Presentation Title - New England DB2 Users Group

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Transcript Presentation Title - New England DB2 Users Group

DB2 10 for z/OS Update

Curt Cotner IBM Fellow IBM Silicon Valley Lab [email protected]

April 25, 2020 © 2011 IBM Corporation

DB2 10 for z/OS

GA’ed October 2010 Completed Largest Beta Ever

 23 WW customers   +10 Extended Beta Over 80 vendors

Fastest uptake out of the gate

 As of May, 2011 over 120 customer orders… 3x that of the prior release    More than 4x the number of licenses About 25% are migrating from V8 Every core beta customer is continuing with migration plans  

First customer already in production

Migrated from V8 to V10 Quality/stability looking good


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DB2 10 for z/OS

Fastest uptake


customers •


licenses •


coming from DB2 V8 

Customers in Production

• SAP, data warehouse and OLTP workloads • Skip-level and V2V  

Quality / stability solid Production references 3 DB2 V8 EOS: April 30, 2012 DB2 9 EOS: June 27, 2014

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The Latest DB2 10 CPU & Performance Feedback

    

North America



– I/O Parallel Inserts

North America


North America



– Key Queries

Insurance 15% CPU Insurance 30% CPU; 41% Elapsed Time Banking 7% CPU; 5% Elapsed Time Manufacturing 23% CPU Insurance 3-15% CPU 4 4

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Performance Boost with CPU Savings

Fully in Production Client: One of the largest insurance companies in Germany, supporting almost 7 million customers and more than 12 million insurance policies Challenge: Maintain 24x7 availability while efficiently handling 18 million transactions a day and supporting industry standards of 10+ years of historical data and photos Solution: DB2 10 for z/OS, CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V4.1, and z196 hardware Key Benefits:

• • •

Efficient, easy to scale solution 10% performance improvement with sub-second response times Cost savings with 10% CPU reduction 5

“Migrating to DB2 10 generated a 10 percent performance improvement and 10 percent CPU savings in our production system almost immediately.”

Matthias Jahns, Project Manager, HUK-COBURG

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Production Customer Experiences

Fully In Production “We went for an early upgrade. The software was ready for us and we were ready for it. Why not take the savings early? DB2 10 has been a pleasant surprise. It will be difficult to find an area inside DB2 that does not give great performance. That being for developers, operation staff, administrators, etc. All will get benefits that could justify the upgrade in itself” Fully In Production “We are very pleased with the CPU savings we have seen with the out-of-the-box implementation during testing and early production phases. Our regression tests showed performance improvements just by running the workload on a DB2 10 CM member rather than a DB2 9 NFM member in the same data sharing group” Fully In Production “Migrating to DB2 10 generated a 10% performance improvement and 10% CPU savings in our production system almost immediately.” “The ‘overall performance’ in DB2 10 is better compared to DB2 9. The stability of DB2 10 is better compared to previous releases” In Production “Participation in the beta gave us confidence to upgrade from V8 to DB2 10. The benchmarks and analysis of functionality and performance have exceeded our expectations. So far our upgrades have gone smoothly and we are looking forward to completing our successful rollout of DB2 10” 6

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Who has DB2 10?


… and many more

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SAP & System z Continue to Grow

SAP Banking Services 7 on DB2 10 and z196

Record-setting performance for SAP core banking workloads

Number of accounts processed larger than ever before : 150 million

(Previously: 40 million)

8 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Postings / hour [mio] 150 mio accts / two DB2 10 members 40 mio accts / four DB2 9 members 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Balancing Throughput [mio] 4 of the 6 customers mentioned in this article are on System z 150 mio accts / two DB2 10 members 40 mio accts / four DB2 9 members Large-scale project run in Poughkeepsie in 1H 2011

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Other Triggers Driving Customers in 2012

DB2 V8

• • End-Of-Service effective:

April 31, 2012 50% off

Extended Service if purchase DB2 10 before July 1, 2012 

DB2 9

• Withdraw-from-Marketing – announce: Dec. 6, 2011 effective: Dec. 10, 2012 • End-Of-Service – announce: Feb. 7, 2012 effective: June 27, 2014 © 2011 IBM Corporation


DB2 10 Experiences

Why DB2 10 Now?

• • • Reduced cost Improved scalability Improved resilience


• • •


Virtual storage savings


CPU savings on CICS transactions


CPU savings on test batch workload

”Our DB2 10 experience has given us confidence about the virtual storage relief and CPU savings. I am looking forward to continuing our rollout and reaping the benefits.”

Niels Simanis Senior Technology Manager Danske Bank Migration Tips

• • • Plan well, including good maintenance practices Rebind can get you the highest CPU savings Expect increase in real storage consumption to support and exploit DB2 10


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DB2 10 Experiences

Why DB2 10 Now?

