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Transcript D5-Teaching-Grade-9-Applied-Fren

Teaching Grade 9 Applied French

OMLTA March 22, 2013 Rosemary McEniry & Beverly Kukhta-Jackson Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

Rose & Bev

• • • • each over 20 years experience teaching Core and Immersion French - applied and general and academic, mostly secondary, some elementary Waterdown and Westdale are semestered schools - 75 minute periods applied classes of between 15 and 23 students programs used: Quoi de neuf?, Communi Quete, Express 9e, Autour de Nous... &

stuff we borrow and adapt and share

Notre but d’apprentissage


We are learning how to improve connections with the learning styles and interests of students in grade 9 applied French.

FSF 1P profile

(minds on) 

What are your grade 9 students’ interests?

How do they learn best?

class management and discipline

     keep actively involved and engaged through structured activities with good scaffolding to reduce discipline problems address their interests short, focused activities make it practical and useful (CEFR) not perfect, always situations to deal with, but helps a lot


(Common European Framework of Reference)   

CEFR as a lens l’approche actionelle What can they really use?

Voudriez-vous des frites avec ça?

• • • • • • • • • •

Classroom materials

• stickers markers pencil crayons scissors chart paper glue sticks coloured paper, cover stock, ledger size index cards wooden sticks (tongue depressors) (lost and found) pencils and pens and?...

Edmodo http://www.edmodo.com/

   communication for students and parents internet based and universally accessible sample letter to parents (next slide)

Sample letter to parents re: Edmodo

215 Parkside Drive Phone: 905.689.6692 Fax: 905.689.3413 E-mail: [email protected]

Waterdown, Ontario L0R 2H0 Waterdown District High School September, 2012 Dear Parents of Grade 9 Applied French students, I am writing you to inform you that I have set up an internet based class group for our Grade 9 Applied French class. The web site address is www.edmodo.com

. This is a safe site being used now by many educators. I am using this site as an information exchange about what is going on in our classroom. For the first few weeks, I will use it to post information about upcoming assignments and tests. As time evolves and I become more familiar with the program, I am hoping to use it to inform you about your steps: 1. Go to www.edmodo.com

son’s/daughter’s work completion. I am asking you to help your son/daughter to sign into my class group. In order to do so, they will need to take the following 2. On the home page, select “I’m a student”.


The following code is the group code for Grade 9 Applied French:


4. Please use the following as your son/daughter’s user name: _________________________________________


Please use the following password:


6. Please notify me once the setup is complete by typing a message in the Post box. 7. Please email me if you have any problems or questions at [email protected]


ideas to generate groups

     random and quickly kids really like to work together and learn a lot from each other - think about ways to make traditional, teacher-centred activities into group learning coloured popsicle sticks SmartBoard: random group generator matching cards - opposites - to reinforce vocabulary

Notebook software – random group generator

We are learning how to talk about ourselves.

 Mon introduction/l’introduction de mon ami (oral)

Je m’appelle ________________. J’habite ________________________. Je suis né (née) à ___________________. J’aime _______________________. Je n’aime pas ________________.

We are learning how to talk about ourselves.

vocabulary audio & visual http://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/html/voc/02.html

 vocabulary development: ◦ ◦ Chart papers vacances labelled with topics such as: les traits physiques, la personnalité, la famille, les animaux de compagnie, l’école/les matières, les sports, les passe-temps, les amis, la maison, les Le dictionnaire personnel

We are learning how to talk about ourselves.

 placemat activities ◦ ◦ j’aime, je n’aime pas mes activités (présent, passé) ◦ etc… http://www.eworkshop.on.ca/edu/pdf/ Mod36_coop_placemat.pdf

We are learning how to talk about ourselves.

Mon autobiographie

 Format: kids can produce own by writing, booklet, PowerPoint, on line scrapbook etc.  encourage them to add images

Mon autobiographie

Projet: Mon Autobiographie First: Do the in-class pre-activity in which students in groups complete a sample

Fact Sheet

: (Cut up the sample sheet given into squares and have the students categorize them and glue them onto a blank fact sheet.) Then: Each student will plan his/her own personal profile using the established categories. This will constitute the “rough copy” which will be done on a second blank

Fact Sheet


Upon approval of the rough copy

students will write their own “Mon Autobiographie” in paragraph format, with each category constituting a paragraph.

(with a minimum of


items under each heading), the The students are encouraged to use photos or illustrations to make their project more attractive The students will present their autobiographies orally to the class.

