Transcript Lecture 5 : 3D Volume Visualization
3D Volume Visualization
Volume Graphics
Maintains a 3D image representation that is close to the underlying fully-3D object (but discrete) 경계표면 (Boundary Surface) 뿐만 아니라 그 내부 정보까지 표현하고 렌더링하는데 유리 N x 2D arraies = 3D array
Input Data: 3D Images (Volumetric Image)
it is a 3D array of point samples, called voxels (volume elements) the point samples are located at the grid points the process of generating a 2D image from the 3D volume is called volume rendering
Data Acquisition
Scanned Data CT MRI Ultrasound Electron Microscopy Simulated Data
Volume Visualization Methods
Volume Rendering Ray casting Isosurface Extraction triangulation
Volume Rendering (Basic Idea)
Based on the idea of ray tracing • Trace from each pixel as a ray into object space • Compute and accumulate color/opacity value along the ray • Assign the value to the pixel
Transfer Function
Maps voxel data values to optical properties Voxel Data • Density • Temperature Optical Properties • Color • Opacity Color/opacity map Emphasize or classify features of interest in the data
volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
Interpolation kernel volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
Interpolation kernel volumetric compositing color c = c s s (1 ) + c opacity = s (1 ) + 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
volumetric compositing color opacity 1.0
object ( color , opacity )
volumetric compositing color opacity object ( color , opacity )
Volume Ray Marching
Raycast – once per pixel Sample – uniform intervals along ray Interpolate – trilinear interpolate, apply transfer function Accumulate – integrate optical properties
Composition (alpha blending)
3D Texture Based Volume Rendering
Use Image-space axis-aligned slicing plane: the slicing planes are always parallel to the view plane
Isosurface (i.e. Level Set ) :
C(w) = { x | F(x) - w = 0 }
: isovalue ,
: real-valued function , usually 3D volume data ) isosurfacing
볼륨 영상 밀도함수
등위면 추출
얼굴 피부 등위면
w =
피부 밀도값 두개골 등위면
w =
뼈 밀도값
Marching Cubes
[Lorensen and Cline, ACM SIGGRAPH ’87] Goal Input : 2D/3D/4D imaging data (scalar) Interactive parameter : isovalue selection Output : Isosurface triangulation isosurfacing
Surface Intersection in a Cube
assign ZERO to vertex outside the surface assign ONE to vertex inside the surface Note: Surface intersects those cube edges where one vertex is outside and the other inside the surface
Surface Intersection in a Cube
There are 2^8=256 ways the surface may intersect the cube Triangulate each case
Marching Cubes Table
Using symmetries reduces 256 cases into 15 cases
Surface intersection in a cube
Create an index for each case: Interpolate surface intersection along each edge
Calculating normals
Calculate normal for each cube vertex: Interpolate the normals at the vertices of the triangles:
Problems in Marching Cubes
May Generate very large meshes Simplification Can we generate 3D mesh?
Interval Volume Tetrahedrization Computationally Slow Acceleration techniques , CUDA Ambiguity problem Trilinear isosurface How to select isovalue?
Contour spectrum
Problems in Marching Cubes
How to preserve sharp features?
Dual contouring Hard to deal with extremely large volume data Parallel Out-of-core Segmenting Isosurface Components?
Contour Tree Volume Structure Contour Tree , Morse Complex
Volume Rendering 투명도 처리를 통해 3D 볼륨 전체를 2D 화면에 보여줌 뚜렷한 경계면이 없는 물체도 효과적으로 나타냄 Transfer function 의 조작에 따라 결과 영상의 quality 가 많이 달라질 수 있으므로 , 숙련된 조작을 필요로 함 .
Isosurface Extraction Triangulation 을 하기 때문에 Surface Mesh 표현법의 장점 (fast rendering, shading, 등 ) 을 가짐 하나의 isosurface 는 볼륨 전체를 나타내는 것이 아니라 선택된 isovalue 값을 가지는 점의 집합만 보여줌 .
Visualization SW
Volume Rover
Transfer function