PPT - Career Choices

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Transcript PPT - Career Choices

“Getting Started”
Curriculum & Instruction Support Director
Georgette Phillips
[email protected]
Vice President of Curriculum Support & Operations
Tanja Easson
[email protected]
STEP ONE: UNDERSTAND- Understand that to achieve the
desired results, your Career Choices coursework should
Be comprehensive, with class discussion and active learning
as the key delivery methods http://www.careerchoices.com/lounge/active/ - Review Section
4 of the Instructor’s Guide on a daily basis
Socratic Method of instruction
VS Didactic Delivery
Higher Order Thinking (analysis, synthesis, VS Read and Recall
and evaluation)
Critical, Creative, and Strategic Thinking
VS Memorization
An Interdisciplinary Project-Based Culture
VS Subject-Centered
Con’t: STEP ONE - Remember to achieve the
desired results, your Career Choices coursework
Be sequential, running from beginning to end chapters 1-12
Devote at least 60 hours to the lessons from
Career Choices
Culminate with completion of a written,
comprehensive 10 year plan (Chapter 12)
Be taught by an instructor who is wellprepared and enthusiastic about the course.
STEP TWO- Prepare to Teach
Career Choices Teachers- Participate in an Implementation
Lead Teachers - Participate in a Career Choices Lead Teacher
Join the Teachers’ Lounge and view the training videos
Choose a pacing guide
Read through Section Four of the Instructor’s Guide
Refer to the online Instructor’s Guide
Step TWO Continued: Prepare to teach
Visit www.careerchoices.com and determine
how/when you can incorporate this optional
enhancement into your class.
Meet with team to go lesson by lesson, brainstorm and
finalize your strategies for delivery. Build a support system
for daily and weekly evaluation, sharing what worked, what
things you may try, and what challenges you encountered.
Review the pre and post survey (Section 14/9-14 new IG
and 6/12-16 in the Instructors Guide)
Step TWO Continued: Prepare to teach
Find out who is your SSE and the keeper of the
usernames and passwords
Schedule Computer Lab
Be sure to give the PRESURVEY the first day BEFORE you pass
out the books. Make copies of the survey if needed.
Visit www.my10yearplan.com and watch the overview
videos. Do a side-by-side walkthrough of the site and
Workbook/Portfolio as if you were a student
experiencing this important tool. The lessons for this
process are highlighted in yellow on your lesson plan
Step TWO Continued: Prepare to teach
Tools to use to prepare
Pacing Guide -Lesson Plans - Syllabus
Standards Correlations
Download Pacing Guide
Section 4 - Instructor’s Guide
STEP THREE- The Online Teachers Lounge
Online Training Videos
Quick Start Resources & Study Guide
Online Community
Resource Cupboard
STEP FOUR: Professional Development
Online Training Videos- Self-Study Quick Start Guide
View Why It Works
Instructor’s Guide - Section 1/16 Quick Start Checklist
Workshops & Trainings ~ local, national, custom, hosted,
Earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) and
Professional Development Credits
Once your class starts
EVERY DAY- Review your Pacing Guide spreadsheet
and turn to the corresponding lesson in Section Four of
your your IG and review the recommendations for that
Socratic rather than Didactic-See yourself as a leader,
mentor, coach, and cheerleader, helping students
develop and explore their own vision of a productive
Assign the Pre-Survey the 1st days of class
Assign homework from their Workbook/Portfolio each
day so students come to class prepared for discussion
and group activities.
Meet with your team of Career Choices Instructors to
discuss and brainstorm activities and challenges.
Occasionally invite your principal and district leaders to
Visit the Teacher’s Lounge reviewing corresponding
online training modules, stories or other successful
schools, and the contents of the Resource Cupboard
Log into Career Choices Online Professional Learning
Community www.careerchoices.com/lounge/plc_home
where you can get tips from other teachers, share your
ideas and get ask questions.
Research why it works & Find out
if it’s working for you!
Proven Programs
Awards and evaluations http://www.whatworkscareerchoices.com/awar
Career Choices Medal Programhttp://www.careerchoices.com/lounge/medal1.
Use Your TOOLS
Internet Enhancements
Tanja Easson
Essentials & Interactive
What’s the future of online learning?
45,000 K-12
students took an
online course.
3+ million K-12
students took an
online course.