Due Dates:

Rough Copy: ______________ Good Copy: ______________

Mon autobiographie

(fact sheet)


Mon autobiographie

(fact sheet)


quatre personnes un appartement les yeux bleus manger de la pizza faire de la cuisine la géographie les cheveux bruns écouter de la musique alternative jouer au soccer les arts dramatiques parents divorcés un frère un poisson fort le nez percé petit faire la grasse matinée faire de l'ordinateur les maths regarder les comédies faire du cyclisme l’éducation physique faire les devoirs jouer de la trompette le français une voiture noire les appareils dentaires écrire les tests jouer aux jeux vidéo l’informatique

Mon autobiographie

Rubric: Mon Autobiographie Nom: __________________________________ Level: 1 2 3 4 5 Total: /50 Categories Thinking/Inquiry  All categories  Details  Pictures or Illustrations Level 1 (5-5.9) Level 2 (6-6.9) Level 3 (7-7.9) Level 4 (8-10) Thinking/Inquiry  Neat and organized  Pictures or Illustrations Total Application **Rough Copy completed as instructed Application  Vocabulary  Correct applicaton of  faire and jouer Full sentence  construction Verbs are correctly conjugated Communication  Level of Language  Pronunciation  Expression

Les diseuses de bonne aventure

(le futur simple)

Step 1.

Have each student make one cootie catcher/fortune teller.

*** (Brightly coloured photocopy paper is a nice touch here.) ***

Can’t remember how to make

fortune tellers


http://www.enchantedlearning.com/cr afts/origami/fortuneteller/

Les diseuses de bonne aventure

Step 2.

Ask the students to write

8 generic predictions

of their own. (au futur simple, naturellement.) Once you have proofread their work, have each student make his/her own “diseuse de bonne aventure”.

Here are some sample predictions to get them started:    Tu gagneras un match important.

Tu auras 85% à ton test!

Ton prof de français te donnera beaucoup de devoirs aujourd’hui.

  Tu entendras/recevras des nouvelles fantastiques!

Oh, oh! La directrice téléphonera bientôt à tes parents!

  Une certaine personne voudra sortir avec toi.

Tu seras très surpris(e) par un(e) ami(e).

 Ta mère fera ton repas préféré ce soir.

(If you’re just introducing the concept, you might choose to substitute regular verbs for the 5 irregular verbs underlined above.)

Les diseuses de bonne aventure

Step 3.

Have your students work in pairs using the “diseuses de bonne aventure” to predict each others’ futures.

Les livrets

(folding books) http://library.thinkquest.org/J001156/makingbooks/minibook/i ndex.htm

• • • http://www.makingbooks.com/hotdog.shtml

Create sentences together on board or overhead or computer or chart paper.

Fold paper in half 3 times and cut middle section, then re-fold in booklet form.

Students write title and name on front page, then choose 6 or 7 sentences that describe their day/vacation/celebration etc. (one per page). They draw simple images or use photos or clip art to illustrate each sentence.

FS1P Projet: Ma Fête Préférée You are going to create an illustrated booklet to describe your favourite birthday party. If you prefer, you can talk about your favourite Christmas (Noël). Your sentences must be written in the passé composé. You are to use a minimal of 4 irregular verbs in the passé composé from your notes that we prepared in class. I have made a list of verbs and other vocabulary for use in the chart below. The verbs with asterisks are irregular. Choose 4 of them. Your description should be 8-10 sentences in length.


Inviter=to invite *Recevoir=to receive, to get *Ouvrir=to open *Avoir=to have *Boire=to drink *Courir=to run Inviter=to invite Souhaiter=to wish Deviner=to guess *Être=to be Manger=to eat Décorer=to decorate Nager=to swim Donner=to give *Voir=to see *Mettre=to put, to put on les bougies=candles les sacs à bonbons=candy bags un cadeau=a gift les ballons=balloons l’argent=money des jeux=games ma piscine=my pool ensuite=next parfois=sometimes des croustilles=chips un gâteau=cake un morceau=a piece (of cake)

Ma fête préférée

How to start :  Title Page : Ma fête préférée a été à l’âge de ___________ans.

 Write simple sentences in the passé composé. Illustrate what you say.

◦ J’ai invité….

◦ ◦ J’ai reçu………..

Nous avons joué…….

◦ Nous avons mangé…..

Ma fête préférée

FSF 1P Dialogue: Invitation to a Birthday Party (oral) http://youlearn French.blogspot.com (French Lesson 77) As you listen to the video, complete any missing words.

Speaker 1: Salut _______________ Speaker 2: Salut _______________ Speaker 1: Ça va bien?

Speaker 2: Ça va très _______________, merci.

Speaker 1: Mes parents organisent une _______________ ce samedi pour célébrer mon _______________.

