Transcript ASDAN

Heather Aitken
National Manager for Scotland
All about ASDAN
 Registered charity based in
 Started in 1980 with a
handful of schools
 Over 400 registered centres in
 Curriculum for Excellence
mapping document
 Profits are re-invested in further
development or tackling
inequality (Grant Scheme)
 Recognised by UCAS
 Qualifications that sit within
the SCQF (CoPE &
 ASDAN is one of the
Top 3 UK companies in the
Sunday Times 2011 list of
Best Places to Work in the
Public & Third Sectors
Activity-based curriculum
and skills development
 ASDAN programmes offer
you the chance to
personalise the curriculum
for your learners (and tutors)
 There is no set model of
 Students gain credits and
can accredit prior learning
Award and qualification outcomes
 ASDAN is for everybody
 Raises achievement and
promotes self-esteem
 Awards can support
existing activities and
offer a certificated
outcome or can be used
towards CoPE
 Qualifications sit in the
ASDAN Awards & Qualifications
 Stepping Stones:
ages 7-12
 Key Steps:
ages 10-14
 Bronze/Silver Award:
ages 13-16
 Gold/Universities:
ages 16+
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards
Bronze Awards
Silver Challenge
Silver Award
Gold Award
Access 3
Access 3
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
60 Hours
120 Hours
120 Hours
120 Hours
 ASDAN Awards offer credit transfers, so work complete
in one award can be used towards another
 Work from Short Courses can be transferred to Awards
Curriculum for Excellence
All of the ASDAN programmes provide an
opportunity for learners to demonstrate that they are
Successful Learners
Confident Individuals
Responsible Citizens
Effective Contributors
Mapping process > Main awards, Prep awards
Curriculum for Excellence
• ASDAN has produced a mapping
tool to link Main Award Challenges
to Experiences & Outcomes.
• Covers 3 Responsibility for All Areas;
Literacy, Numeracy, Health &
• Covers 8 Subject Areas;
Expressive Arts, Health & Wellbeing,
Languages, Mathematics, Religious
& Moral Education, Sciences, Social
Studies, Technologies.
Curriculum for Excellence
• Links Stepping Stones Award
to Second Stage.
• Details which Challenges
can be completed for each
Experience and Outcome.
• Challenges demonstrate
candidates developing the
four capacities.
ASDAN Short Courses
 Over 20 Short Courses to
choose from
 Can be stand alone, internally
verified Short Course, or
 Used towards obtaining Award
or Qualification through
external moderation
ASDAN Short Courses
 Can accredit between 10 and 60
hours of activities
 Can be tailed to pupils ability
level (Access 3 to Intermediate 2)
 Focuses on demonstration of
 Working With Others
 Improving Own Learning and
 Problem Solving
CoPE: Levels 1 & 2
 120 hours of Activity
 SCQF Level 4 & 5
 3 different levels of challenge
 12 Curriculum Modules
 Suitable for 3rd/4th or Senior Pupils
CoPE: Levels 1 & 2
Modules Available:
Citizenship and Community
Sport and Leisure
Independent Living
The Environment
Vocational and Diploma Preparation
Health and Fitness
Work Related Learning and Enterprise
Science and Technology
International Links
Expressive Arts
Beliefs and Values
CoPE: Levels 3
 Enrichment for 6th Year Pupils
 150 hours of Activity
 Engaging and Analytical
 70 UCAS Points
 UCAS forms and interviews
 SCQF Level 6 (Higher Level)
CVQ: Levels 1, 2 & 3
 Recognises and accredits voluntary
and community activities
 60 hours of Activity for Awards
 130 hours of Activity for Certificate
 30 UCAS Points for Level 3 Award
 50 UCAS Points for Level 3
PSD: Entry 1, 2 & 3
 Equivalent to Access 1, 2 & 3
 80 hours of Activity for Awards
 130 hours of Activity for Certificate
 Students select from a range of
units available for PSD at Entry 1,
Entry 2 or Entry 3
PSD: Level 1& 2
 Equivalent to Intermediate 1 & 2
 80 hours of Activity for Awards
 130 hours of Activity for Certificate
 Accreditation for existing PSHE and
PSD activities
 Opportunities to include activities
both inside and outside of school and
in non-formal situations
Employability: Entry 2 to Level 3
 Sits in SCQF at Levels 2 - 6
 80 hours of Activity for Qualification
 Mix of classroom/training room &
practical work experience
 Suitable for the MCMC
candidates/adult returners
ASDAN Awards & Qualifications
 New Horizon:
ages 11-14
 Transition Challenge: ages 14-16
 Towards:
ages 16+
 Workright
ages 16+
Heather Aitken
Tel: 07947 804 636
Email: [email protected]
Wainbrook House, Hudds Vale Road
St George, Bristol BS5 7HY
Tel: 0117 941 1126 Fax: 0117 935 1112
Email: [email protected]
© ASDAN 2011