Presentation - Hampshire County Council

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Transcript Presentation - Hampshire County Council

DT Networks West Michelle Cain Education Adviser Virtual School Hampshire


• National and local updates • The new PEP • Pupil Premium • Training opportunities

Results (unvalidated)

KS 1 attaining Level 2+ • 62.1 % (all tasks up 2.1% on 2013) KS 2 attaining L4+ • 57.1% reading, writing and mathematics (up 7.1% on 2013 and above 2013 national average) KS4 attaining 5 GCSEs A*- C including English and mathematics – 16.9% (Up 7.6% on 2013 - Highest to date and above 2013 national average)

Year 11 % CiC achieving/not achieving 5+ A*-C inc EM

100,00% 90,00% 80,00% 70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% What do you think are the reasons for the gap?

20092010 87 children 20102011 106 children 20112012 88 children 20122013 107 children 20132014 77 children % achieving 5+A*-C inc EM % not achieving 5+A*-C inc EM

The Issues and our collective mission

• Expectations • Knowing the child and understanding needs • Meeting needs • Pedagogy

Anwen Foy VS HT DHT To be appointed Attached HIAS Inspectors Helen Fenton Bernard Cooper Sue Savory Glyn Wright Rachel Allen Education Adviser -East Julia Hodgson Education Officer - East Michelle Cain Education Adviser -West Barbara Steward Education officer -West 2 EWOs Lisa Martin Trudi Taylor 2 EWOs Fiona Smith IndiraJayawardena


Amy Oakley Administrative Officer Children's Services Department Hampshire County Council 4th Floor EII Court North Winchester Hampshire SO23 8UG Tel. 01962-835229 Fax 01962-846380 [email protected]

Janet Cox Senior Administrative Officer Children's Services Department Hampshire County Council 4th Floor EII Court North Winchester Hampshire SO23 8UG Tel. 01962-835227 Fax 01962-846380 [email protected]

Website information/cic-virtual-school.htm

Promoting the education of looked after children Statutory guidance for local authorities July 2014

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Summary Key points Supporting all looked after children High-level responsibilities Implementing the duty Giving the child a voice Working with others Supporting schools Pupil premium Information sharing Training for those involved in the care and education of looked after children Supporting individual children Securing appropriate education School admissions School exclusions Special educational needs The Personal Education Plan (PEP) PEP content Initiating, developing and reviewing the PEP Supporting transitions from care

Statutory Guidance - Supporting schools

To implement effectively their duty to promote the educational achievement of the children they look after local authorities should work closely with schools. To this end the VSH should ensure that: • schools in their authority and their governing bodies understand a local authority’s duty as a corporate parent to promote a looked after child’s educational achievement and the main reasons why, as a group, looked after children underachieve • school governing bodies understand the importance of specific professional development for, as a minimum, their senior leaders and designated teachers in supporting the achievement of looked after children • schools understand the powerful role they can play in significantly improving the quality of life and the educational experiences of looked after children • • an up-to-date list of designated teachers is maintained to assist with their own internal communications and networking but also to assist other authorities that have placed children within the authority where a looked after child attends school, that the child’s social worker makes the designated teacher aware that the child is looked after and that the designated teacher has an up-to date copy of each child’s PEP on admission and after each statutory review of the care plan

Statutory Guidance cont.

• • • The VSH should be aware of the requirements on school governing bodies to appoint a designated teacher for looked after children. They should have an understanding of the policies that schools in their area have in place to support the education of looked after children.

The VSH should make schools aware of their responsibility to ensure that designated teachers have had the appropriate training to undertake their role as set out in the statutory guidance for governing bodies on the role of the designated teacher for looked after children.

The VSH should offer training and advice to schools. This should enable schools to understand that looked after children, including those who remain looked after but have been placed for adoption, are not a homogenous group and that their individual needs will be different.

Statutory Guidance - The PEP

• The designated teacher leads on how the PEP is developed and used in school to make sure the child’s progress towards education targets is monitored.

