Transcript Part 2

Money in the Competitive
Equilibrium Model
Part 2
Explicit Money Demand
Cash-in-Advance Model
Optimal Monetary Policy
Money and Real Ecomomic
• Neutrality of Money  a one-time change in the
level of the nominal money supply has no effect
on real economic variables (only nominal).
• Superneutrality of Money  a change in the
growth rate of the money supply has no effect on
real economic variables.
– Sometimes “superneutrality” definition exclued the
real money supply as a “real” economic variable.
• CE model with Ad-Hoc money demand (e.g.
Cagan model)  money is neutral and
• An increase in the money growth rate 
    and   e  MD  R and  (M / P)
• Classical dichotomy  No change in CE values
of y*,N*,c*, and r*.
• This result may not be true in CE model with
explicit money demand.
• Reminder: Nominal versus Real Interest Rates:
1  Rt
(1  rt ) 
1  t
where R = nominal rate
r = real rate
inflation rate =  t 
Pt 1  Pt Pt 1
Explicit Money Demand
• Incorporate use of money as a decision of the
representative household.
• Assumptions:
Income yt is exogenous
Households make an asset allocation
decision between nominal money (M)
and bonds (B).
Government directly sets nominal Ms
No uncertainty
• Money Supply:
M ts1  M ts  X t  (1   )M ts
where Xt = transfer of money to public
(“helicopter drop”) and  = money growth rate
• Reminder: Real vs Nominal Interest Rates:
(1+r) = (1+R)/(1+) or
r = R –  (approx)
Pt 1  Pt Pt 1
t 
• Timeline
• Budget Constraint (nominal terms)
Pt yt  Bt (1  Rt )  M t  X t  Pt ct  M t 1  Bt 1
Total Sources of Income = Total Uses
• Optimization: Choose {ct, Mt, Bt} to
max  t 1u (ct )
t 1
subject to (BC)
• State Variables: M t , Bt
Control Variables: c , B
t 1
• Bellman Equation:
V ( M t , Bt )  max u (ct )  V ( M t 1 , Bt 1 )
ct , Bt 1
subject to
M t 1  Pt yt  Bt (1  Rt )  M t  X t  Pt ct  Bt 1
(transition equation)
• FOC and Envelope conditions contradict unless
R = 0.
• If R > 0 then M = 0. Money is an inferior asset
to bonds and valueless.
• Need another constraint to give money value.
Cash-in-Advance Model
(A3): Consumption must be purchased with cash
carried in advance from previous period.
• New Timeline
• Cash-In-Advance Constraint
M t  Pt ct
• State Variables: M t , Bt
Control Variables: c , B
t 1
• Bellman Equation:
V ( M t , Bt )  max u (ct )  V ( M t 1 , Bt 1 )  t [ M t  Pt ct ]
ct , Bt 1
CIA Constraint
subject to
M t 1  Pt yt  Bt (1  Rt )  M t  X t  Pt ct  Bt 1
• FOC & Envelope
MRSct ,ct1
 1  Rt
u ' (ct )
 
u ' (ct 1 )  1   t
  (1  rt )
• Market-Clearing (MC):
ct = yt = y*
Mt = Mts
Bt = 0
(Note from BC if two of the three markets clear, the third
one will also clear)
• The CE are values for {ct, yt, Bt, rt, m=(M/P), R,
} solving (1), (2) and (MC) conditions.
• CE Values:
c* = y*
*  
r* = (1/ – 1) = r
(M/P)* = c*
(1+R) = (1+r*)(1+*) (Fisher Effect)
• One time changes in the level of Ms are neutral.
• Increases in the growth rate of money () leads
to an increase in * and R* while leaving c*, y*,
r* unchanged. (Superneutrality)
• This result comes from exogenous income and
is not general when model is modified.
• Consider adding labor market and firms to the
Figure 15.4 Scatter Plot of the Inflation Rate vs.
the Growth Rate in M0 for the United States,
CIA Model with Production
• Cooley and Hansen (1989 – AER)
• Modify to Include Labor and Production
(1) yt = f(Nt)
(2) Utility in each period: U(ct,lt) = u(ct) + u(lt)
(3) Firms demand labor to max P = f(N) - wN
(4) Modify (BC)
Ptwt Nts  Bt (1  Rt )  M t  X t  Pt Pt  Pt ct  M t 1  Bt 1
(5) (CIA) is the same
• Household FOCs
MRSct ,ct1
 1  Rt
u ' (ct )
 
