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The Lazio Region:
Institutions, Infrastructures and Economic Figures
The region of Lazio is strategically located in the very
heart of the Mediterranean trading corridor
The Institutions
Lazio is one of the twenty Italian Regions established by the Constitution in 1948
A region with Ordinary Status and concurrent legislative powers. In some cases, executive
The Region of Lazio is governed by:
• a Regional Council
• a Regional Executive Committee
• the President of the Regional Executive Commitee
Main Regional Competences
• Health care
• Education
• Scientific and technological Research
• Innovation for manufacturing activities
• Valorization of cultural heritage and environment
• Territorial governance, ports and airports
• Transport and navigation networks
• Civil protection
• Protection and security on workplaces
The Lazio Region and Roma Capitale
Thanks to a recent law, the Administration of the City of Rome enjoys a special
status within the Lazio region.
The so-called Roma Capitale and the Lazio Region will sign a Memorandum of
Understanding with the main aim of:
• Contributing to the economic, social and cultural territorial growth through an
integrated national and international development policy
• Fostering the collaboration for the management of the European Structural Funds
(2014 – 2020)
The Memorandum includes the creation of CREA (Municipality of Rome, Lazio
Region, Europa Assieme), a coordination unit for the implementation of the
Regional and the European policies.
The Territory
5 Administrative Districts: Rome, Latina, Frosinone, Viterbo, Rieti
Viterbo 5%
Resident Population: 5.5 millions
Rieti 3%
Frosinone 9%
Roma - 4.013.057
Latina - 528.663
Frosinone - 491.548
Viterbo - 305.091
Rieti -154.949
Latina 10%
Rome 73%
Total surface: 17.207 Kmq
280 Km of Tirrenic coast
Logistics and Mobility - Harbours
• 2.410 0000 passengers (2013)
• 49.600 cargo handling (2013)
Logistics and Mobility - Railways
High Speed Highway
Main Lines
Ancillary Lines
Logistics and Mobility - Airports
2 International Airports
Roma Fiumicino :
36.166.345 passengers (2013)
Roma Ciampino:
4.749.251 passengers (2013)
Logistics and Mobility - Links to Europe and the Mediterranean
Up to 2 hours flight
From 2 to 3 hours flight
Over 3 hours flight
Lazio Economic Figures
Its strength is based on:
• knowledge and innovation,
• relationship between businesses and universities,
• professionalism of its workforce and entrepreneurial skills,
• well-supplied logistic system.
Lazio Economic Figures
Lazio ranks:
• Second in Italy for contribution to the national GDP
• Third for population
• Eighth in terms of overall surface area
and more......
• the highest concentration of:
• public and private Universities
• public and private and Research Centres
• 745 multinationals based in Lazio, 25% focused on manufacture industries, in
particular Chemical Pharmaceutical (6,7% ) and Electronic (6,5%).
Lazio Economic Figures
152.1 million euros / 11% National GDP
GDP per capita
26, 198 Euro
Import 2012
29.8 billion euros / 7.8 % of the Italian import
Import (2011 – 2012) -11.6%
Import I semestre 2013
13.3 billion euros 7.3% of the Italian import
Import (2012-2013) -20.8%
Export 2012
17.9 billion euros 4.6% of the Italian export
Export (2011 – 2012) +5 %
Export I semestre 2013
9.2 billion euros 4.7% of the Italian export
Export (2012-2013) +6.5%
Universities and Research &Technology Centers
 State Universities
Sapienza Università di Roma
Università degli Studi di Roma 3
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Università della Tuscia
Università degli Studi di Cassino
Università degli Studi del “Foro Italico”
 Private Universities
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali LUISS Guido Carli
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Libera Università S. Maria Assunta LUMSA
Libera Università S. Pio V, John Cabot University – Roma
Università Europea di Roma
Universities and Research & Technology Centers
Public Research Centres :
CNR – National Research Center
ENEA – Energy Institute
National Institute for Nuclear Physics
The National Health Institute
Private Research Centres:
EBRI - European Brain Research Institute)
IRBM - Molecular Biology Research Institute by Piero Angeletti
CNRB – National Center for Biological Resources
IFS - Serono Pharmaceutical
ACRAF - Angelini Francesco United Chemical
Tecnobiomedical Laboratories
Universities and Research & Technology Centers