50% of high school
courses will be delivered
Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, and Curtis W. Johnson, Disrupting Class: How
Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns
Sam S. Adkins, “The US PreK-12 Market for Self-paced eLearning Products and
Services: 2010-2015 Forecast and Analysis,” Ambient Insight, January 2011
Why is “blending” learning
becoming imperative?
“...in an age when information and
communications technology skills are so critical,
and so much collaboration, resource sharing,
content development, and learning are done
digitally, asynchronously, and at a distance, it is
unlikely that student learning will be based solely
on print textbooks and face to face classes
conducted in 50-minute increments.”
North American Council for Online Learning, Promising Practices in Online Learning,
Blending Learning: The Convergence of Online and Face-to-Face Education
Benefits of Blended Learning
21st century skills development
Enriched experience for the student
Enhanced personalization of learning
Increased communication and support
Keeping Pace with K-12 Online
Learning: An Annual Review of
Policy and Practice, 2010
What is Blended Learning?
also known as Hybrid Learning
• No single definition
• No set ratio of online to
face-to-face interaction
• Broad range of practices
Blended Learning
also known as Hybrid Learning
Any time a
student learns, at
least in part, at a
facility and
through online
delivery with
student control
over time, place,
or pace.
Heather Staker, “The Rise of K-12
Blended Learning: Profiles of Emerging
Models,” Innosight Institute, May 2011
Blended Learning
also known as Hybrid Learning
iNACOL defines blended learning as:
✓Blended learning combines two delivery modes of
instruction, online and face-to-face; the communication in
both modes is enhanced by a learning management
✓The role of the teacher is critical, as blended learning
requires a transformation of instruction as the teacher
becomes a learning facilitator; instruction involves
increased interaction between student-and-instructor,
student-to-content and student-to-student
Matthew Wicks, A National Primer on K-12
Online Learning, International Association on
K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), 2010
Why is “blending”
learning becoming
Four out of ten students
leave high school with
what they need to
function well in society.
Bob Wise, Alliance for Excellent Education, May 24, 2011,
How Blended Learning Can Help Turn Around Struggling
Schools, http://media.all4ed.org/briefing-may-24
✓ CareerChoices.com
✓ The
Teachers’ Lounge
Not a user-specific site.
✓ Career
✓ Job
research tools
interview tips
✓ College
✓ Resume
✓ Loan
✓ Factoring
✓ Job
in debt
✓ Labor
market statistics
The Teachers’ Lounge
User-specific site
New and Improved
Both a Print &
an Online Version
Each copy of the Instructor’s Guide that’s ordered as
part of an adoption of Career Choices materials
includes a code for two years of individual instructor
access to the online version.
Not a user-specific site.
1. Complete the activity in
the Lifestyle Math
workbook first.
2. Log on.
3. Enter your calculations.
4. Get instant feedback on
accuracy of your work.
5. Get a chance to rework
your calculations.
6. Print your work for credit.
User-specific site.
✓ Set
as an option when you create
student accounts
✓ Pre-survey
is required when
student first logs in
✓ Post-survey
becomes available
after a date that you select and set
Online survey or paper survey?
Essentials or Interactive?
A blended-learning opportunity for
the Career Choices student that will
guide them to a deeper level of
critical thinking about their future.
Dain Blanton
introduces each
Career Choices
chapter to
through short
video clips.
Social Network
Join us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
Course Final
At least two weeks before the end of your class, assign
the completion of Chapter 12 and the 10-year plan as
a take home final.
Reserve a computer lab for 2 or 3 periods (3 - 4.5
hours total) so students can enter the data from their
Workbook/Portfolio into www.my10yearplan.com
Assign the Post Survey after students complete their
10yearplan. Compare students’ pre and post survey
responses. Students can compare them and write
their findings and how they would grade their learning.
Throughout the Course
For personalized support contact Georgette Phillips760-961-7812 or
[email protected]
Bi-weekly TIPS Email (Teaching Insights, Practices
and Solutions)
Monthly Newsletter
Monthly webinar training - September “Your Career
Choices Online Tools”
End of Course
Share your experience with Academic Innovations by
completing an online teacher survey at
www.academicinnovations.com/gettingstarted We take
these surveys seriously and it helps us upgrade the
services we offer you.
CELEBRATE a job well done both with your students
and with your colleagues. See pages 15/18 - new IG
4/168 and 4/169 of the Instructor’s Guide for ideas.
Implementation Survey
Complete by October 15, 2013 for a chance to win a
Career Choices Survival Kit!
Contact us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]