Speaker 2: C’est vrai, c’est _______________ ça!

Speaker 1: Je voudrais t’inviter à venir à la _______________. Tu peux venir avec ta _______________, si tu veux.

Speaker 2: J’en serai ravie, Je suis sûre que ma _______________ aussi. Elle adore les _______________ d’anniversaire.

Speaker 1: Génial. Tiens, voici l’_______________ avec mon adresse.

Speaker 2: Est-ce que c’est loin d’ici?

Speaker 1: Pas du tout, c’est à _______________ minutes seulement. J’habite près du centre commercial.

Speaker 2: Ah! D’accord.

Speaker 1: Il y aura beaucoup de _______________, de la _______________ de la _______________ et un grand _______________ au chocolat. Il y aura beaucoup de _______________ aussi. Tout le monde va bien s’_______________.

Speaker 2: As-tu invité beaucoup de _______________?

Speaker 1: Pas vraiment. Juste mes _______________ et quelques _______________.

Speaker 2: Dis-moi, c’est quand ton anniversaire exactement?

Speaker 1: C’est _______________, le _______________ janvier.

Speaker 2: Joyeux Anniversaire, Antoine.

Speaker 1 : Merci, Juliette.

Speaker 2 : Tu peux compter sur ma présence. Speaker 1 : C’est très _______________.

• • • •


Allow time to practice in class with partners and in small groups.

Encourage practicing at home - ask them to keep track of how many times they rehearse and encourage use of live audience and recording self .

Allow final rehearsal in class then have them present to you at your desk or a "presentation corner" instead of for the whole class. Give all students a puzzle or worksheet.

Consider using technology i.e. iPod to record and submit.

filling in a form

 from magazine, other real-life situations

   

Prof du Jour

coloured popsicle sticks give them tools i.e. les questions personnelles (next slide).

Change with theme and curriculum.

“prof” sits at front, says “Bonjour” to the class, can ask date, weather etc., then asks 5 specific questions (given by teacher and relevant to topic/theme).

chooses student to answer by drawing popsicle stick.

Prof du Jour

Questions Personnelles  Comment t’appelles-tu?

     Quel âge as-tu?

Quand est ton anniversaire?

Comment vas-tu aujourd’hui?

De quelle couleur sont tes yeux?

De quelle couleur sont tes cheveux ?

        Où est-ce que tu habites ?

Combien de frères as-tu ?

Combien de sœurs as-tu ?

Qui est ton chanteur ou ta chanteuse préféré (e) ?

Quel est ton groupe de musique préféré ?

Quelle est ta matière préférée ?

A quels sports joues-tu ?

Est-ce que tu préfères jouer or regarder les sports ?

      Que fais-tu après les classes ?

As-tu un animal de compagnie chez toi ?

Quel est ton animal préféré ?

Quelle est ta nourriture préférée ?

Comment viens-tu à l’école ?

A quelle heure est-ce que tu arrives à l’école ?

  

La chaise chaude

A student is chosen to be on the “hot seat”. The student selects a popsicle stick and the student selected must ask one of the questions from their prepared activity sheet I normally do 4 to 5 questions per day. Again the questions can be changed as the curriculum evolves.

students prepare questions ahead of time as a group on a handout teacher chooses student to ask person in “hot seat” the questions

We are learning how to tell people to do something (l’imperatif)

  ◦ ◦ ◦ Simon says - can get rowdy, careful!

relay race ◦ model then produced own, small groups photos in Comic Life SmartBoard Notebook software version 11 - easy to record voices

Les directions

      Communi-quête 3: Mission Survie (trip in Montreal, how to get to various popular tourist sites) real maps move around classroom / school have one student direct another for how to get from own desk to door CEFR kit (Thames Valley) kids’ play carpet and Matchbox cars great idea but didn’t work SmartBoard brainstorm with kids’ recorded voices

SmartNotebook 11 – sample – class brainstorming and then students recorded own voices – use “insert sound”

We are learning how to talk about events in the past

   after a weekend or holiday brainstorm ideas on the board (black or white) or as a placemat, creating an anchor chart to help them remember vocabulary talk with partner form a circle, toss a beanbag or Koosh ball - student says something they did. Can repeat what someone else said.

Other ideas

For last year’s activities from our workshop, sign in to OMLTA site, members only Spring 2012, workshop G3: Teaching Grade 9 Applied French

la fin!!

[email protected]

[email protected]

also: Twitter (Bev @bevkj) or search by email address and: Bev’s blog: www.ms-k-j.blogspot.com

(This blog is aimed at students and parents and is usually updated daily.)