• • • Reduced cost Improved performance Improved scalability

“We are pleasantly surprised with the out-of-the-box CPU savings we have seen during testing and early production phases.”


• •


CPU savings out-of-the-box


Performance improvements for batch, CICS, and DDF

Actual results may vary for other customers

Terry Glover –Director IT Infrastructure Dillard’s 11 Migration Tips

• • Thorough preparation and planning Good maintenance practices © 2011 IBM Corporation

DB2 10:

Customers seeing reduced costs, simplified workloads through proven technology

Reduced Costs

“Based on the performance metrics from our controlled test environment, we see a significant amount of CPU and Elapsed time savings. This release has many features that will help bring down our operating costs.”

Simplified Workloads

“With DB2 10 able to handle 5-10 times as many threads as the previous version, the upgrade will immediately give the bank some much-needed room for future workload growth while simultaneously reducing their data sharing overhead.”

Morgan Stanley DB2 Team Paulo Sahadi - Senior Production Manager, Information Management Division at Banco do Brasil Proven Technology

“Every single SQL statement we have tested has been better or the same as our current optimal paths – we have yet to see any significant access path regression. We had to spend a lot of time tuning SQL with DB2 9, but we expect that to disappear when we upgrade to DB2 10.”

Philipp Nowak, BMW DB2 Product Manager

“We are particularly interested in the performance improvements due to the potential CPU reductions that we realized during our DB2 10 Beta testing. Our early testing has shown out-of-the-box processing cost reductions of between 5% - 10% and for some workloads as high as 30%. Potential cost savings of this magnitude cannot be ignored given today’s business climate.”

Large Global Bank

“We are really thrilled about “Temporal Data" feature – this feature has the potential to significantly reduce

overheads. We have estimated that 80% of our existing temporal applications could have used “the DB2 10 temporal features” instead of application code - this feature will drastically save developer time, testing time – and even more importantly make applications easier to understand so improve business efficiency and effectiveness."

Frank Petersen – System Programmer Bankdata

The new audit capabilities in DB2 10 will allow tables to be audited as soon as they are created, which is an obvious benefit for the business and will reduce costs and simplify our processes”

Guenter Schinkel -Postbank Systems AG

For more customer references visit


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Lowest Cost Platform per User

Processing Savings with DB2 10

 5 – 10% savings out of the box  Distributed application access can save up to 20%  Native SQL stored procedures can save up to 20%  Complex queries will now result in savings of up to 20%  Heavy insert activity can drive 10 – 40% savings

Consolidation savings with DB2 10

 Easier porting of applications to DB2 for z/OS  Extensive SQL & XML support added throughout


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IBM Relational Warehouse Workload (IRWW) with data sharing

   


DB2 10 CM without REBIND measured 3.7% CPU reduction from DB2 9 DB2 10 CM REBIND getting same access path measured 7.4% CPU reduction from DB2 9 DB2 10 NFM measured same 7.4% CPU reduction from DB2 9 DB2 10 CM or NFM with RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) measured additional 10% CPU reduction from DB2 10 NFM RELEASE(COMMIT)

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DB2 10 Higher Throughput & Better Scaling -

Sample SAP ERP Measurement

Improved SQL runtime efficiency

Boosted SQL INSERT performance

■ Parallel I/O for index updates ■ Reduced latch contention ■

More efficient large bufferpools

12 CPUs ■

Inline LOBs to avoid LOB TS access

DFSORT performance improvement

■ APAR PM18196 4 CPUs ■

Extended zIIP exploitation

■ Prefetching of pages into buffer ■ pools Large portion of Runstats 2 CPUs 90% 95% 100% 105% DB2 10 DB2 9


110% 115% 120% © 2011 IBM Corporation

Simplicity -

Extraordinary Scalability

DB2 10 for z/OS now enables applications 5-10 times the number of users and activity on a single system

Virtual storage improvements deliver


times more scalability

 Fewer DB2 members required - reducing complexity and improving application performance

Direct Row Access

New Hash Access methodology eliminates multi-step indexing

Significantly improves applications requiring single row access

• 30% to 50% improvement with Hash Access over Indexed data access

We expect to reduce our data sharing requirements by 25% , which means less system, storage and resource expenses Banco do Brasil

Accounts Accounts

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Running Many Active Threads


Coupling Technology

DB2 10

Coupling Technology

LPAR1 LPAR2 LPAR3 LPAR1 LPAR2 LPAR3 DB2A (500 thds) DB2B (500 thds) DB2C (500 thds) DB2A (2500 thds) DB2B (2500 thds) DB2C (2500 thds) DB2D (500 thds) DB2E (500 thds) DB2F (500 thds)