Science and Technology Parks:
• Tiburtino Technopole (High-Tech production and Industrial activities)
• Castel Romano Technopole (research and technology transfer, focus on Biotechnologies and
• Rome’s San Raffaele Biomedical Scientific Park
• CSM – Materials Development Centre
• ANPA – National Environment Protection Agency
• Techno Tiberis Consortium
• Northern Lazio Scientific and Technology Park
• Southern Lazio Scientific and Technology Park - PALMER
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Audiovisual and media industry
Biotechnology & Electromedicals
Cultural Industry and Tourism
Electronic and ICT
Food industry
Furniture and Design
Maritime Economy
Main Exporting Industries (2012)
• Chemical Pharmaceutical (35%)
• Transportation (10%)
• Electronic (9%)
Clusters and main Supply Chains
• market sector leader in Italy
• over 30,000 employees
• 694 million € exports 2012
• DTA – The Aerospace Technology District, the first Italian Aerospace
District, Italy’s first aerospace district
Lazio Key Capabilities:
Avionics and mission system / Space Technologies / Electronic and
electromedical components / Aicraft systems and parts / Ground support
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Audiovisual & Media Industry
 over 2,900 companies (22% of the national total)
over 89,000 employees (60% of national total)
Multimedia products, movies and television programs
Traditional and digital animation
Clusters and main Supply Chains
• 3,500 companies
• 22,000 employees
The production chain is concentrated in the area of Cassino
where are the automotive plants of FIAT
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Biotechnology & Electromedicals
second largest pole in Italy
third largest pole in Europe
over 20,000 employees
over 600 companies, including the world’s major multinationals
DTB – The Lazio Bioscience Technology District, for the promotion of
technical and scientific collaboration between industry and research
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Cultural Industry and Tourism
• Lazio is one of the most important destination for international/national
• DTC – The Lazio Cultural Heritage Technology District increase dialogue
and synergies between the academic and entrepreneurial sectors
• One of the largest archeological site, with 400 museums, art galleries
• 20 million of national and foreign tourists in 2012
• According to UNESCO, Italy hosts more than 50% of world historic and
artistic heritage a great part of it is located in Lazio
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Electronic and ICT
• 22,000 companies
• 200,000 employees
There is a long-standing tradition of such companies in the so-called Tiburtina
Valley, where the specialized production of the electronic and IT services
industries play a major economic role.
Clusters and main Supply Chains
• 2,000 companies
• 7,300 employees
Textile-clothing industry and fashion industrial design play a major role above
all thanks to its high quality products and traditions.
Rome is one of the capitals of haute couture, and indeed some of the most
world-renowned fashion houses are based in the Eternal city.
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Food Industry
•3,400 companies
•19,000 employees
•561 million € exports 2012
Most of the production is concentrated in Lazio south east area.
The presence of major logistic hubs such as Rome’s Agroindustrial Center
(CAR), Fondi’s fruit and vegetables market (MOF) and Latina’s fruit and
vegetables market (MOF) make Lazio one of the leading regions in terms of
marketing of agricultural products.
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Furniture and Design
• 4,500 companies
• 15,000 employees
• 359 million € exports 2012
Main productions:
Stone and marbles / Ceramics / Furniture and accessories.
Design is considered one of Lazio production sectors of excellence.
The culture of Lazio design is centred on the relation among beauty, tradition,
innovation and new technologies expressed in Fashion, Jewellery, Interior
design, Fancy Objects and also in Food.
Clusters and main Supply Chains
Maritime Economy
• 2,200 companies
• 14,000 employees
The Nautical system is specialized in manufacturing small, medium and bigsized boats, luxury yachts, planning and production of accessories, production
of navigation devices and maintenance of all-sized boats.
Sviluppo Lazio S.p.A.
Via V. Bellini, 22 – 00198 Roma
Tel. +39 06 84568.1
[email protected]