mars_rover_pdr - Battle of the Rockets

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Transcript mars_rover_pdr - Battle of the Rockets

Mars Rover PDR
Team Name
Presentation Outline
Provide a simple outline of the presentation
If possible, indicate team member(s) who will preset each
Team Organization
Single slide listing team members and role
Can use an organization chart
Provide a list of acronyms used throughout the presentation
Used as reference only. Does not need to be read through
System Overview
Presenter name here
Mission Summary
Overview of mission objectives
Include any external objectives
System Requirement Summary
Overview of system (mission) level requirements
Use bullets or table to demonstrate understanding of requirements
Include requirements for the rover
Include requirements for the rocket
System Level Trade and Selection
Present preliminary system-level concepts considered
Configurations of rocket and rover
Present criteria for final configuration selection
Include sketches and diagrams of various concepts considered.
Include variations on CONOPS considered
System Concept of Operations
Provide overview of operations of the system from launch to
landing to rover operations.
Launch and descent operations
Rover operations
Post-launch recovery
Simple flow diagrams and cartoons are a good way to present
Physical Layout
Diagram of rocket showing major components
payload location
Major components involved in deploying payload
Diagram of rover
Identify major components and their locations
Rocket Design
Presenter Name
Overview of Rocket
Describe overall rocket design
Identify major components and locations
Rocket weight
Motor selection
Airframe diameter
Fins size and number of fins
Length of rocket
Identify CP and CG and distance between CP and CG
Explain overall operation including rover deployment and recovery
Rocket Materials
Airframe material
Fin material
Nosecone material
Type of adhesives used
Rail button type
Motor retention
Rocket Recovery System
Parachute selection
Type of shock cord, lengths and strengths
Linkages and strengths
Attachment points, eyebolts, fender washers, etc.
Parachute protection
Rocket Recovery System Deployment Method
Motor ejection or Altimeter
Altimeter selection
Altimeter wiring diagram
Charge installation process ( provide steps of operations)
Arming process (provide steps of operations)
Safety practices to avoid accidental firing during preparations
Ejection charge powder selection and quantity determination
Rocket Motor Selection
Primary motor selection
Backup motor selection
Thrust to weight ratio for each motor selection (5:1 minimum)
Flight simulations
Identify simulation software
Expected altitude
Rover Design
Rover Design Overview
Show block diagram or picture of rover
Identify major components
Mass of rover
Rover Mechanics
Mechanical design description
Component placement
Material description
Rover Electronics
Electronic block diagram
Drivers for mechanisms and actuators
Rover Power
Battery selection and configuration
Power capacity
Mounting method
Protection circuits
Short circuit
Over-discharge for lithium ion cells
Rover Power Distribution
Electrical Power System Design
Power distribution to subsystems, mechanisms, actuators
Rover Markers
Describe the markers
Describe how the markers are released
Rover Software Design
Flow Chart of software
Identify software states and how software transitions to each
Power up
Ground operation
Rover Payload Integration
Describe design and construction of payload section
Any mechanisms that interact with rover
Describe how rover is configured for payload integration
Describe process of payload integration
Rover Testing
Describe testing of rover subsystems
Describe testing during subsystem integration
Describe functional testing
Rocket Testing
Describe testing of rocket
Parachute deployment testing
Payload deployment testing
Flight test
Flight Operations
Describe procedures during launch day
Rocket preparation
Rover Preparation
Rover integration into rocket
Preparations at the launch pad
Rover arming process
Program Schedule
Show schedule of the complete development cycle up to time of
Component and service schedule
When components are bought and lead times for components
Services required (contract machining, PCB, etc.)
Program Budget
Show budget for all parts of the program
Travel expenses
Describe state of development efforts, any accomplishments,
issues, and way forward
Slides are a template describing information needed.
Each section can be expanded into more slides as needed.
Don't try cramming each listed topic on the same slide.
Place team/school logo in the top left corner.
Put page numbers on the slides.
Formatting and background can be customized. This document
is distributed as PDF to force you to make your own.
Do not include animations or videos as reviewers may not have
compatible software.
Submit PDR in pdf format for maximum compatibility.
Do not include this slide in the presentation. Yes, some one will.