  Data sharing and sysplex allows for efficient scale-out of DB2 images Sometimes multiple DB2s per LPAR • • • • • More threads per DB2 image More efficient use of large n-ways Easier growth, lower costs, easier management Data sharing and Parallel Sysplex still required for very high availability and scale Rule of thumb: save ½% CPU for each member reduced, more on memory


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Other System Scaling Improvements

  

Other bottlenecks can emerge in extremely heavy workloads

Reduced latch contention

Improved efficiency for latch suspend/resume

new option to for readers to avoid waiting for inserters

eliminate UTSERIAL lock contention for utilities

Use 64-bit common storage to avoid ECSA constraints

DB2 10 NFM catalog restructure improves BIND / Prepare concurrency SPT01 64GB constraint Improved accounting rollup, compress SMF option

Reduced SMF data volume

Lower overhead for very large buffer pools


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Hash Access

Accounts Table

Select Balance From Accounts WHERE acctID = 17

= Page in Bufferpool = Page Read from Disk    

Hash Access provides the ability to directly locate a row in a table without having to use an index Single GETP/RELP in most cases 1 Synch I/Os in common case

– 0 If In Memory Table

Greatly reduced Search CPU expense

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Time Travel Query

Integrated Bitemporal capabilities

– Query over any current, prior or


period in time –System and User-maintained temporal tables –SQL standards work in progress

What was the answer in the past?


What is the answer now?


What will the answer be in the future?


“As much as 80% of our applications can use this, which will drastically save developer time and even more importantly make applications easier to understand to improve business efficiency and effectiveness”


The new temporal functionality in DB2 10 for z/OS will allow us to drastically simplify our data-related queries and reduce our processing cost by having DB2 handle data movement more efficiently than our custom code

Major Insuran ce Compa ny

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  

Temporal data or versioned data

Table-level specification to control data management based upon time Two notions of time:

– System time: notes the occurrence of a data base change • “row xyz was deleted at 10:05 pm” • Query at current or any prior period of time • Useful for auditing, compliance – Business time: notes the occurrence of a business event • “customer xyz’s service contract was modified on March 23” • Query at current or any prior/future period of time • Useful for tracking of business events over time, application logic greatly simplified

New syntax in FROM clause to specify a time criteria for selecting historical data

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More Improvements for Applications

 

SQL compile time: Optimization techniques

– Remove parallelism restrictions; more even parallel distribution – – – – – Scalability: memory and latching relief allow more parallel Optimization validation with Real Time Statistics In-memory techniques for faster query performance Multiple IN-List matching IN-List predicate transitive closure

SQL runtime:

– RID overflow to workfile • Mitigate increased workfile usage by increasing RID pool size – (default increased in DB2 10).

• MAXTEMPS_RID zparm for maximum WF usage for each RID list Sort performance enhancements • Avoid workfile usage for small sorts • Hash support for large sorts © 2011 IBM Corporation


And More Application Improvements

 

pureXML enhancements Large object improvements

– Allow non-NULL default values for inline LOBs – Loading and unloading tables with LOBs • LOBs in input/output files with other non-LOB data 

SQL Enhancements

– Currently committed locking semantics – Implicit casting or loose typing – Timestamp with time zone – Variable timestamp precision – seconds to picoseconds – Moving Sum, Moving Average – SQLPL performance improvements – Extended indicator variables – Row and column access control


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Business Security & Compliance

 Protect sensitive data from privileged users & improve productivity – Revoke without cascade

System Administrator Tasks

– – SECADM & DBADM without data access

Database Administrator Tasks

Usability: DBADM for all DB   New audit policy controls, audit privileged users  Separate authorities to perform security related tasks, e.g. security administrator, EXPLAIN, performance monitoring and management Row and column access control – Allow masking of value

Access Audit

– Restrict user access to individual cells


Security Administrator Tasks Monitor

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Continuous Availability: More Online Schema Changes

  


– Page size (not XML) (BUFFERPOOL) – – DSSIZE SEGSIZE – Table space type • ALTER TABLESPACE … MAXPARTITIONS m Single table simple -> PBG (inherit MC) • • • Single table segmented -> PBG Classic partitioned -> PBR (inherit MC) PBG -> Hash ALTER TABLESPACE … SEGSIZE s – MEMBER CLUSTER


– Page size (BUFFERPOOL) • ALTER TABLE … ADD ORGANIZE BY HASH In DB2 9 this was immediate with RBDP set

Other schema change enhancements

– Table space no longer needs to be stopped to alter MAXROWS – Object no longer needs to be stopped to alter BPOOL in data sharing


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Other Availability Improvements

Access currently committed data

Change DDF location alias names online


Online DDF CDB changes


Dynamic add of active logs

New –SET LOG NEWLOG option

Pre-emptable backout


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Why is IBM focusing on IDAA?

