SQL Developer Data Modeling - Northeast Ohio Oracle Users Group

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What’s New in Oracle SQL
Jeff Smith
Senior Principal Product Manager
[email protected]
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is
intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated
into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code,
or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole
discretion of Oracle.
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 Product History
 SQL Developer New Features
 Question/Answer
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Oracle SQL Developer Overview
 Database IDE
 3,500,000+ users worldwide
 Windows, OS X, *NIX
 Third Party DB Migrations
 Administer APEX Listener
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SQL Developer Release History
Version 1.1 – 2006
Version 1.2 - 2007
 Version 1.5 - 2008
 Version 2.1 - 2009
 Version 3.0 - 2011
 Version 3.1/3.2 - 2012
 Version 3.2.2 - 2012
Version 4.0 2013 - GA
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Support for Other Oracle Database Products
Times Ten
Data Miner
Spatial & Graph
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SQL Developer Data Modeling
Strategy and Analysis
Import Models
Data Type
Database Design
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Star Schema
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SQL Developer Release 4.0
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What’s New?
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Under The Covers
 Smaller Memory Footprint, faster load times
 Now Requires Java 7 JDK
 Supports Subversion 1.7
 Better Command Line Interface
 Central Framework - SDCLI
 Stores all Feature Commands
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Look & Feel
 Float & Clone
Object Editors
 Editor tabs can
be reordered
 ‘Cleaner’
window rendering
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Configurable Connection Tree Nodes (hide stuff)
 less scrolling,
 all connections
(for now)
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Find DB Object
 Search multiple Schemas
 Search multiple Object Types
 Standard Editor for Results
 full screen, easier browsing
 pin results for later
 Trick: Auto-invoke search on
selected text in editor with ‘Alt+G’
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Database Cart
 Multiple Carts
 Before & After Object Scripting
 Before & After INSERT Scripting
 Compare Cart w/DB or Carts
 Invoke DB Copy based on Cart
 Command Line Interface
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 Editor loads faster
 See Report as You Design It
 New chart options
 Command Line Run -> HTML
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Reports + Command Line Interface = HTML
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SQL Worksheet
Semantic Analysis Info Tips
 ‘Explode’ * to column names
 Auto-add GROUP BY clauses
 Find missing statement delimiters
 Yes, you CAN disable these!
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Temporal Data Type Editors
Calendar pickers
 dates
 timestamps
 intervals
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Clickable Error Messages
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Explain Plan & Autotrace
Cached Plans vs Explains
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Procedure Editor
Navigation Aids
 Package Member Toggles
 ‘Breadcrumbs’
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Database Performance
 Enhanced Database Performance Monitoring
 Snapshots
 Baselines and Templates
 Automatic Database Diagnostic
Monitoring (ADDM)
 ASH Report Viewer
 AWR Report Viewer
 Range, Diff, SQL Viewer
 Diagnostic Pack License
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SQL Developer RESTful Services Admin
 UI to manage RESTful Services
 Restful Service Definitions
 Example: www.example.com/employees/<Resource Handler>
 Resource Handlers
 REST SQL Worksheet
Tune and Test Query or your PL/SQL
*8890 Creating RESTful APIs with Application Express Listener – Wed 10:15 – Golden Gate C2*
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RESTful Services Administration
*10031 HOL: Developing REST for On-Premises or the Cloud – Wed 5pm – Salon 3 and 4*
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And much, much more!
 Tons of productivity enhancements
 2 Top #10 Exchange Features
 Color coded connections
 Many hundreds of bug fixes
 Oracle Database 12c Support
available in version 3.2
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Multitenant in SQL Developer
Plug, Clone, Alter State, and more
 Container Database
 Accessed via the
DBA panel
 Available in version and higher
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SQL Translation Framework
Run your non-Oracle apps against Oracle translate SQL on-the-fly
 SQL Translation Framework
– SQL Translation Profile – collection of translated statements
 Each application can have its own profile
– SQL Translator – java engine that translates the SQL
 SQL Developer can install Sybase & SQL Server translators
 SQL Translation Framework Benefits
– Test and Verify application code before production
– Helps define Task List of modifying the application code
– Convert Applications To Oracle Quicker
– Temporary Step before migrating application fully
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Database Redaction in Oracle SQL Developer
 Oracle Data Redaction, a part of Oracle
Advanced Security, enables you to mask
(redact) data that is queried by lowprivileged users or applications.
The redaction occurs in real time when
users query the data.
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Creating a Redaction Policy
*8891 SQL Developer and Oracle Database 12c - Tues 12 pm – Golden Gate B*
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Brand New Today!
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Design Redaction into the Model
Data Modeler Release 4.0
Redaction Policy
 Full, Partial, Random, Regular
 Define Redaction at Table and
Column Level
 Data Masking Templates
 Transparent Sensitive Data
Protection (TSDP) Policy
Support for 11g and 12c Models
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Generate DDL
*8893 Implementing Data Redaction with Data Modeler - Wed 11:45 pm – Golden Gate C2*
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New Features in Data Model 4.0
Support for JDK 1.7
 Faster and Cleaner UI
 Code folding in DDL Preview
 Float your Diagrams
 Comment-only displays
 Multiple Classification Types
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Properties at Design Level
 Set Properties at Design Level
 Classification Types
 Format Colors, Fonts, Line Widths
 DDL Migration - Name Substitutions
 Naming Standards
 Increased Flexibility!
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Classification Type Options
 Classification Type for a Table
 Fact, Dimension, Temporary,
Summary, Logging
 Add new Types
 Assign a Type to Many Tables
 Customize Color
 Display Classification Name on
 Assign multiple Types to a Table
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Comments Only
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Diagram, PDF Printing Enhancements
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SQL Developer Resources
 SQL Developer on OTN
– www.oracle.com/sqldeveloper
 Feature Exchange
– sqldeveloper.oracle.com
 Forums
– https://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=260
 Oracle Learning Library
– www.oracle.com/oll
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Graphic Section Divider
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