaceutical Names ..
Heroin ( no longer a Pharmaceutical name )
Oxy Cotine
Vicodin (hydrocodone)
Propoxyphene (Darvon) No longer available
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Physical Description – Administration
• White, Brown, or Black Powder
• Liquids
• Tablets
• Capsules
• Injectable
• Oral
• Snorted
• Smoked
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Physical Indicators – Clinical Effects
o Droopy Eyelids
o Drowsiness
o Depressed reflexes
o Raspy slow speech
o Depression
o Sedation
o Pupil size Pinpoint
o Shallow Breathing, Slowed Heart Rate
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Duration of Effects
o Opiates 4 – 6 Hours
o Methadone Up to 24 hrs
o Propoxyphene up to 24 Hours
Narcotics – Analgesics –
Detection Times in Urine
o Opiates 2 days in Urine
o Methadone 3 days in Urine
o Propoxyphene 6 hrs to 2 days in Urine
 Detection times can increase by frequency of
Also Known As:
 Angel Dust
 Sherman
 No Pharmaceutical Use
 Embalming Fluid (Could be component )
 Not Widely used
Physical Description – Administration
 Pills
 Capsules
 White Powder
 Oral , Injected, Snorted, Smoked
 Sherman cigarette dipped in embalming
fluid, dried, then smoked.
Physical Indicators – Clinical Effects
 Blank Stare
 Incomplete Verbal Response
 Confusion
 Odor of Chemical type smell
 Aggressive Behavior
 Elevated Blood Pressure
Duration of Effects:
 4 – 6 Hours
Detection Times
 14 days in Urine
LSD – Hallucinogens
• This is not part of USDOT testing, you would
need to request under Non-Dot Test.
• Also Known as; Acid
• White Crystalline material
• Impregnated Sugar Cubes
• Blotter Paper
• Gelatin Sheets
Causes Dilated Pupils , Visual Illusions, Sensory
Cross – Over, Raised Heart Rate
Detection Time – 2 –4 Days in Urine ( Specimen is
Photo Sensitive)
Marijuana – Cannabis - THC
• Also Known As
• Dope, Weed, Hemp, Hash, Columbian,
• Street Slang “420”, or “13”, “Chronic”.
• Pharmaceutical Names: Marinol
Marijuana – Cannabis - THC
• Physical Description
• Dry Crusted Leaves, Buds ( Green or
• Hand Rolled Cigarettes
• Hard Chunks of Resin
• Dark, Viscous Liquid
Marijuana – Cannabis - THC
• Smoked
• Cooked & Eaten in Foods
• Boiled & Drank as Tea
Marijuana – Cannabis – THC
 Physical Indicators - Clinical Effects
Redness of eye or Conjunctiva
Odor of Marijuana
Increased Appetite ( munchies)
Disorientation, Agitation ( quick temper)
Increased Heart Rate
Increased Blood Pressure
Marijuana – Cannabis - THC
• Duration of Effects
• 2 – 3 Hours Impairment can last up to 24
Hours without self Awareness
Marijuana – Cannabis - THC
• Detection Time in Urine
Detection time is just a few days up to 2
months. This is based on the individuals
Metabolism, Frequency & Quantity of Use.
Also the Potency of Marijuana Varies which
effects the Absorption Rate.
Marijuana is a Fat Bound Metabolite, and this
is why detection time is longer.
Alcohol (Ethyl)
Pharmaceutical Name: Ethanol
Detected in Urine up to 12 Hours
Clinical Effects:
Loss of Motor Control
Lethargy (fatigue)
Aggressive behavior
Alcohol Odor from Breath & Sweat Glands
Alcohol (Ethyl)
The Rules prohibit a covered employee from performing
Safety-Sensitive functions: IF..
 A Breath test results indicates an alcohol concentration of
0.040 or greater. This will Require a completion of a SAP
(Substance Abuse Professional Evaluation) before
returning to Safety-Sensitive functions: or
 If they Refuse an Alcohol test.
 When Results are 0.020 – 0.039, employee must be
removed from Safety-Sensitive for 24 Hours and until they
receive a test below 0.020 This is not a violation that
requires a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional Evaluation)
Alcohol (Ethyl)
. What is Alcohol ?
>Its is a drug
> It is a poison (toxin)
>It is a food
> It is a depressant
Acts like Novocain by dulling the nerve
endings. Supplies body energy, Slows body
functions, can burn, is volatile, has little
smell, “loves” water.
>It is addictive
>It impairs performance
Alcohol (Ethyl)
• Chemically alcohol is made up of hydrogen,
carbon, and oxygen atoms. There are 3 types of
• Methyl or Methanol is derived from products
containing cellulose. Not for human consumption
• Isopropyl Alcohol is generally used as a
disinfectant, not for human consumption.
