Rhian Bowen Davies Calan DVS Collaboration

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Transcript Rhian Bowen Davies Calan DVS Collaboration

Our Merger Journey
Rhian Bowen-Davies
Aim of this workshop
• To set the context for our recent merger
• To outline the approaches and processes we
• Our learning experiences and challenges
• Food for thought.......
• Opportunity to ask questions and
share experiences
Who were we?
• Neath and Lliw Valley Women’s Aid
• Together, 60 years experience supporting
women and children experiencing domestic
• Organisational similarities
• Operating within 1 Local Authority Neath Port Talbot
Who are we now?
CALAN Domestic Violence Services
First Women’s Aid groups in Wales to merge
Company limited by guarantee and registered charity
Domestic violence services for all individuals and families
Crisis intervention and preventative services
Refuge and Community Support Services
The Bridge Project
BRAVE team – specialist children and young peoples project
Lead organisation for NPT DA One Stop Shop
Campaigning and awareness raising
Our merger journey
Journey Context
Economic environment
Best Value / Efficiency savings
Supporting People Review and recommendations
Supporting People modernisation agenda
Equality Duty
Social Services and Housing legislation
Police and Crime Commissioners
Families First
Evidence of outcomes
Benchmarking excellence and quality of services
Domestic Abuse Context
Right to be Safe Strategy
Ending VAW and Domestic Abuse Bill (Wales)
KAFKA Report
10,000 Safer Lives project
National occupational standards for domestic
abuse and sexual violence
• “Fit for purpose?” DA services in NPT Report
• NPT Domestic Abuse Strategy
The first step....
• 2010 remodelled children and young people’s
services across NWA/LVWA
• A vision to integrate services, avoid
duplication, reduce central costs, increase and
diversify service provision, develop specialist
skills and reach more children and young
• BRAVE – one specialist service from June 2010
• Dipping our toes in “Collaboration”
Our BRAVE experience
• Increased referrals to the service
• Increased number of children and young people
accessing 1-2-1 and group support
• Service diversity and development – RESPECT
interpersonal violence programmes, specialist
therapeutic play service and prevention and
education programmes
• Reputation synonymous with excellence
and innovation
Why a merger?
• The development, innovation and sustainability of
appropriate services to individuals and families
• Best practice and quality of services
• Efficiency savings and rationalisation of resources
• Capacity to respond to policy and development
• To reduce perception of overcrowded voluntary
Agreed Principles
• A merger of equals
• Positivity and momentum to be
maintained through the process
• New organisation, new name, new
The merger begins.....
• January 2011 – Neath WA and Lliw Valley WA
made a formal commitment to explore a
• Merger Steering Group established and
independent Chair appointed
• Legal consultants, Geldards LLP, appointed
• Business case for merger finalised
• Merger principles and deal breakers identified
• Merger action plan established
• Due diligence exercise – financial and
organisational perspectives
• Decision taken to formally transfer assets with
effect from 1st July 2012
• Appointment of an independent HR
consultant and drafting HR plan
• Sub Groups to the MSG established for HR,
finance, governance and corporate identity
• Schedule of planned consultation events
agreed by MSG
• Development of corporate identity
• Legal documentation completed June 2012 in
preparation for formal transfer 1st July 2012
Our key elements
• Communication, communication,
• Consultation and engagement
• Pilot programmes and interim plans
• Planning and Structure
• Realistic timescales
• Energy and momentum
Integral and essential
Open and meaningful
Communication plan – who, when and how
Consultation days, e-briefings, letters, team
• Agreed format, content, timings
• Even if no news – communication
Consultation and
Staff, Service Users and Stakeholders
• SWOT analysis
• Organisational priorities
• RBA Framework
• Corporate identity
• Service development
• Organisational structures
Interim arrangements and Pilot
• To ensure a smooth transition post 1st July and
minimum disruption to service provision
• Clear areas of responsibility and lines of
• Interim arrangements for Senior and
Operational Managers
• Re-location of staff teams and managers
• Joint on-call service
Our learning
• Organisational identity – name and branding
• External facilitators and experiences
• Integration of staff, services and organisational
• Momentum and energy
• Governance and Board development
• Resources, capacity and workloads
• Financial considerations post merger
• A new experience for Trustees, Staff and
Service Users
• Balancing merger and day to day
• Not missing opportunities
• Integrating organisational cultures
• Overcoming them and us syndrome
Next steps
• Implementing Organisational RBA Framework
• Remodelling and re-structure
• Building awareness and reputation of CALAN
• Opportunities and challenges ahead!
Any questions?