The PEP – VSH Quality assurance role • • • • • • • To be an effective and high quality PEP it should: be a ‘living’, evolving, comprehensive and enduring record of the child’s experience, progress and achievement (academic and otherwise) and inform any discussion about education during the statutory review of the child’s wider care plan; be linked to, but not duplicate or conflict with, information in any other plans held by the child’s education setting; identify developmental (including any related to attachment) and educational needs (short and longer term) in relation to skills, knowledge, subject areas and experiences; include SMART short-term targets, including progress monitoring of each of the areas identified against development and educational needs; include SMART longer-term plans for educational targets and aspirations. These should, according to age and understanding, typically focus on public examinations, further and higher education, managing money and savings, work experience and career plans and aspirations identify actions, with time scales, for specific individuals intended to support the achievement of agreed targets and use of any additional resources (e.g. the pupil premium) specifically designated to support the attainment of looked after children highlight access to effective intervention strategies and how this will make/has made a difference to achievement levels

Statutory Guidance - The PEP cont.

VSHs should make arrangements for PEPs to be reviewed each school term. This is to ensure that the story of the child’s educational progress is current and continues to meet the child’s educational needs. It is also to ensure that information from the PEP is available to feed into the next statutory review of the wider Care plan. The nature of these arrangements and who to involve are for the VSH to decide in partnership with others.


• services/practitioners-information/cic-virtual school.htm

See VSH Website – PEP Guidance P5-6

The New PEP

• Feedback • Developments • SDQ/Care plan • Needs Analysis • Target setting • Funding • Impact

Corporate Parenting

Ensuring the right services are in place at the right time

Explaining their decisions concerning the allocation of resources

Reviewing and evaluating how effective their services are, taking into account the views of all those who are using them

Assessing whether they continue to meet changing need.

Specific IRO/IRS Functions

• •

Core Functions

Chairing the child’s review Monitoring the child’s care on an ongoing basis • • •

IRO Monitoring Functions

Duty to monitor the performances of the LA function on Corporate Parent Identify any areas of poor practice Offer a safeguard to prevent any drift in the care of the child

The Care Plan

• • • • Responsibilities of the IRO are to: evaluate whether the Care Plan meets the child’s needs decide whether the Care Plan is fair and reasonable to the child decide whether or not to endorse all or part of the Care Plan decide what actions in principle are necessary to carry it out.

• •

Guiding Principles for Reviewing Children Looked After

“The primary task of the IRO is to ensure that the Care Plan for the child fully reflects the Childs current needs and that the action set out in the plan are consistent with the local authorities legal responsibilities towards the child” It will be important for the social worker to provide for the IRO the evidence on which the plan was formulated. E.g. copies of assessments or minutes of meetings.

IRO Handbook 2010.

Best Provision Protocol services/BestProvisionProtocolSeptember2014.pdf

Suitable education placement Discussed and informed decision making Meeting the needs of all Looked after Children.

LA Statutory Guidance - Pupil premium

• Looked after children are one of the groups of pupils that attract pupil premium funding. Local authorities receive a pupil premium grant allocation based on the number of children looked after for at least one day and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August as recorded in • This is additional funding provided to help improve the attainment of looked after children and close the attainment gap between this group and their peers. • VSHs, working with education settings, should implement pupil premium arrangements for looked after children in accordance with the latest conditions of grant published by the department and any supplementary departmental advice it issues.

Pupil Premium Funding

• Intended for LAC to attain good education outcomes • As of April 1 st 2014 the management and allocation of the pupil premium for LAC became the responsibility of the Virtual School Head Teacher. • In 2014/15 all schools with a Hampshire LAC on roll will receive £1500 pupil premium grant per LAC • £600 in the summer term, £500 in the autumn term and £400 in the spring term


• In addition schools will continue to receive £1983 per LAC in DSG funding included within their budget share. • The arrangements for re-distributing funding, should a child or young person leave part way through the term to join another school or education setting, is still a local decision between schools although it is expected that the funding will follow the child or young person.

Training and support

• DT Networks • Action research • Bespoke support for schools • Bookable EP consultations