 Changing business requirements –

BI/DW becoming mission critical and requires OLTP-like QoS

reliability, continuous availability, security, mixed workload management, …

orders of magnitude faster execution of complex, ad hoc


predictable query performance Shift towards dynamic DW and operational BI

Combining OLTP and OLAP workloads

 Traditional performance tuning tools of the trade such as indexing, pre-built aggregates and MQTs struggling to keep the pace –

Require top DBA expertise and sophisticated tools

Even then not good enough due to ad-hoc, unpredictable nature of the workload


Technology trends –

Very large number of processor sockets and cores

– –

Specialized query processing engines Appliances

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DB2 Components Applications

Application Interfaces (standard SQL dialects)

DB2 DBA Tools, z/OS Console, ...

Operation Interfaces (e.g. DB2 Commands)

Data Manager Buffer Manager

. . .

IRLM Log Manager


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IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator as a Virtual DB2 Component Applications

Application Interfaces (standard SQL dialects)

DBA Tools, z/OS Console, ...

Operation Interfaces (e.g. DB2 Commands)

DB2 Data Manager Buffer Manager

. . .

IRLM Log Manager IDAA


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Deep DB2 Integration Applications

Application Interfaces (standard SQL dialects)

DB2 DBA Tools, z/OS Console, ...

Operation Interfaces (e.g. DB2 Commands)

Data Manager Buffer Manager

. . .

IRLM Log Manager IDAA


Superior availability reliability, security, workload management, OLTP performance ...

z/OS on System z 10‘s of processors 100‘s GB of memory Industry leading DW performance, ease of use Netezza © 2011 IBM Corporation

The Best of Both Worlds Transaction Systems (OLTP) Data Warehouse Analytics Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Data Mart Consolidation

Best in OLTP

Industry recognized leader in mission critical transaction systems

Best in Data Warehouse

Proven appliance leader in high speed analytic systems

System z

Recognized leader in mixed workloads with security, availability and recoverability for OLTP


Recognized leader in cost-effective high speed deep analytics

Best in Consolidation

Unprecedented mixed workload flexibility and virtualization providing the most options for cost effective consolidation


© 2011 IBM Corporation

Field Experiences

Acceleration Sec(s)

10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5


DB2 Queries IDAA Queries Query 6 Query 7 Query 8 Query 9


Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4 Query 5 Query 6 Query 7 Query 8 Query 9

Total Rows Reviewed

2,813,571 2,813,571 8,260,214 2,813,571 3,422,765 4,290,648 361,521 3,425.29


Total Rows Returned

853,320 585,780 274 601,197 508 165 58,236 724 137

DB2 Only DB2 with IDAA Hours Sec(s)

2:39 2:16 1:16

9,540 8,220 4,560

1:08 0:57 0:53 0:51 0:44 0:42

4,080 4,080 3,180 3,120 2,640 2,520 Hours Sec(s)




5 5 6







5 70 6 4 2 193 Times Faster

1,908 1,644 760 816 58 530 780 1,320 13


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For More Information

DB2 10

– – Customer Material

DB2 10 e-kit 


– Benchmark:

RFE (Request for Enhancement) database


• • •

VISIT the DB2 Best Practices JOIN the World of DB2 for z/OS JOIN the DB2 for z/OS group

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Engaging Web and Mobile Applications


Modern User Interface and Form Factors

– Implemented using JavaScript for Web 2.0 in desktop – Implemented using JavaScript in IBM Worklight for hybrid mobile application © 2011 IBM Corporation


Eliminate mapping and transformation

Data Repository © 2011 IBM Corporation

But --- there are Gaps in NoSQL DataStores …. Can Enterprises Live with these?

Complex apps

Data integration

Multi-statement transactions

Data Management tool-set and Eco system


Integration with Enterprise Data

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Goals for an IBM NoSQL Store

Embrace the flexibility and scalability of emerging NoSQL solutions

• Add JSON capabilities • Ensure web scale application support –

But don’t compromise traditional enterprise grade qualities of service and unique RDBMS capabilities

• • • • • • • • • • Complex transactions Joins Temporal Data Geo-spatial data Atomicity, Consistency, Integrity, Durability Access control & security Referential Integrity Check constraints Scalability Robust monitoring –

Keep it simple 37

Programming API

– Simple API for simple JSON queries and updates – – Extensions as needed for specialized functions > - temporal data, geo-spatial, granular access Allow access to JSON data and relational tables in the same query •


– Autonomic storage management – – Simple replication solutions Little friction for model and schema changes –

Keep it fast

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