2015_lecture_tour - Canadian Association of Physicists

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The Canadian Association
of Physicists
L'Association canadienne
des physiciens et physiciennes
The 2015 CAP Lecture Tour
Celebrating and promoting:
• Current developments in physics
• Physics research and education in Canada
• The CAP
• The International Year of Light
What is the Canadian Association of
• A national
network of 1600 member physicists working in
Canadian educational, industrial, and research settings;
• The voice of Canadian physicists to government,
granting agencies, and international societies;
• A sponsor and supporter of physics events
and activities in Canada, including:
- CAP annual congress
- Our journal: Physics in Canada
- Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
What can CAP do for you?
• A professional certification program for practicing physicists
• Events and activities, including:
- CAP annual congress
- Our journal: Physics in Canada
- Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
- University Prize Examination
- Stoicheff Memorial Graduate Scholarship
- and more!
• Free memberships to:
- undergraduate physics students*.
- Physics graduate students* (one year’s free full membership and
reduced fees in first four years after graduation.)
Join the CAP today at www.cap.ca
*in Canada
NEW ON THE CAP website!
List of graduate programs offered in physics departments at Canadian
institutions, with links to the departmental websites
(based on the annual survey of CAP departmental members)
International Year of Light and Light-based
Technologies (IYL2015)
• Opening ceremonies - Paris, January 19-20, 2015
• CAP activities:
 CAP Lecture Tour
 Special issues of Physics in Canada – No. 1 and No. 4 (2015)
 Focus on light at the June 2015 CAP Congress (University of Alberta)
 Public lecture: Miguel Alcubierre – “Faster than the Speed of Light”
 Student activities at various universities
 Activities by many other groups:
Science Museums ...
Check CAP web site for updates on
activities – www.cap.ca/iyl2015
The 2015 CAP Lecture Tour
Special thanks to all contributors to the CAP Foundation which supports this
tour, including:
Individual Members
Member Departments
Corporate Members
Science Atlantic
our National and Regional Coordinators, the CAP Office, volunteer fund raisers,
our sponsors, CAP member/host physics departments, our outstanding CAP
member volunteer speakers, Canadian physics student societies and
YOU – our audience !
We hope you
enjoy this event!