PPT: Common Core 110 Contingency Operations

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Transcript PPT: Common Core 110 Contingency Operations

UNIT 110
Contingency Ops
• References:
• [a] https://abfcview.navfac.navy.mil
• [b] COMCBPAC/COMCBLANT Instruction 10914.2, Maintenance
Management Program for Naval Construction Force (NCF) Camps
• [c] NAVEDTRA 14265, Utilitiesman Basic, Vol. 1
• [d] NAVEDTRA 14259, Utilitiesman Advanced
• [e] NAVEDTRA 14233, Naval Construction Force/Seabee 1 & C
• [f] NAVEDTRA 14234, Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 1
• [g] NWP 4-04, Naval Civil Engineer Operations
• [h] JFOB, Joint Forward Operating Base Force Protection Handbook
Engineer Support Plans
• PQS Question 110.1 Discuss Engineer Support
Plans (ESP)
• Reference: (g, ch 4, p. 4-1, par 4.2)
Engineer Support Plans
• Navy and Marine Corps service component
commanders identify the engineering mission
support for logistics and force-level
requirements. ESPs that guide engineers’
efforts are then developed as an appendix to
Annex D (Logistics) of OPLANs or operation
order (OPORD).
Request for Forces
• PQS Question 110.2 Discuss the Request for Forces
(RFF) process
• Reference: (g, ch 4, p. 4-1, par 4.3)
Request for Forces
• Naval civil engineering force units and
individual augments must be requested
through the request for forces (RFF) process
to augment a component or JTF organization.
CEC officers are on combatant and service
component engineer staffs.
• For further information on the RFF process,
refer to JP 1-0, Joint Doctrine for Personnel
Support to Joint Operations.
Contingency Planning and Crisis
Action Planning
• PQS Question 110.3 Discuss the difference between
Contingency planning and Crisis Action planning.
• Reference: (g, ch 4, p. 4-2, par 4.7.1. and 4.7.2)
Contingency Planning and Crisis
Action Planning
Contingency planning is performed in a continuous cycle that usually
begins with the publication of a new CPG and is designed to develop
joint OPLANs, CONPLANs (with and without TPFDD), or functional
plans to support the national military strategy. Contingency planning
facilitates the transition to crisis action planning.
Crisis Action Planning is based on current events and conducted in
time-sensitive situations and emergencies using assigned, attached,
and allocated forces and resources. Crisis action planners base their
plan on the actual circumstances that exist at the time planning occurs
and, where possible, an existing OPLAN. CAP uses the JOPP
described above, but steps may be condensed to fit the situation.
Engineer Support Plans
• PQS Question 110.4 Discuss the following as it
relates to General Engineering planning tools and
a. ESP (par. 4.9.1)
b. ABFC (par. 4.9.3)
c. Facilities (par. 4.9.4)
d. Real Estate (par. 4.9.5)
e. Environment (par. 4.9.6)
f. HN Support (par. 4.9.7)
• Reference: (g, ch. 4, p. 4-6)
Engineer Support Plans
ESP. Engineering planning is an integral part of the JOPP. The ESP identifies the minimum
essential facilities and engineering capabilities needed to support the commitment of military
forces. Based on service component input, unified commanders are responsible for
preparing the ESP. Civil engineer planners consider the following issues when preparing
input for an ESP:
a. HN restrictions imposed on the use of bases and installations.
b. Assumptions regarding the availability of critical HNS.
c. Major construction resources to be allocated.
d. Anticipation of sustainment of Class IV resources. ESP should consider whether or
not the Class IV items will need to be contracted locally vice shipped from other sources.
Consider use of LOGCAP, AFCAP, and NAVFAC GCC program management and contract
support team requirements.
e. Desired standards of construction (initial or temporary).
f. A provision for force withdrawal, such as base denial and movement of relocatable
residual assets.
