Can I Give This Out?

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"Can I give this out?"
What Frontline Staff Need to
Know About FOI and Privacy
2010 LGMA Administrative
Professionals' Conference
Paul Hancock, City of Vancouver
October 28, 2010
Learning Objectives
How to decide if information is
Practice applying your knowledge to
different types of records
Disclosure laws
Public sector
Private sector
• Access to
Information Act • PIPEDA
• Privacy Act
• Personal
Protection Act
Two disclosure processes
Request for
Formal (FOI)
How do you decide if information is
routinely releasable?
Your options are:
1. Check your disclosure policies
2. Check online resources (LG Q&A)
3. Ask the FOI Guy
4. Analyze the info yourself
Info that must be routinely released
Most policies and procedures
Some info relevant to public safety
Some info required under other law
• eg. Rules of Court, Local Government Act,
Workers Compensation Act, Income Tax Act
Info that may be routinely released
Info that is already publicly available
Section 33 of FOIPPA. Examples:
• Info required by police for law enforcement
Info required by another public body for
“common or integrated program or activity”
Info required for research purposes
Info that cannot be routinely released
Info restricted under FOIPPA
Info restricted under another law
Other sensitive info
• 11 exceptions to disclosure
• personal information is radioactive!
• eg. voter’s lists - Local Government Act
• eg. internal memo re: potential for lawsuit
What if it isn’t routinely releasable?
“Sorry, it’s not routinely releasable”
Start the FOI process immediately
Care and feeding of your “FOI Guy”
A whirlwind tour of FOI
Only “records” may be requested
Request must be in writing
Deadline for response
All info must be released (subject to 11
exceptions to disclosure)
FOIPPA Exceptions to Disclosure (1)
1. Deliberations of a closed meeting
2. Advice or recommendations
3. Solicitor-client privilege
4. Harm to law enforcement
5. Harm to intergovernmental relations
6. Harm to City’s financial interests
FOIPPA Exceptions to Disclosure (2)
7. Harm to heritage conservation
8. Information that will be released within
60 days
9. Harm to individual or public safety
10. Harm to third party business interests
11. Harm to personal privacy
Timelines and Fees
Routine release
FOI process
• No deadline for response
• Can charge fees (with by-law authority)
• 30-day deadline for response
• Fee schedule in FOIPPA
What are the 2 processes for releasing
How do you know if something is
routinely releasable?
What do you say if something isn’t
routinely releasable?
What kind of info is “radioactive”?
Should you be nice to the FOI Guy?
Building records
Letter of complaint about a property
Report prepared by building inspector
Photos of property
Building plans
Fire report
Internal complaint investigation manual
Permit and license records
Electrical, plumbing and building permits
Names and addresses of contractors
Business licenses
Dog licenses
Law enforcement records
Name of a witness to a violent incident
Incident investigation procedure manual
Plans of a Recreation Centre
Surveillance camera footage
First aid report
Police report
Employment records
Employee name and work address
Employee home address
Employee salary
Employee marital status
Employee grievance file
Confidential severance agreement
Legal records
Confidential email from a lawyer
Legal invoice
Internal memo about a potential lawsuit
By-law prosecution records
Solicitor-Client Privilege
Legal Professional
Procurement records
Proposal (RFP or Tender)
Bid evaluation records
Supply contract
Consulting contract
Property tax and assessments
Property owner name and mailing address
Last year’s assessed value for the property
Taxes payable
Taxes in arrears
Home Owner Grant claimed for the property
For more information…
Office of the Information & Privacy
Ministry of Citizens’ Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer
Local Government Q&A
LGMA FOIPPA workshops
Paul Hancock, City of Vancouver
[email protected], (604) 873-7999