Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation

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Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation
Background information:
Students: 50 sophomores
Lesson duration: 2 periods
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be
able to:
1. know the role of pronunciation
2. grasp the goal of teaching pronunciation
3. master the aspects of pronunciation
4. know how to practice stress and intonation
Teaching contents:
The role of pronunciation
The goal of the pronunciation
Aspects of pronunciation
Practicing sounds
Practicing stress and intonation
Key and difficult points:
1. Aspects of pronunciation
2. Ways of Practicing sounds
3. Ways of developing vocabulary learning
Teaching approaches:
Computer-aided Instruction;
Task-based approach;
Students Practice
Teaching aids:
Multi-media, whiteboard, flash cards,
Teaching procedures:
I. The role of pronunciation
1.1 Lead-in activities
What’s the value of teaching pronunciation? Some
people claim that students needn’t learn pronunciation
because pronunciation will take care of itself as the
students develop overall language ability. Other people
assert that failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance in
language learning. What is your opinion?
1.2 practice
Organize students to do Task 1 (P 90-91)
There are some statements about the role of pronunciation in English
teaching. Read the statements carefully and decide if you agree
or disagree with them. Try to give reasons for your decisions.
1. Ss need to be able to read phonetic transcripts of words.
2. Ss need to be able to write phonetic transcripts for words.
3. Ss need to know phonetics in order to learn English.
4. Poor pronunciation may cause problems for the learning
of other skills.
5. Adult learners need to focus on pronunciation,
but young learners don't.
6. Both consistency and accuracy in pronunciation
are very important.
7. Stress and intonation aren’t important for
beginning learners.
8. Students should learn R. P.
9. Stress in pronunciation is sometimes as
important as grammar,
10. Bad intonation can lead to serious
1.3 Discussion
Q.1 Whether pronunciation needs special attention
depends on many factors, what are they?
--------learner factors.
learners whose native language has similar sounds to
English are less likely to have problems with
Learners who have more exposure to English need less
focus on pronunciation
Adult learners need more focus on pronunciation
because they are more likely to substitute English
sounds with sounds from their native language.
Q.2 What kind of ability should we develop in
pronunciation teaching ?
-------we should focus on the students' ability to
identify and produce English sounds themselves.
Q.3 What is the advice of teaching
----- Young students should not spend much time
on reading and writing phonetic transcripts of
words, because phonetic transcripts are more
abstract and less meaningful.
------- Don’t introduce phonetic rules at an early
stage. Phonetic rules regarding what sounds a
letter or a cluster of letters should be pronounced
are helpful for students to develop the ability to
cope with English pronunciation and they should
be introduced at a suitable stage.
Q.4 Different Stress and intonation indicate
different meanings. Can you list some
examples to illustrate them?
A: Would you please turn down the radio a little
B: Sorry. (No, I don't want to.)
Or B: Sorry?
(What did you say?)
Note: A neutral tone would indicate a normal
apology. However, a sharp falling tone or a rising
tone would mean the opposite.
2. The goal of teaching pronunciation
2.1 Lead-in activities
It is true that language students' pronunciation
should be as good as possible. But should we
require the students to acquire native-like
pronunciation? Generally speaking, learners of
English as a foreign language cannot acquire
native-like pronunciation, except those who start
learning English at a very young age.
Due to biological and physiological differences,
individual students have different phonetic ability.
Some students are more sensitive to and better at
imitating sounds. Although a few students can
acquire native-like pronunciation, it is unrealistic
for the majority of students to do so.
However, admitting the difficulty in acquiring
native-like pronunciation does not mean that
teachers should not encourage students to
improve their pronunciation as much as possible.
2.2 Presentation
If we should not require native-like
pronunciation, then what should be our realistic
goals? Our realistic goals of teaching
pronunciation should be
Consistency: The pronunciation should be
smooth and natural.
Intelligibility: The pronunciation should be
understandable to the listeners.
Communicative efficiency: The pronunciation
should help to convey the meaning that is
intended by the speaker.
2.3 Some misunderstanding of pronunciation
 Some students take great pains to be
accurate in pronunciation at the expense of
consistency, but the speech produced in this
way is not only unnatural but also
uncomfortable to hear.
 When trying to achieve consistency in
pronunciation, some Ss pay no attention to
intelligibility. Unintelligible speech is useless
and may cause unpleasant feelings for both
the speaker and the audience.
4. Aspects of pronunciation
4.1 Lead-in activities
Knowing pronunciation means what? When
talking about the problem, many people
automatically think of sounds and phonetic
symbols and rules. Is it right ?
4.2 Presentation
In fact, pronunciation is an umbrella term coveting
many aspects:
phonetic symbols
These aspects are interrelated. For example, the word
stress influences how the letters are pronounced. And
the sentence stress again will make it necessary to
pronounce words differently from when they are read
individually. Similarly, intonation and rhythm also cause
variation in the sounds of words.
NOTE: While trying to improve the English sounds, don’t
neglect stress and intonation. For this type of learning is
not effective because sometimes stress and intonation
matter more than the individual sounds do.
5. Practising sounds
5.1 Lead-in activities
Pronunciation is difficult to teach without
some drills on sounds. The trick to working with
drills is not to work on individual sounds for more
than a few minutes a time because they become
boring and demotivating. We should combine
drilling pronunciation exercises with more
meaningful exercises
5.2 Discussion
In the process of teaching pronunciation, very
often we need to focus on individual sounds, then
what steps should we follow ?
Organize students to do Task 4 ( P 95)
There are some steps of practising sound, let
students put the teaching steps in correct order. Try
to give reasons for their decisions.
Suggestions about the task
If Ss can produce the sound correctly after the
teacher's modeling, it isn’t necessary to explain
"how“ to make the sound.