ABFC. The ABFC system, known as the NAVFAC P-437, has two volumes. The
first volume is a list of components, facilities, and assemblies. The second volume
contains drawings. It includes standard designs, bills of material, weight, cube,
construction man-hour analysis, and fuel requirements. NAVFAC publishes the
ABFC system electronically in CD-ROM format or at
a. Components are the highest level of information. They consist of
personnel, material, facilities, and equipment and are designed and organized into
a configuration that performs a mission or task. An example of a component is the
P25, the NMCB TOA.
b. Facilities are engineering projects such as bunkers and preengineered
buildings. An example of a facility is a tent camp.
c. Assemblies are descriptive building blocks that detail National Stock
Numbers. Assemblies are used to develop concise, quick, and consistent
estimates for material and labor requirements. An example of an assembly is a
general-purpose medium tent.
Facilities. The unified commander is responsible for the coordination of planning,
programming, and construction of facilities to meet the requirements of service
component forces. Facility requirements are consistent with operational
requirements, duration of need, and forces to be supported. Initial or temporary
construction standards and facility requirements, as required by the mission,
determine the types of materials and construction techniques used in constructing
facilities in support of contingency operations. Naval civil engineers utilize
standard facility designs, which may be modified in response to operational,
environmental, and unusual site and customer requirements. Civil engineer
planners identify facility requirements for contingency operations.
Real Estate
The unified commander is responsible for coordinating real estate requirements of
the service component forces. Navy and Marine Corps component commanders
conduct real estate activities such as determining requirements for their forces;
selecting, acquiring, maintaining, and disposing of property; claims processing;
and records maintenance. Civil engineer planners consider aspects of acquisition
and/or leasing real estate in support of engineer operations.
Environmental. Naval civil engineer planners consider the effect of the planning of
operations on the environment in accordance with HN agreements; environmental
laws and regulations; and U.S. federal, state, and local environmental laws and
standards. Environmental considerations are found in Annexes L and Q of an
OPORD and/or OPLAN. Environmental considerations include:
– a. Policies and responsibilities to protect and preserve the environment
– b. Certification of local water sources by appropriate medical personnel
– c. Solid and liquid waste management
• (1) Open dumping and burning
• (2) Gray water disposal
• (3) Pesticide disposal
• (4) Human waste disposal
• (5) Hazardous material disposal.
– d. Hazardous materials management, including the potential use of pesticides
– e. Protection of indigenous animals and vegetables
– f. Archaeological and historical preservation
– g. Contingency spill plans.
HN Support
Unified commanders obtain authority for negotiations with HNs through channels of the Joint
Staff, the SecDef, and the Department of State. Marine Corps and Seabee engineer planners
identify requirements for HNs and forward their requests through the commander, joint task
force (CJTF) or the service component commanders to the unified commander. The types of
HN logistic support that engineer planners request, subject to agreements and restrictions,
– a. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants
– b. Transportation
– c. Telecommunications
– d. Civilian labor
– e. Rear area protection
– f. Facilities
– g. Contracting
– h. Equipment acquisition
– i. Supplies
– k. Health services support
– l. Waste disposal.
Logistical Support
• PQS Question 110.5 Discuss the following logistics
support considerations for Seabee units.
a. Supply (par. 4.11.1)
b. Maintenance (par. 4.11.2)
c. Transportation (par. 4.11.3)
d. General Engineering (par. 4.11.4)
e. Health Services (par. 4.11.5)
f. Medical Treatment Facilities (par.
g. Medical Evacuations (par.
h. Other Services (par. 4.11.6)
• Reference: (g, ch 4, p. 4-11)
Logistical Support
Supply is the receipt, storage, issue, and resupply of materiel for conducting
operations. After depletion of Seabee-deployed stocks, the supported JTF
resupplies for Class I, III, IV, V, VIII, and IX materials. The JTF shall also source
the air or sealift required to move Class VII and IX supplies that are obtained
through NFELC and distributed through JTF logistic channels.
