Note-Taking in a Digital World - Arkansas Business Education

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Note-Taking in a Digital World

Arkansas Business Education Association Annual Meeting Dr. Paula Ruby July 29-30, 2014 Dr. Ralph Ruby Arkansas State University

World’s Best Universities

The world’s top 400 ranked colleges and universities emphasize note taking as an important study skill encouraging the use of abbreviations, symbols, and initials as a Note-Taking Shorthand: 400-universities-in-the-world 2

California Institute of Technology

• College academic and learning skill centers actively promote the use of note taking to improve a student's learning capabilities: •

California Institute of Technology

Note Taking System – mentions five specific note taking systems:

The Cornell Method

   

Outline Method Mapping Method Charting Method Sentence Method


Harvard University

Note-making is the term used by Harvard for note-taking. The following are recommendations from the Harvard University website: • Harvard Suggestions for Effective Note-Making • Taking Lecture Notes - Dartmouth College Note-Taking Strategies - Stanford University Lectures and Recitations - Taking Lecture Notes Note-Taking and In-Class Skills - Virginia Tech - MIT •

16014&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent892873& Param_name=notemaking.html


University of Oxford – Oxford Learning Institute

• The main aim of note-taking is to record and remember. Good note taking involves analyzing and organizing the information to build a better understanding of the subject, and therefore aiding recall. Most people will take notes to: • remind themselves of the key points of a book/article/presentation/speech/lecture or meeting • record information and/or sources of information for future reference • build a better understanding of the subject • summarize and memorize information • revise for tests or exams • ites/oxfordlearninginstitute/documents/pdg/managingyourself/7_note taking.pdf


Stanford University

Getting the most out of college means studying hard and using your time in class wisely. Make the most of your time in class and out with an effective note-taking strategy. Make the best use of your class time by having a note-taking method. The Cornell Note-Taking System is one that has been proven effective by countless high school and college students. (Stanford) strategies

• Stanford University recommends using abbreviations, symbols and initials as a note-taking shorthand.

• 6

University of California At Berkley

NOTETAKING is one way to enhance listening, and using a systematic approach to the taking and reviewing of your notes can add immeasurably to your understanding and remembering the

content of lectures. (UC - Berkeley).

• •

Colgate University

It's a simple fact of academic survival - the best students take the best notes! Notes not only aid comprehension, but they also make learning active and, most importantly, make study time more efficient,

especially during end-of-the semester review sessions for final exams. (Colgate University).



Princeton University

• Chances are, you'll take quite a few lecture courses at Princeton. You can maximize what you learn in and from lecture by following three easy steps: 1) adopt active listening skills; 2) take clear, effective notes; and 3) review your notes within 24 hours of taking them. (Princeton) • •

Utah State University

• •


1. Taking notes aids your comprehension and retention. Researchers found that if important information was contained in notes, it had a 34% chance of being remembered (Howe, 1970, in Longman and Atkinson, 1999). Information not found in notes had only a 5% chance of being remembered.


East Central College

• =31&ved=0CB4QFjAAOB4&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eastcentral.

edu%2Fcommon%2Fassets%2FNoteTakingTips.pdf&ei=MhC-U XJHIuYyASG_IHICQ&usg=AFQjCNF8vlZPe07WDnyW629MFBmV 9W3IXw&sig2=nxU5eu_wq9Cu4mAbqy7AAA •

Western Michigan


University of Texas at San Antonio

• =33&ved=0CCsQFjACOB4& s%2Fresources%2FTake%2520Better%2520Notes.ppt&ei=MhC-U XJHIuYyASG_IHICQ&usg=AFQjCNELF6fHuAHK_8g3ZXANDlYv4 1KcsQ&sig2=lItdqYpyKMfkzJkldaf2ZA 9

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

• s/11499/note_taking.html

Dartmouth College

• 37&ved=0CEgQFjAGOB4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dartmouth.ed

u%2F~acskills%2Fdocs%2Ftaking_notes.doc&ei=MhC-U XJHIuYyASG_IHICQ&usg=AFQjCNFWfVYH3CkH4HaPN_A9GxPr nNQNqg&sig2=PqMqj_pA7GeZqead1hpskA •

University of St. Andrews

• micskills/notes/ 10

California State University, Northridge

• Second only to effectively managing one's time, being able to follow lectures is the most important critical study skill that a student can have. When you look at the profiles of successful students, there is a common thread tying them together -- these are students who have the ability to take comprehensive notes in virtually all classes regardless of who the instructor might be or what the subject matter is.


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



Pleasant Valley K - 12

• Note-Taking (for Students) •