Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Next

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Smarter Balanced
Assessment Consortium:
Next Generation Assessment
What’s Next?
 Overview of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
 Significant Assessment Shifts
 Types of Items
 Cognitive Rigor Matrix
 Deconstruction of a Performance Task
A National Consortium of States
 28 states
44% of K-12
 21 governing,
7 advisory
 Wisconsin is a
SBAC Balanced Assessment System
Core State
for college
and career
Benchmarked to
college and career
All students
high school
and career
Teachers and
schools have
information and
tools they need to
improve teaching
and learning
Teacher resources for
formative assessment
to improve instruction
Interim assessments
Flexible, open, used for
actionable feedback
Using Computer Adaptive Technology for
Summative and Interim Assessments
Faster results
•Turnaround in weeks compared to months
Shorter test length
•Fewer questions compared to fixed form tests
Increased precision
•Provides accurate measurements of student growth
over time
Tailored to student
•Item difficulty based on student responses
Greater security
•Larger item banks mean that not all students receive
the same questions
Mature technology
•GMAT, GRE, COMPASS (ACT), Measures of Academic
Progress (MAP)
Significant Assessment Shifts
 Performance Tasks
 Close Reading
 Informational Text
 Analytical Writing
 Technology Enhanced Questions
SBAC Evidence-Based Design
 Identify what students should know
and be able to do to demonstrate
readiness for college and career:
Four Claims
Turn & Talk: Four Claims
Students can read closely and analytically to
comprehend a range of increasingly complex literacy and
informational texts
Students can produce effective and well-grounded
writing for a range of purposes and audiences
Students can employ effective speaking and listening
skills for a range of purposes and audiences
Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate
topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present
SBAC Evidence-Based Design
 Identify the kinds of evidence that would be
sufficient to support the claims. These
evidence statements are:
Assessment Targets
 Turn & Talk-What kinds
of assessment do you
typically use in your classroom?
SBAC Item Types
 Selected Response
 Constructed Response
 Performance Tasks
 Technology Enhanced
Complex Thinking Skills
 Analysis
 Synthesis
 Critical Thinking
SBAC Item Types
 Selected Response
 1 Claim
 1 Assessment Target
 Multiple Choice-may have multiple
answers. 1-2 minutes per item
 Constructed Response
 1 Claim
 1 Assessment Target
 Short or long responses scored according to a rubric
 5-10 minutes per item
SBAC Item Types
 Performance Tasks
 Multiple Claims
 Multiple Targets
SBAC Cognitive Rigor Foundation
 What is cognitive rigor?
 Write down your definition
 Discuss with your table
Now let’s apply your rigor
Your class has just read some version
of Little Red Riding Hood.
 What is a basic comprehension
question you might ask?
 What is a more rigorous question
you might ask?
Developing the Cognitive
Rigor Matrix
Different states/schools/teachers use different models to describe
cognitive rigor. Each addresses something different.
Bloom –What type of thinking (verbs) is
needed to complete a task?
 Webb –How deeply do you have to
understand the content to successfully
interact with it? How complex is the content?
Bloom’s Taxonomy [1956 ] &
Bloom’s Cognitive Process Dimensions [2005]
Knowledge—Define, duplicate, label, list, name,
order, recognize, relate, recall
Remember—Retrieve knowledge from long-term
memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify
Comprehension—Classify, describe, discuss, explain,
express, identify, indicate, locate recognize, report,
review, select, translate
Understand—Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase,
represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify,
categorize, summarize, generalize, predict…
Application—Apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize,
employ, illustrate, interpret, practice, write
Apply—Carry out or use a procedure in a given
situation; carry out or use/apply to an unfamiliar task
Analysis—Analyze, appraise, explain, calculate,
categorize, compare, criticize discriminate, examine
Analyze—Break into constituent parts, determine
how parts relate
Synthesis—Rearrange, assemble, collect, compose,
create, design, develop, formulate, manage, write
Evaluate—Make judgments based on criteria, check,
detect inconsistencies/fallacies, critique
Evaluation—Appraise, argue, assess, choose,
compare, defend, estimate, explain, judge, predict,
rate, core, select, support, value
Create—Put elements together to form a coherent
whole, reorganize elements into new
Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Levels
Webb's DOK
Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge Levels
 DOK-1 – Recall & Reproduction - Recall of a fact, term, principle,
concept, or perform a routine procedure
 DOK-2 - Basic Application of Skills/Concepts - Use of information,
conceptual knowledge, select appropriate procedures for a task,
two or more steps with decision points along the way, routine
problems, organize/display data, interpret/use simple graphs
 DOK-3 - Strategic Thinking - Requires reasoning, developing a
plan or sequence of steps to approach problem; requires some
decision making and justification; abstract, complex, or nonroutine; often more than one possible answer
 DOK-4 - Extended Thinking - An investigation or application to
real world; requires time to research, problem solve, and process
multiple conditions of the problem or task; non-routine
manipulations, across disciplines/content areas/multiple sources
Why Depth
of Knowledge (DOK)?