Maintenance consists of actions necessary to preserve, repair, and ensure
continued operations and effectiveness. Seabee units use the material and
maintenance management system and are organized through intermediate (first
and second) levels of maintenance on organizational CESE. Seabees also
conduct organizational (Echelon II) maintenance on assigned communications
and weapons systems (less optics) and electronic assets. Support for
maintenance above these levels is required.
Transportation is the movement of units, personnel, equipment, and supplies
from their point of origin to their final destination. Seabee units have organic
transportation assets to move equipment and supplies within the theater. They
may request augmenting transportation from the supported JTF for movement of
Class IV materials to their project sites or to displace the unit in a single
Logistical Support
General Engineering is deliberate and oriented in CSS. Seabees have a robust
capability to conduct general engineering. BDR, maintenance of facilities, and
vertical and horizontal construction are examples of the engineering operations
conducted by the Seabees. Seabees have limited combat engineering capability
and limited engineer reconnaissance capability:
– 1. Do not clear mines
– 2. Do not place mines
– 3. Do not conduct explosive ordnance disposal
– 4. Do not conduct explosive demolition.
Health Services maintain, preserve, and restore the combat power of the force
in war and peace. Only NMCB units have a robust organic medical capability.
The NMCBs are billeted with a medical officer, dental officer, and independent
duty corpsman plus additional corpsmen. Those medical assets support firstresponder-capability care. This includes routine and limited emergency medical
and dental support at the point of initial injury or illness. Limited ancillary
capability consists of preventive medicine, first aid/buddy aid, pharmacy,
ophthalmic, medical laboratory, and radiology.
Logistical Support
Medical Treatment Facility Seabee units have an organic medical treatment
facility with limited patient treatment capabilities located in each NMCB. They
are capable of only initial treatment and stabilization for serious injuries prior to
medical evacuation. Although the NMCB aid station has an assigned medical
staff, the medical equipment organic to the Seabee unit is for a small
detachment operated by one corpsman to perform organic medical and limited
dental care.
Medical Evacuations Health service support to Seabee units attached to a JTF
is provided in the same manner in which medical care is provided to other JTF
elements. Seabees follow established procedures for the medical evacuation of
Other Services Seabee organizations require support in field exchange
services, security, legal services, civil affairs, and graves registration. Although
NMCBs are self-sufficient upon deployment, the situation dictates whether or not
augmentation CSS from the supported JTF is required in the following areas:
disbursing (U.S. Navy interface), exchange services, legal services, mortuary
services, postal services, security support, and civil affairs support.
Construction Standards
• PQS Question 110.6 Explain the following
construction standards.
– a. Initial/Expedient (par. 5.2.1)
– b. Temporary (par.
– c. Permanent (par.
• Reference: (g, ch 5, p. 5-1)
Construction Standards
Initial/Expedient - Naval civil engineering forces apply the
initial/expedient construction standard for facilities construction in a
tactical environment when response times are at a premium for rapidly
deploying engineering resources to limited support locations. Naval civil
engineering forces primarily use and tailor P-437 ABFC designs to sitespecific locations that require austere facilities intended for immediate
operational use.
Temporary - Naval civil engineering forces apply the temporary
construction standard for facilities construction when a location requires
that it extend the efficiency of operations for use for as long as 24
months and when the naval civil engineering forces are required to
provide sustained operations. When mission requirements dictate, the
temporary construction standard replaces the initial/expedient
construction standard. Naval civil engineering forces conduct
temporary-construction-standard readiness training through fleet
exercises to ensure proficiency in temporary construction missions,
such as knowing temporary construction standards for:
Construction Standards
– 1. Building or modular systems and the ABFC standard design
– 2. Expeditionary airfield construction
– 3. Electrical power generation and distribution systems
– 4. Fortifications
– 5. Forward arming and refueling points
– 6. Roads
– 7. Soil stabilization
– 8. Sewage disposal
– 9. Troop housing
– 10. Water storage and distribution.