• Ethyl or Ethanol is derived from fermentation of
fruits, vegetables and grains. This is most
commonly consumed by humans
Alcohol Blood Levels
• 0.04 % The level at which the American Medical
Association determined all people are impaired to
some degree. Also USDOT Violation Level
• 0.05 –0.10 % Signs of impairment become more
• 0.08 % Level of presumptive driver impairment in
many states.
• 0.16 % Average DUII arrest.
• 0.25 % High Level of Impairment
• 0.30-0.40 % Possible Coma result
• 0.50% Life Threatening, Death.
Alcohol related Accidents
Questions and Answers
What are the observations that a Supervisor must make before
determining reasonable suspicion ?
appearance , behavior,
speech, body odors, Work Performance, Physical indicators.
What type of record must be on file within 24 hours of the observed
behavior, and before the any test are released ? Written
What is the detection time of Cocaine in Urine ? 2 – 4 days
What is Phencyclidine ? PCP, Angel Dust
What is the Pharmaceutical use PCP ? No Pharmaceutical Use
How long is Alcohol detectable in Urine ? Up to 12 Hours
Name 1 drugs that are not tested under USDOT? LSD.
Questions and Answers
8) What is 3 Physical Indicators of Marijuana ?
Redness of eye or Conjunctiva
Odor of Marijuana
Increased Appetite ( munchies)
Disorientation, Agitation ( quick temper)
Increased Heart Rate
Increased Blood Pressure
Questions and Answers
• What are 3 types of Alcohol ?
>Ethyl or Ethanol
> Methyl or Methanol
> Isopropyl
Questions and Answers
• What level of Alcohol Intoxication is a
USDOT Violation ?
0.04% and higher
Recognizing Symptoms
The following are a list of performance and
behavior problems that are common to
substance abuse. However, it is important to
remember that these symptoms do not
necessarily indicate as substance abuse
next slide
Recognizing Symptoms
inconsistent work quality
poor concentration
lowered productivity
increased absenteeism
unexplained disappearances from jobsite
errors in judgment
careless mistakes
needless risk taking
Recognizing Symptoms
frequent financial problems
avoidance of friends
blaming others
not looking others in eyes ( looking away to avoid
pupil detection)
Complaints and ill temper
excuses and vaguely defining illnesses
deterioration in personal appearances
Observing and Documenting
Current Indicators
• Patterns of Performance and Behavior
should be documented by a Supervisor and
accompanied by indicators of impairment to
establish “Reasonable Cause”. This should
be brought to the attention of a Human
Resource Medical Nurse or Administrator.
Documenting Current Indicators
__Constricted Pupils
__Dilated Pupils
__Order of Alcohol
__Nasal Secretion
__Red or Watery Eyes
__Involuntary Eye Movements __in-coordination
__Excessive Activity
__Inability to Verbalize
__Nausea or Vomiting
__Flushed Skin
__Slurred Speech
__Bizarre Behavior
__Violent Behavior
Determining Reasonable Cause
If you are able to document one or more of the previous
indicators, Ask yourself these Questions to establish
reasonable cause.
Has some form of impairment been shown in the
employees appearance, actions or work performance ?
Does the impairment result from possible drugs or alcohol ?
Are the facts reliable ? Did you witness them personally ?
Are the facts capable of explanation ?
Are the facts capable of documentation ?
Is the impairment current, today, now ?
If you can Answer ‘YES’ to all of these questions, then
Reasonable Cause is established.
Proceed to the Collection Site for testing.
•Employee Refusal to test is a DOT Violation. Contact your
Medical Review Officer.
How to Intervene
When an employee’s performance begins to deteriorate for whatever reason, the
supervisor has a right and responsibility to intervene. IMPORTANT > If substance
abuse is suspected, the intervention should only focus on work performance issues.
Maintain Control of the conversation.
Stick to the facts as they affect work performance.
Don’t rely on memory; have all supporting documents and records available.
Do not discuss your suspicion of alcohol or drug use with employee.
Explain company policy regarding work performance.
Offer help in resolving work performance issues.
Exception; If you smell alcohol or marijuana, Test employee immediately based on this
Body Odor evidence.
Always perform DOT Urine testing with a DOT Breath Alcohol Test combined for all
Reasonable Cause Testing.
The Designated Employer Representative(s) (DER) are to review the following workbook for
approximately 2 hours.
Quiz given M-F from 12:00pm –3:00pm Pacific Time. When they have finished reading and
discussing this workbook, call 800-582-8854 and I will give them their Quiz over the phone to fully
certify them in this class.
After the Quiz is passed, a Certificate will be sent out with additional Information.
Also, Review Employer Responsibilities on the Links button @
If you have any questions please call David Helton @ (800) 582 -8854