Mechanism to ensure that the intent of the
standard and the level of student demonstration
required by that standard matches the
assessment items
(required under NCLB)
To ensure that teachers are teaching to a
level that will promote student
Same Verb—
Three Different DOK Levels
DOK 1- Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks.
(Requires simple recall)
DOK 2- Describe the difference between metamorphic and
igneous rocks. (Requires cognitive processing to determine
the differences in the two rock types)
DOK 3- Describe a model that you might use to represent the
relationships that exist within the rock cycle.
(Requires deep understanding of rock cycle
and a determination of how best to
represent it)
Turn and Talk
 Using the Cognitive Rigor Matrix, discuss your Little Red
Riding Hood questions with your tablemates.
 What DOK level would you assign to each of your
questions and why?
 How would you describe the differences between DOK 2
and DOK 3?
 How would you describe the differences between DOK 3
and DOK 4?
The CR Matrix: A Reading Example
Back to Little Red Riding Hood…
Depth +
Level 1
Recall & Reproduction
-Recall facts
-Identify characters,
setting, etc.
Level 2
Skills & Concepts
Level 3
Strategic Thinking/
Level 4
Extended Thinking
-Retell or summarize…
-Analyze multiple
texts/sources &
using text evidence
for support
-Justify judgments
using details/evidence
from text
-Develop a creative
Some general rules of thumb…
 If there is only one correct answer, it is probably level DOK
1 or DOK 2
 DOK 1: you either know it (can recall it, locate it, do it) or you
 DOK 2 (conceptual): apply one concept, then make a
decision before going on applying a second concept
 If more than one solution/approach, requiring evidence,
it is DOK 3 or 4
 DOK 3: Must provide supporting evidence and reasoning (not
just HOW solved, but WHY – explain reasoning)
 DOK 4: all of “3” + use of multiple sources or texts
Take-Away Message: Cognitive Rigor
& Some Implications for Assessment
 Assessing only at the highest DOK level will miss
opportunities to know what students do & don’t know –
go for a range; end “high” in selected/prioritized content
 Performance assessments can offer varying levels of DOK
embedded in a larger, more complex task
 Planned formative assessment strategies and tools can
focus on differing DOK levels
Turn & Talk: Reflecting on your
own learning
 Revisit your definition of rigor – has it changed/been
refined? In what way?
 What is one way you might apply these ideas in your
 What existing curriculum/assessment materials could
you/your school examine for a range of cognitive rigor?
 Classroom/instructional practices?
SBAC Sample Items
SBAC Selected Response Example
 Read the sentence from the text. Then answer the
question: “Nanodiamonds are stardust, created when
ancient stars exploded long ago, disgorging their
remaining elements into space.”
 Based on the context of the sentence, what is the most
precise meaning of disgorging?
A. scattering randomly
B. throwing out quickly
C. spreading out widely
D. casting forth violently
SBAC Constructed Response
 In the space below, identify the sentences from the
paragraph that are unnecessary, and briefly explain why
each one should be removed.
SBAC Performance Tasks
Structure of Performance Task
• readings
• video clips
• audio clips
• research
• graphs, charts, other
• research questions
• comprehension questions
• simulated internet search
• etc.
• essay, report, story, script
• oral presentation or
speech with/without
graphics, other media
• responses to embedded
• etc.
Performance Tasks
 Primary Claims to be Measured
 Writing-narrative, research, possibly reading
 Writing-informational/explanatory, research, possibly
 Writing-argumentative, research, possibly reading
 Writing-opinions, research, possibly reading
 Speaking, research, reading, listening
Performance Tasks
1. Task Overview
2. Classroom Activity
3. Student Tasks:
Part 1 : Read, research and respond to research and
possible reading questions
2. Part 2: Respond to a writing or speech prompt
4. Task Specifications and Scoring Rubrics
Performance Task Sample
Which claims does this task address?
What do you think the assessment targets are?
What do students need to be able to do to complete this task?
Which standards does this task address?
What vocabulary do students need to have in order to complete
this task?
What is the Depth of Knowledge level required for this task?
What are the implications for your classroom?
Performance Task Sample
 Discuss the Task Specifications :
 11th on page 10
 6th on page 8
 Did you agree with the claims, assessment targets,
standards and DOK level?
 Peruse pages 12 – 15. How do these scoring rubrics
compare to your classroom expectations? How might you
change your classroom expectations to align with these
rubrics and scoring information?
“In two years from now, if you are teaching almost the same
lessons that you have always taught, then you have not
adopted the CCSS. These standards demand a new way of
teaching and assessing.” Tony Frontier
Standards Based NOT Standards
Teachers are the Key
“Teachers must be the primary
driving force behind change. They
are best positioned to understand
the problems that students face
and to generate possible solutions.”
Quality Instruction Makes A Difference
“Good teaching can make a
significant difference in student
achievement, equal to one effect
size (a standard deviation), which
is also equivalent to the affect
that demographic classifications
can have on achievement.”
Paraphrase Dr. Heather Hill, University of Michigan
Research has indicated that...
“teacher quality trumps
virtually all other influences
on student achievement.”
(e.g., Darling-Hammond, 1999; Hamre and Pianta,
2005; Hanushek, Kain, O'Brien and Rivken, 2005;
Wright, Horn and Sanders, 1997)