Construction Standards
Permanent - Naval civil engineering forces build permanentconstruction-standard facilities for HN, supporting stability and security
operations for U.S. forces with increased efficiency for long-term
sustained operations. Naval civil engineering forces must conform to
either military, industrial, or commercial construction standards chosen
by the directing authority when constructing permanent facilities. Naval
civil engineering forces conduct permanent construction-standard
readiness training during peacetime deployments. They participate in
fleet exercises and conduct contributory support projects at commands
to ensure proficiency in permanent construction missions. Permanentconstruction-standard training includes instruction in the following
1. Asphalt paving
2. Bridging, nonstandard
3. Buildings
4. Concrete runways
Construction Standards
5. Port facilities and navigational structures
6. Roads
7. Steel frame and block buildings
8. Steel structures
9. Utility distribution and storage systems.
Battlespace Functions
• PQS Question 110.7 Explain the three types
of engineering Battlespace Functions that are
assigned to the Seabees:
• Reference (g, ch. 5, p. 5-2, par 5.3)
Battlespace Functions
• General Engineering
• Combat Engineering
• Geospatial Engineering
Operational Situations
• PQS Question 110.8 Discuss the following operational
a. Joint (par. 5.5.1)
b. Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) (par. 5.5.2)
c. Counteracting Restriction to Movement (par. 5.5.4)
d. Jungle (par. 5.5.3)
e. Mountain (par. 5.5.5)
f. Cold Weather (par. 5.5.6)
g. Desert (par. 5.5.7)
h. Gap Crossing (par. 5.5.8)
i. Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) (par. 5.5.9)
• Reference: (g, ch. 5, p. 5-8)
Operational Situations
Joint Operations - Naval civil engineering forces train to know how other service
and coalition engineers and nongovernmental organizations operate, and how naval
civil engineering operations fit into the joint environment.
Maritime Prepositioning Force Ops - Goal of the maritime prepositioning force.
The rapid establishment of a combat-ready MAGTF ashore is accomplished by
combining the rapid movement of the MAGTF fly-in-echelon (FIE), made up of MPF
enablers and main party personnel, through strategic airlift with MAGTF equipment
and supplies loaded aboard a forward-deployed MPSRON. There are three
MPSRONs in the maritime prepositioning force. To assist the MAGTF with the offload and staging of the prepositioned sets on each MPSRON, a Navy support
element (NSE) is required, to which PHIBCBs are an integral part.
Counteracting Restriction to Movements - When a unit exceeds the ability to
maneuver around natural and artificial terrain, engineers advise unit commanders
about counteracting restrictions to movement in a range of operational situations and
environments. In their evaluation, engineers consider the unit’s tactical situation,
mission assignment, operational environment, engineering capabilities, and
equipment availability. They weigh the impact of the tactical situation on engineer
tactics, required equipment, and speed of mission accomplishment in order to
formulate recommendations to the unit commander.
Operational Situations
Jungle - Engineering operations in the jungle include road construction, stream
crossing, expeditionary airfield construction, water treatment, mine warfare, and
Mountain Ops - Engineer training that supports mountain operations includes cable
and rope rigging, demolition of rock formations, mountain climbing, mountain road
clearing and construction, employment of helicopters, expedient stream crossing,
and bridge construction.
