Particle systems

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Particle Systems
Adapted from: E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Particle Systems
• loosely defined
- modeling, or rendering, or animation
• key criteria
- collection of particles
- random element controls attributes
• position, velocity (speed and direction), color, lifetime, age,
shape, size, transparency
• predefined stochastic limits: bounds, variance,
type of distribution
• Most important of procedural methods
• Used to model
- Natural phenomena
• Clouds
• Terrain
• Plants
- Crowd Scenes
- Real physical processes
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Particle Systems Demos
• general particle systems
• boids: bird-like objects
Particle Life Cycle
• generation
- randomly within “fuzzy” location
- initial attribute values: random or fixed
• dynamics
- attributes of each particle may vary over time
• color darker as particle cools off after explosion
- can also depend on other attributes
• position: previous particle position + velocity + time
• death
- age and lifetime for each particle (in frames)
- or if out of bounds, too dark to see, etc
Particle System Rendering
• expensive to render thousands of
• simplify: avoid hidden surface calculations
- each particle has small graphical primitive
- pixel color: sum of all particles mapping to it
• some effects easy
- temporal anti-aliasing (motion blur)
• normally expensive: supersampling over time
• position, velocity known for each particle
• just render as streak
Newtonian Particle
• Particle system is a set of particles
• Each particle is an ideal point mass
• Six degrees of freedom
- Position
- Velocity
• Each particle obeys Newtons’ law
f = ma
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Particle Equations
pi = (xi, yi zi)
vi = dpi /dt = pi‘ = (dxi /dt, dyi /dt , zi /dt)
m vi‘= fi
Hard part is defining force vector
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Force Vector
• Independent Particles
- Gravity
- Wind forces
- O(n) calulation
• Coupled Particles O(n)
- Meshes
- Spring-Mass Systems
• Coupled Particles O(n2)
- Attractive and repulsive forces
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Solution of Particle Systems
float time, delta state[6n],
state = initial_state();
for(time = t0; time<final_time,
time+=delta) {
force = force_function(state,
state = ode(force, state, time,
render(state, time)
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Simple Forces
• Consider force on particle i
fi = fi(pi, vi)
• Gravity fi = g
gi = (0, -g, 0)
• Wind forces
• Drag
pi(t0), vi(t0)
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
• Connect each particle to its closest
- O(n) force calculation
• Use spring-mass system
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Spring Forces
• Assume each particle has unit mass and
is connected to its neighbor(s) by a spring
• Hooke’s law: force proportional to
distance (d = ||p – q||) between the points
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Hooke’s Law
• Let s be the distance when there is no
f = -ks(|d| - s) d/|d|
ks is the spring constant
d/|d| is a unit vector pointed from p to q
• Each interior point in mesh has four forces
applied to it
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Spring Damping
• A pure spring-mass will oscillate forever
• Must add a damping term
f = -(ks(|d| - s) + kd d·d/|d|)d/|d|
• Must project velocity
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Attraction and Repulsion
• Inverse square law
f = -krd/|d|3
• General case requires O(n2) calculation
• In most problems, the drop off is such that
not many particles contribute to the forces
on any given particle
• Sorting problem: is it O(n log n)?
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
• Spatial subdivision technique
• Divide space into boxes
• Particle can only interact with particles in
its box or the neighboring boxes
• Must update which box a particle belongs
to after each time step
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Particle Field Calculations
• Consider simple gravity
• We don’t compute forces due to sun,
moon, and other large bodies
• Rather we use the gravitational field
• Usually we can group particles into
equivalent point masses
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Solution of ODEs
• Particle system has 6n ordinary differential
• Write set as du/dt = g(u,t)
• Solve by approximations using Taylor’s Thm
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Euler’s Method
u(t + h) ≈ u(t) + h du/dt = u(t) + hg(u, t)
Per step error is O(h2)
Require one force evaluation per time step
Problem is numerical instability
depends on step size
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Improved Euler
u(t + h) ≈ u(t) + h/2(g(u, t) + g(u, t+h))
Per step error is O(h3)
Also allows for larger step sizes
But requires two function evaluations per
Also known as Runge-Kutta method of
order 2
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
• Easy in computer graphics to ignore
physical reality
• Surfaces are virtual
• Must detect collisions separately if we
want exact solution
• Can approximate with
repulsive forces
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Once we detect a collision, we can
calculate new path
Use coefficient of resititution
Reflect vertical component
May have to use partial time step
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012
Contact Forces
E. Angel and D. Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley 2012