u ' (ct 1 )  1   t
  (1  rt )
u ' (lt )
MRSl ,c 
u ' (ct ) 1  Rt
• Firm FOC:
wt  f ' ( Nt )  MPNt
• Market-Clearing (MC):
ct = y t
Mt = Mts
Bt = 0
Nts = Ntd = Nt
• Utility: Assume u(c,l) = ln(c) + ln(l)
• A steady state equilibrium occurs where N, c, y,
(M/P) are constants (to be determined, NOT
N t  N t 1  N *
ct  ct 1  c *
yt  yt 1  y *
M t M t 1
 m*
Pt 1
• Steady State CE Values:
*  
r* = (1/ – 1) = r
(1+R) = (1+r*)(1+*)
(Fisher Effect)
f ( N *) f ' ( N *)
1 N *
1 
c* = y* = f(N*) = (M/P)=m*
• Notice (s4)  N* and there will be an inverse
relationship between N* and .
• In CIA model with production money is neutral
but not superneutral.
• Money growth and inflation negatively affects
employment, consumption, output, real
• Inverse Phillips Curve - relation between
inflation and “unemployment” is upward sloping.
• Inflation “taxes” work and households substitute
towards leisure.
Inflation & Employment: Cross Country
Study [Cooley & Hansen (1989)]
Austria, Belgium
Demark, Finland
France, Germany
Greece, Ireland, Italy
Netherlands, Norway
Portgual, Spain
Switzerland, UK
Canada, US, Australia
New Zealand, Japan
Chile, Venezuela
Vertical Axis =
Costs of Inflation and Optimal
Monetary Policy
• Recall relation between nominal and real
interest rates:
r*  R  
1 R
(1  r*) 
1 
• CEM (in steady state)  r* = r constant.
• increase   increases   increases R
• High inflation leads to higher costs of conducting
transactions with currency (“shoe-leather” costs).
• Welfare costs of inflation: Lucas (2000,
Econometrica) estimates that reducing US
steady inflation from 10% to 0% is equivalent to
1% gain in real GDP.
• What is the optimal money growth rate * in the
CE/CIA model with production?
• What’s the “optimal” inflation rate in the longrun?
• What value of  maximizes utility of the
representative household?
• The best (welfare maximizing) allocation is
the Pareto Optimal allocation:
MRSl,c = w
MRSct,ct+1 = (1+r*)
• Money distorts the optimal decisions of
individuals away from social planner.
• The “Friedman Rule” says that the optimal
monetary policy is to deflate the money supply
and prices at a rate which drives R = 0:
(i) If R = r* +  ,
R = 0  *    r* < 0
(ii) If (1+R)
= (1+r)(1+) = (1+)/
R = 0
*     - 1 < 0
• The Friedman Rule requires deflation at the real
interest rate or rate of time preference.
(M. Friedman – The Optimum Quantity of
Money, 1969)
• Practical Considerations
* Drive the nominal rate on riskless assets
(government bonds) to zero.
* Nominal variables (wages) are downward
* There are always temptations to inflate the
money supply (funding G, business cycles).
* Assumes certainty about money/prices.
* Most economists agree that low inflation
(rather than deflation) is more practical.
M1 Money Supply, 2000-2010
M1 Money Supply, 2000-2010
Growth Rate
• Current monetary policy and the Friedman rule:
– High money growth rate
– Historically Low Nominal Interest Rates
– Moderate/Low Inflation
• Model provides good description of long-run or steady
inflation but lacks “liquidity effects” important for
business cycle analysis.
• Solution? Modify Model or abandon market-clearing
(stick prices, IS-LM?)
• Readings:
Williamson, Ch 10, p 363-368, 377-388, 395-399
Williamson, Ch 15, p 559-575