Cold Weather Ops - Cold weather operations occur in arctic regions and subarctic
areas of North America and Eurasia. The Arctic consists of polar seas, polar land,
and ice pack areas. The Arctic is a cold, snow-covered desert with an 8-inch average
annual rainfall. Vegetation is dwarfed and scrubby in arctic regions. The subarctic is
an area of extremes with hot summers and very cold winters. Arctic/subarctic lines of
communications consist of roads, trails, and limited water travel. Seabees do not
train for this type of environment; however, UCTs do conduct arctic dive training
operations. Seabees would need to be outfitted with cold weather
Operational Situations
Desert - Desert terrain shares physical characteristics such as a lack of water and
vegetation, extreme temperatures, bright sunshine and moonlight, dust storms, and
dry river channels. Operations in the desert, complicated by the task of providing an
adequate supply of water, increased requirements for camouflage assistance and
deception, and special problems in field fortifications, significantly task engineering
Gap-Crossing - Gap crossings are second only to amphibious operations in
complexity and vulnerability. A gap-crossing operation is similar to a bridging
operation. Seabees do not have standard bridging assets in their TOA. Hasty,
deliberate, and retrograde gap-crossing operations require advanced planning for
training, coordination, and equipment. C2, planning, unit relationships and
responsibilities, and participation by various units are different with each type and
size of crossing operation.
Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain - Seabees support construction projects
in urban and populated areas even though they are not an offensive force. The
presence of population and man-made construction complicates MOUT. The number
of Seabees training in MOUT continues to increase. UCTs conduct limited MOUT
training since a majority of their work at seaports is expected to be in urban
• PQS Question 110.9 Discuss the following Joint Forward
Operating Base (JFOB) site selection and layout
a. General (p. 5-6)
b. Perimeter Security (p. 5-7)
c. Critical Assets (p. 5-8)
d. Utilities (p. 5-9)
e. Occupied Structures (p. 5-10)
f. Commercial/Service Access (p. 5-10)
• Reference: (h, ch. 5)
Perimeter Security
– Layered Defense. Design a layout that incorporates the concept of a
layered defense in depth. Incorporate perimeter security devices
(barriers, ECPs lighting, intrusion detection and surveillance systems
(IDS), access control equipment, etc.).
Critical Assets
– Asset Location, Visual Surveillance, Defensible Space, Use of Available
Space, Access Routes, Vehicle Parking, Exterior Signage, Trash
Receptacles, Vegetation, Separation Distance, Structures
• Utility Access, Utility Support, Multiple Power Sources, Public Address
System, Perimeter Penetration, Water Treatment and Storage, Signage,
Storage Tanks and Operational Facilities, Communication Networks
e. Occupied Structures (p. 5-10)
f. Commercial/Service Access (p. 5-10)
Occupied Structures
- Site, Personnel, Open Space, Structural Hardening,
Retrofit/Hardening Techniques, Standoff Distance, Windows, Safety
Window Frames, Doors, Asset Concealment, Pedestrian Traffic, Trash
Commercial/Service Access
- Vehicle Delivery Locate, Signage, Driveways
Tent Camp Layout
• PQS Question 110.10 Explain the fundamentals of a tent
camp layout in relation to the following:
a. Latrines from messing facilities (p. 10-40)
b. Latrines from water supplies (p. 10-40)
c. Garbage pits from water supplies (p. 10-42)
d. Garbage pits from messing (p. 10-42)
• Reference: (f, ch. 10)
Tent Camp Layout
Latrines from messing facilities (p. 10-40) - Latrines must be 100 yards from
messing facilities.
Latrines from water supplies (p. 10-40) - Latrines must be 100 yards from water
Garbage pits from water supplies (p. 10-42) - Garbage pits are usually not more
than 30 yards from mess areas
Garbage pits from messing (p. 10-42) - Garbage pits are not less than 100 yards
from water supplies.
Leach Fields
• PQS Question 110.11 : Discuss the purpose of leach fields.
• Reference: (ref. d, ch. 10, p. 10-37)
Leach Fields
Leach fields are an integral component of a septic tank individual sewage disposal
system. Leaching fields may be referred to as a tile fields or absorption trenches.
The function, testing, construction, and maintenance techniques of this component
remain the same. The lines are build of 4-inch PVC perforated pipe. The conditions
below are important for the proper functioning of a leaching field:
Groundwater levels well below that of the leaching field
Soil of satisfactory leaching characteristics within a few feet of the surface extending
several feet below the leaching pipe.
