Data entry menu

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MICS Data Processing Workshop

Data Entry Menu and Navigation

Purpose of the Data Entry Menu

    Automates launching of data entry application Enforces file naming convention Automates transfer of files Makes sure only one version of CSPRO open at at any one time

Starting The Data Entry Menu

   Double-click on entry_menu.pff

– create shortcut on desktop First screen asks data entry operator to enter a cluster number CCC Menu options on following slides...

DE Menu: Option A

  Purpose: – add questionnaires to a cluster’s main data file Actions – adds cases to file HHCCCM.DAT

DE Menu: Option M

  Purpose: – modify questionnaires in a cluster’s main data file Actions – modifies cases in file HHCCCM.DAT

DE Menu: Option T

  Purpose: – transfer a cluster’s main data file to supervisor’s computer – backup work overnight Actions – copies file HHCCCM.DAT

to a diskette or network

DE Menu: Option R

  Purpose: – add questionnaires to a cluster’s verification data file Actions – adds cases to file HHCCCV.DAT

DE Menu: Option U

  Purpose: – modify questionnaires in a cluster’s verification data file Actions – modifies cases in file HHCCCV.DAT

DE Menu: Option V

  Purpose: – transfer a cluster’s verification data file to supervisor’s computer – backup work overnight Actions – copies file HHCCCV.DAT

to a diskette or network

DE Menu: Option N

  Purpose: – allow data entry to work on a new cluster Actions – – displays cluster number screen changes value of CCC

DE Menu: Option Q

  Purpose: – quit data entry menu gracefully Actions – closes CSPRO – deletes file justone.txt

Data Entry Navigation Short Keys

       Insert Case (Ins) Delete Case (Del) Go To… (F6) Advance To End (F10) Insert Group Occurrence (F3) Insert Group Occurrence After (Ctrl+F3) Delete Group Occurrence (F4)

Modify and Partial Save

  To modify case: – choose modify from data entry menu – double-click on the case you want to modify Partial save: – if allowed, saves a case before it’s completed – – exit data entry application, click partial save To complete: choose modify mode, then double click on case

Changing from Diskettes to a Network

  For some countries, data entry will be done on a network – Data copied to a shared drive instead of a diskette If this is the case in your country: – – go through the data entry menu application make changes indicate by !!! network !!!


Modifying the Data Entry Menu

    Change language in errmsg functions Change language in accept and display function Check parameters in ENTER_FF ECLUSTER preproc and postproc; change if necessary Change cluster number check in ECLUSTER postproc