How to Use Programs of Study to Develop Effective CTE Programs

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Transcript How to Use Programs of Study to Develop Effective CTE Programs

How To Use Programs of Study to
Develop Effective CTE Programs
Developing Programs of Study
What is a “Program of Study?”
A multi-year sequence of academic and CTE
courses that provides students with a structured
progression of secondary and post-secondary
instruction toward a specific career area
Developing Programs of Study
Programs of Study set a clear path of career
technical coursework from middle school
through college to a rewarding career.
Developing Programs of Study
• Programs of Study are instructional
frameworks that exhibit a strategy for how to:
Integrate core academic curriculum
Integrate core technical curriculum
Integrate project and work-based learning
Develop supportive services necessary to ensure
student success
Developing Programs of Study
• Programs of Study are grounded in the
notion that members of the community,
which can include:
– Business and Industry, Counselors, Principals,
Parents, and Students
• should be engaged in the development of
these Programs of Study throughout the
entire process
Perkins IV: The Federal Foundation
Some of the fundamental objectives
outlined in Perkins IV include:
– Accountability and program improvement
at all levels
– Increase coordination within the CTE
– Increase alignment of secondary and
postsecondary education (Programs of
– Links to business and industry
Texas’ Industry Clusters
16 Career Clusters
79 Programs of
Agriculture Industry Cluster
Industry Cluster
Program of Study
Career Pathway
Agriculture, Food
and Natural
Agribusiness Systems
Agricultural Financial Planning
Farm Management
Animal Systems
Animal Nutritionist
Veterinary Science
Environmental Service
Water Environment Manager
Wind Energy Technician
Food Products &
Processing Systems
Agricultural Communications
Meats Processing
Plant Systems
Floral Design
Power, Structural &
Technical Systems
Farm Equipment Mechanic
Natural Resource
Forest Conservationist
Marine Biologist
Biotechnology Technician
Eleven Elements of a HighQuality CTE System
Leadership at All Levels
High Quality Curriculum & Instruction
Career Exploration & Guidance
Student Support & Leadership
5. Industry Partnerships
Eleven Elements of a HighQuality CTE System
6. System Alignment and Coherence
7. Effective Organizational Design
8. System Responsiveness to Changing
Economic Demands
9. Skilled Faculty and Professional
Eleven Elements of a HighQuality CTE System
10.Evaluation, Accountability & Continuous
11.CTE Promotion, Outreach, and
Suggested Process for
Developing Programs of Study
Step 1
Establish Leadership/Advisory Team & Select
Industry Sector
Step 2
Assemble Implementation Team
Suggested Process for
Developing Programs of Study
Step 3—
Step 9—
Evaluation &
Step 4—
Review and
Step 8—
Step 5-Articulation
Step 7—Staff
Step 6—
Step 1—Establish
Leadership/Advisory Team &
Select Industry Sector
• Will oversee the development of Programs
of Study
• Initiate the process
• Build political and financial support
• Team may consist:
– School district superintendents and related
– College presidents or their representatives
– Private industry council/WIB reps
– Regional labor leaders
Step 2—Assemble
Implementation Team
• Representation from the following groups:
High school principal or designated rep
College dean or representatives
High school CTE teachers
High school academic teachers
College faculty in related disciplines
Middle school representatives
High school counselors
Members of related industries
Business & industry reps
Step 3—Curriculum
• Following criteria should be included:
– Meet state academic standards
– Meet high school testing and exit
– Meet CTE standards
– Provide add’l preparation to ensure college
– Meet college entrance and placement
Step 3—Curriculum
• Following criteria should be included:
– Provide academic and career-related
knowledge and skills within the chosen
Industry Sector
– Provide opportunities to earn college credit
through credit-based transition programs,
including dual credit and articulation
Step 4-Review
• The Programs of Study must be reviewed
and approved by the Leadership/Advisory
• Their role is to:
– Obtain business endorsement
– Discuss budgets, facilities, and equipment
needs and support
– Evaluate the Programs of Study for success
and relevancy
– Keep all stakeholders informed
Step 5-Articulation
• Members of the Implementation Team
work together to:
– Offer dual credit courses between high
school and college
– Seek regular articulation to ensure students
will not have to repeat instruction
– Align high school and postsecondary
courses by common standards and
– Apply for statewide articulation
Step 6--Implementation
• Provide up-to-date access information to
guidance, counseling, and advisement
professionals about Programs of Study to
aid students in their decision making
• Offer information and tools to help
students learn about postsecondary
education and career options, including
prerequisites for particular Programs of
Step 6--Implementation
• Offer resources for students to identify
their career interests and aptitudes and to
select appropriate Programs of Study
• Provide information and resources for
parents to help their children prepare for
college and careers, including workshops
on college & financial aid applications
• Offer web-based resources and tools for
obtaining student financial assistance
Step 7—Staff Development
• Training should be provided in the
following areas:
– CTE teachers and faculty trained to
industry standards to align and integrate
curriculum and instruction
– Academic and CTE teachers trained on the
development of integrated academic and
CTE curriculum and instruction
– Instruction in new and emerging
– Instruction in innovative teaching and
learning strategies
Step 8—Marketing/Recruitment
• Must be marketed to students, parents,
educational staff, and the community
• Students should be actively recruited
• Continuous input and support from
industry and colleges is essential
• Grant development should also be
pursued to support the Programs of Study
Step 9—Ongoing Evaluation &
• Extensive data should be collected,
shared, and considered in the following
Completion rate and drop out numbers
Articulation agreements
Job placement
Industry needs
Step 9—Ongoing Evaluation &
• Well-designed accountability and
evaluation systems should
– Yield valid and reliable data on key student
outcomes reference in Perkins and other
relevant federal and state legislation
– Provide timely data to evaluate and improve
the effectiveness of Programs of Study
• Implementation Team will set timelines for
gathering data and discussing the results.
• Set goals for increasing student success
No limit to the number of Programs of
Study that could be implemented
# of programs developed will depend on
available resources, facility access, student
population and community support
Goal is to offer all students at least one
pathway of interest
The Programs of Study process is never
Courses, requirements, industry standards
and expectations are constantly changing;
so must your Programs of Study.
• Presenter: Cindy Miller, Texas Tech
University, AchieveTexas Program
([email protected])
• AchieveTexas –
• National Career Clusters —