Contrast it with other sound should be put at a
later stage to avoid unnecessary confusion.
Write words on the board unnecessary, because
it will distract Ss' attention from the teacher's
modeling. In addition, some students
automatically try to produce sounds from the
words they see and neglect whatever the
teacher says.
5.3 Presentation
5.3.1 Perception practice
It aims to develop Ss' ability to identify and
distinguish between different sounds. Below are
some examples of perception practice of English
sounds. Correct perception of sounds is vital for
listening comprehension.
Using minimal pairs.
Minimal pairs are two words which have only one
different sound. T reads either word of each pair
and asks Ss to tell which word is read.
will well
bid bed
fill fell
ship sheep
till tell
Which order
T reads each group of words in different order
and let Ss mark numbers to indicate the order in
which the words are read.
pit pet bet
1 3
bear tear ear
3 1
beard beer bear
Same or different?
T reads pairs of words and asks the
students to tell if the pairs of words are the
same or different. The words shouldn’t be
written out.
met meet
well well
Odd one out
The teacher reads a group of words a time and
the students identify the different word or sound.
Again the words are not written out. Below are
some examples:
bit bit bit pit (No. 4 is different.)
lid led lid lid (No. 2 is different.)
The teacher reads a series of words which have
only one different sound. Ss complete the words
they hear.
Example. The teacher reads gate, late, mate,
fate, hate, Ss complete the following:
_ate _ate _ate _ate _ate
5.3.2 Production practice
-- It aims to develop Ss' ability to produce sounds.
Producing distinct and understandable sounds is
very important for effective communication.
Production practice of pronunciation varies from
mechanical imitation to production in meaningful
context. Let's look at a few types of production
practice activities.
Listen and repeat. Ss repeat what the teacher
says. This activity can practice individual sounds,
individual words, groups of words, and
Fill in the blanks. Ss fill in blanks in sentences with
words which contain certain
sounds. Here is an example (the underlined parts
should be blanks):
a. Children love to play games.
b. Black and white make grey.
c. After April comes May.
d. Hurry up. Don't be late for school.
Make up sentences. Ss are given a group of
words containing the same or similar sounds.
They should make up sentences using as many of
the given words as possible. The sentences do
not have to be realistically meaningful and logical.
Humorous sentences are preferred. Try to make a
sentence with the words given in the box below.
last fast calm dark
sad bad
Use meaningful context.
The sounds to focus on are embedded in a
meaningful context and Ss perform meaning
tasks while "keeping an eye on" the sounds. For
example, students can role play the dialogue
A: What's wrong with you, Mr. Fox?
B: I hate this horrible job.
A: What job?
B: Washing socks.
A: What do you want to do?
B: I want a holiday.
Use pictures. Ss produce meaningful language
based on pictures. while "keeping an eye on"
particular sounds. Here is an example:
This is old Jack.
He has a black cat.
Its name is Pat.
It is very fat.
Use tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are often used in
pronunciation practice because they are fun and motivating.
Also the relaxing atmosphere helps students to overcome
inhibition. Students should be given time to practice on their
own for a few minutes before they are asked to perform in
front of the whole class. Below are some examples:
She sells seashells on the seashore.
Five wives drank five bottles of fine wine.
6. Practicing stress and intonation
6.1 Practicing Stress
6.1.1 Discussion and Practice
word-level stress (stress the proper
syllable in multi syllabic word)
two kinds of stress
phrase-level stress (Each phrase has
one syllable which receives greater or
more prominent stress than the others)
Organize students to do Task 6 and Task7 ( P 99)
Let students read the word and sentence stress
exercise, then discuss their meanings
6.1.2 Presentation
The most important thing in practicing stress is
making the students be aware of where to
stress the word or phrase. Below are three
ways to show the stress pattern of words,
phrases and sentences.
Use gestures. The teacher can indicate the
stress by clapping hands or using arm
movements as if conducting music.
Use the voice. The teacher can raise the voice
to indicate stress. This can be done with some
exaggeration sometimes.
Use the blackboard. The teacher can highlight
the stresses by underlining them or writing them
with colored chalks or in different size.
6.2 Practicing
6.2.1 Lead-in activities
The function of intonation sarcasm, friendliness,
Intonation can greatly affect the intention of
the speaker’s message.
Most teachers use hand or arm movement to
indicate change of intonation as if con ducting
music. When it is necessary to mark
intonation, we often use rising or falling
arrows, such as↗ and ↘. Another way to mark
change of intonation is to use big letters.
Did you get some TICkets for the
In most English sentences, the pitch movement
at the end is important for meaning. Students
frequently find it difficult to repeat long sentences. In
this case, the teacher should break the sentence
down to bits and build up towards the complete
sentence. Because of the importance of intonation
at the end of the sentence, it is naturally better to
break down from the end rather than the beginning.
Due to limitation of space, in this unit we have
focused on the teaching of sounds, stress and
intonation. We have not discussed other areas
such as linking, reduction, contraction etc. We
hope teachers can creatively apply the methods
introduced in this unit to the teaching of these
areas. Below arc some further suggestions on
teaching pronunciation:
1. Use individual, pair, group and whole class
practice formats to create a pleasant. relaxed, and
dynamic classroom.
2. Use hands and arms to conduct choral
pronunciation practice
3. Move around the classroom when doing
choral practice.
4.Vary the criteria of “good” in pronunciation
practice to give students confidence.
5. It is helpful to do articulation practice more
than once.
6. Bring variety to the classroom.
7.The main criteria for good pronunciation are
consistency, intelligibility, and communicative
8. Do not rely on explanations. Make full use of
9. Try to use visual aids.
1. What are the aspects of pronunciation?
2. What are the difference between perception
practice and production practice?
3. List some ways of perception practice in
pronunciation teaching.