Ancient China: The Zhou Dynasty PPT

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Ancient China
The Zhou Dynasty
The Zhou
• In the 1100’s BC, the
leaders of a people
became known as the
Zhou and ruled over
China. They joined
with nearby tribes and
overthrew the Shang.
The Zhou Dynasty
lasted longer than any
other in China.
Zhou Political System
• Zhou kings claimed to
possess the Mandate of
Heaven. This was seen
as the god Heaven gave
power to the king to rule.
No one could rule without
Heaven’s permission and
if a ruler was found to be
bad, he would lose
Heaven’s support to
The Zhou Political System
• The Zhou came from the west. They used the
mandate to justify their rebellion against the
Shang. Later Zhou rulers will expand their land
to the northwest and the east. Later they would
move south the Chiang Jiang.
A New Political Order
• The Zhou established
a new political order.
They granted land to
people in return for
loyalty, military
support and an array
of services. In the
social class, the king
was at the top, lords
(landowners) and
lastly peasants.
A New Social Order
• The Zhou system brought
order. Ruling through
lords helped control
distant areas and ensure
loyalty to the king. In
time this order would
break down as lords
handed over power to
their sons who were not
as loyal. As local leaders
gained power, they would
reject the power of the
The Decline of Zhou Power
• As loyalty to the king
lessened, many refused
to fight against invaders.
In 771 BC, invaders
reached the capital.
Much like the story of the
boy who cried wolf, the
ruler was said to have lit
warning fires to which
soldiers would rush to
defend. After several
false calls, soldiers
refused to come when
invaders did show and
the battle was lost.
Decline of the Zhou
• After this attack, the
dynasty still survived.
However, after this loss,
lords started fighting each
other. By 481 BC, China
had entered the period
known as the Warring
States period. This was a
time of brutal, civil war
with soldiers cruelly
fighting for land and not
Internal Problems
• Family structure
changes from large
connected families
that later will break
apart and become
rivals. Bonds of
loyalty would weaken
in smaller families –
particularly among the
upper classes.
Warring States
• To maintain peace,
fathers would divide their
lands amongst his sons.
However, sons would just
build wealth and then
attack each other for
control – some would
even kill their fathers.
Without a strong
government, Chinese
society will fall into a
period of disorder.
Confucius and Society
• Thinkers spring up
during the Zhou
period formulating
ideas on how to
restore order.
Confucius, or Master
Kong, as he is known
in western society,
was one such thinker.
• Confucius felt that
China was filled with
rude and dishonest
people, and believed
that the Chinese
should return ethics
and moral values.
His ideas would
become known as
Confucianism – Family Order
• Confucius wanted China to return to a time of
when people knew their roles on society.
• In the family …
• Fathers should display high moral values for the
• Children should respect and obey their parents.
• All family members should be loyal to each
Confucianism - Government
• Confucius’s ideas on government …
• Moral leadership, not laws brought order
to China.
• A King should lead by example, inspiring
good behavior in all his subjects.
• The lower classes would learn by following
the example of their superiors.
Confucius – Teachings and
• Confucius gained a
reputation as a
respected teacher as
he traveled. His
ideas were passed
down through his
students and later his
writings which were
compiled in a book
called the Analects.
• Since Confucianism
focuses on morality,
family, society and
government, it can be
viewed as a philosophy.
However, it is also
religious and has been a
guiding force in human
behavior and religious
understanding in China
for thousands of years.
Confucius – Final Thought
• Confucius believed
that when people
behaved well and
acted morally, they
were simply doing as
heaven expected.
Over the centuries,
Confucius’s ideas
would become the
dominant beliefs in
• Daoism takes its
name from Dao,
which means the way.
It stressed living in
harmony with the
Dao, the guiding force
of all reality. Daoist
teachings say the
Dao gave birth to the
universe and all
things in it.
• It developed as a
reaction to
Daoists didn’t believe
that active, involved
leaders brought social
harmony. They
believed that
government should
stay out of the lives of
the people.
• Daoists believe that
people should avoid
interfering with nature
or each other – they
should just let things
flow. The ideal ruler
will rule effortlessly
through the Dao and
people will not know
they are being
Daoists Teachings
• Daoists believe that the
universe is a balance of
opposites, light and dark,
low and high and that
these opposite forces
should be in harmony.
While Confucianists focus
on the human world,
Daoists focus on the
natural world. Daoists
believe humans are just a
part of nature, no better
than other things.
• Laozi was the most
famous Daoist
teachers. He taught
that people should not
seek wealth or power.
He is credited with
writing the basic text
of Daoist teachings,
The Way and Its
• Legalism is the thought that people are bad by
nature and need to be controlled.
• Unlike Daoism and Confucianism, there is no
religious aspect, just a political philsophy.
• Legalists believe that society needs strict laws to
keep people in line and punishments should fit
the crime.
• Citizens should be responsible for others
conduct and that a persons relatives and
neighbors should be punished along with the
• Unity and efficiency are
also important to
Legalism. They wanted
appointed officials to run
China. They also wanted
the empire to continue to
grow so it should always
be prepared for war. The
Legalists will be the first
to put their ideas into
practice throughout China
To Sum Up …
• Exit: How did Doaists and Legalists differ on
their ideas of government?
• Stay tuned next time for The Qin Dynasty.