Subsurface drainage away from the field
Adequate area
Freedom from polluting drinking water supplies, particularly from shallow wells in the
Camp Maintenance
• PQS Question 110.12 :Discuss the following as it pertains to
camp maintenance:
a. Trouble desk (p. 6-6)
b. Three types of work (p. 6-9)
c. Operator inspection (p. 6-23)
d. Control inspections (p. 6-22)
e. Maintenance inspection (p. 6-18)
• Reference: (e, ch. 6)
Camp Maintenance
Trouble Desk - The trouble desk attendant receives all customer trouble calls, enters this
information into the trouble desk log and fills out emergency/service authorization (ESA)
forms. The attendant makes sure that ESA forms are properly routed and that outstanding
ESAs are completed within the required deadlines. Normally, all facility history jackets are
maintained at the trouble desk.
Types of work –Emergency/service work, specific job orders, and SJOs.
Operator Inspection – Operator inspections consist of examining, lubricating, and making
minor adjustments. Operator inspections of constantly attended equipment are another form
of PM, but they are performed by the operator assigned to the equipment as part of the
day-to-day responsibilities.
Camp Maintenance
Control Inspection – A control inspection reviews all camp facilities to determine the
maintenance required during the deployment to preserve or improve the condition of
camp structures and property. It is the foundation of the camp maintenance program and
work load.
Maintenance Inspection – The inspection branch (PM/COSAL coordinator) is responsible
for the following specific actions:
• 1. Inventory all camp equipment that meets the following criteria
— Impairs the operational efficiency of the unit should a breakdown occur.
— Presents a safety hazard in the event of breakdown or damage.
— Is more cost effective to repair than replace.
— Requires a long lead time to replace or procure repair parts
Water purification
• PQS Question 110.13: Discuss the following:
a. Potable water [ch. 2, p. 2-27]
b. Chlorination [ch. 7, p. 7-6]
c. Superchlorination [ch. 2, p. 2-28]
• Reference: (ref. d, ch. 10, p. 10-37)
Drinking water
• Potable water: Water that does not contain
pollution, contamination, or infective agents
and is considered satisfactory for drinking
• Non-Potable water: Water that may contain
objectionable or infective agents and is
considered unsafe and/or unpalatable for
Drinking Water
• Chlorination: Chlorination is the most
common method of disinfecting potable
• Water from systems where sanitary, physical,
operating, defects, or other special hazards
are known to exist must be chlorinated to
specific bacterial levels. Residual of at least
2.0 ppm.
Drinking Water.
• Super Chlorination: Super Chlorination is
the application of chlorine in dosages far in
excess of the chlorine demand for
• Super Chlorination is accomplished by
chlorinating the water in a container or
distribution system to at least 100 parts per
million (ppm).
ABFC System
• PQS Question 110.14: Discuss the three parts of the
Advance Base Functional Component (ABFC) system and
explain their relationships:
• Reference: (ref. d, ch. 10, p. 10-37)
• Part 1, Component Site Plan
- Component is defined as a grouping of
personnel and materials that has a specific
function or mission at an advanced base.
- Example: NMCB is a component
• Part 2, Facility Drawings
- Lists and describes by assembly number
that assembly requirement for each facility
- Example: 250 Man Tent Camp
• Part 3, Assembly Drawing
- Lists line-item requirements by nation
Stock Number (NSN) for each assembly
- Example: Tent 16 x 32
• PQS Question 110.15: Discuss the ABFC View Program and
how it facilitates contingency planning.
• Reference: (ref. a)
• The ABFCview document is the electronic
version of the NAVFAC P-437 Facilities
Planning Guide. It identifies structures and
supporting facilities of the Navy ABFC
system. It was developed to make preengineered facility designs, material
requirement, and labor requirement available
to planners at all levels.