IEP, IPEP, Section 504 (ch5)

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Transcript IEP, IPEP, Section 504 (ch5)

Individualized Education Programs

Chapter 5

Individualized Programs for Students with Disabilities

Depending on the circumstances, any one of three different individualized plans might be required or recommended 1.



IEP (traditional) – includes ADHD Section 504 plan IPEP (Individualized PE Program) Individualized Family Service Plan – Utilized for children 0-2 years of age.

Graphical Overview, not including IFSP IEP 504 IPEP


1. Individualized Education Program (IEP)

• • • Under IDEA, all students with disabilities (aged 3 to 21) must have an IEP that outlines the child’s special education.

A student MUST be classified by a credible source to receive an IEP.

REMEMBER, PE is a direct service mandated on the IEP’s.



States and local districts may require additional information, but IDEA requires eight components for an IEP:

1. Present level of performance 2. Annual goals and short-term objectives 3. Statement of services and supplementary aids



4. Statement of participation in general settings 5. Assessment modifications 6. Schedule of services 7. Transition services 8. Procedures for evaluation and parental report

Scavenger Hunt – ~10 minutes – Total # correct

Present Level of Performance

• • • Present level of academic and functional performance • What is functional performance Derived from report data, document classroom performance, parent/student reports, standardized assessments, observation, CMT and CAPT results • CT Mastery Test (Grades 4, 6, 8) • CT Academic Performance Test (Grade 10) Identifies: • • • Strengths Concerns Impact on involvement in general education

Annual Goals and Short-Term Objectives

MEASURABLE Annual goals – Must be aligned with PLPExample: “Juanita will improve her

cardiovascular endurance by achieving 15 laps of the 16 meter PACER test.”

Short-term objective – A specific statement related to AG and


“Juanita will complete 5 laps of the 16-

meter PACER test with assistance.”

Statement of Services and Supplementary Aids

• Location where services will be provided List special education and related services.

• Speech and audiology services, counseling services, early identification and assessment, medical services, occupational therapy, orientation and mobility services, parent counseling and training, physical therapy, psychological services, recreation, rehabilitation counseling services, school health services, social work services in schools, transportation • List any necessary adapted equipment in this section.

Statement of Participation in General Settings

Assumption is made that child ordinarily will be educated in the general education program as much as possible.

List instances when child will notMay require a rationale CT form requires summing of hours

per week in inclusion and special education settings (pull-out)

Assessment Modifications

Modifications not only for assessment.

– Includes academic, non-academic, and extra-curricular activities. Accommodations in these areas: – Materials/books/equipment; tests/quizzes/assessments; grading; organization; environment; behavioral interventions and support; instructional strategies; other. Example: 16-meter PACER from Brockport Physical Fitness Test rather than PACER (20m) from FITNESSGRAM.

In CT, students must take the CMT or CAPT exam. – Accommodations are permitted and are included in the form

Schedule of Services

Frequency, location, duration of all special education and related services must be specified.

– Includes start and end dates Example: “Sara will participate in the school’s adapted physical education for two hours per week for the entire school year.”

Transition Services

Goal is to successful transition students from from K-12 education to:

Employment (“internships” often provided)Post-secondary education (college)Independent livingCommunity participation (broad)

Conducted by age 16 (IDEA), usually 15 in CT Lists course of study, related services, and assistive technology. Public education ends at age 21 when a student “ages out.” /index.html

(for reference only) Transition includes preparation for physical activity participation in the community.

Think about how Peter could be physically active

outside of school.

Procedures for Evaluation and Parental Report

Parents must be informed of child’s progress at least as often as parents of children without disabilities are informed.

– Quarterly – Report cards – Others

Sample IEPs

Greenshade, NY NY State -guide NY State -IEP only

The IEP Team/Planning and Placement Team (PPT) -Requirements Vary by State

• • • • • • Parents (all efforts made to include) At least one regular education teacher (recently not required by 2004 reauthorization) At least one special education teacher * School district rep with special ed background * Child (where appropriate) Others • PE teacher, school psychologist, physician, administrator… * = required attendee

Who May Access an IEP?

The IDEA stresses that everyone who will be involved in implementing the IEP must have access to the documents. This includes the child’s: – Regular education teacher(s) – Special education teacher(s) – Direct service teachers (PE, art, etc) – Related service providers (speech therapist, counselor, etc) or any other service provider who will be responsible for a part of a child’s education.

– IEP’s are normally stored in a secure location such as the special education office. You may have to sign a form in order to view the IEP. Remember, information listed in the IEP is confidential and should not be discussed with people who do not directly impact on the child’s education.

When Parents Don’t Agree with the School’s Recommendations

The IEP team must reconvene in 10 school days to address issues When parents continue to disagree, a mediation process is initiated at no cost to the parents

Who Classifies Students as Having Special Needs

Who Classifies Students as Having Special Needs

Is there a problem with the current system of classifying students?

2. 504 Plan

What is a 504 Plan?

504 plans provide simple interventions for students in regular education environments. Examples of the uses of 504 plans are interventions such as an allowance for a "fidget toy" for children with ADHD in the classroom setting, test modifications, such as extended time, break time in the middle of class, and preferential seating. The 504 Plan is approved or disapproved primarily by the Principal and sometimes the Special Education Coordinator at a school.

• • • •

2. 504 Plan

A 504 student must have a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more major life activities and is not covered by IDEA. • HIV and AIDS, alcohol abuse, substance abuse, asthma, and diabetes.

No mandated components.

Not as strong as an IEP • Viewed more as a “should do” versus a “must do” Law itself • “No otherwise qualified individual…shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”

504 Plan


• Suggested Committee: – 2 school professionals familiar with


504 plans are legal documents but parents often have less input and there are no mandated periodic meetings to review progress. None of the 8 components of an IEP are required.

3. IPEPs

• Individual Physical Education Program • • • For students who are not disabled but have unique needs in physical education (poor motor ability or fitness; obesity, illnesses or injuries)? Not required by any piece of legislation.

Developed, implemented, and assessed by the PE teacher.



• Recommended components mirror the IEP: – GoalsPLPSTOsPlacementSchedule of servicesSchedule for review

State of CT manual & forms