WDSAB Annual Conference 2 Alison Knowles

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Transcript WDSAB Annual Conference 2 Alison Knowles

Safeguarding Adults Board
6 Annual Conference
Adult Safeguarding and the NHS
Alison Knowles
Commissioning Director
NHS England, West Yorkshire
Who are we?
Who are we?
NHS England is an independent body, at arms length from the government, with
an annual mandate to improve health outcomes for people in England. We:
1. provide national leadership for improving outcomes and driving up the quality
of care
2. oversee the operation of clinical commissioning groups
3. allocate resources to clinical commissioning groups
4. commission primary care, national public health programmes and specialist
services for the general population. We also commissions services for
people serving in the armed forces and for people within the criminal justice
Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) have taken on most of the functions of
PCTs. CCGs commission planned hospital care, urgent and emergency care,
community services and mental health and learning disability services.
What is NHS England’s role in
The Mandate sets NHS England a specific objective of continuing to improve
safeguarding practice in the NHS, reflecting also the commitment to prevent and
reduce the risk of abuse and neglect of adults.
We deliver this by oversight of safeguarding systems and governance, including
how Safeguarding Boards are working.
We seek assurance from CCGs regarding the services they commission (eg
assurance standards, monitoring implementation of serious case review
improvement actions etc)
We have specific responsibility regarding our directly commissioned services,
ensuring that we’re driving up the quality of safeguarding through commissioning
and working closely with providers regarding any improvements required.
We do this in collaboration with CCGs, local authorities, providers, voluntary
sector, CQC, Monitor, NHS TDA and many more…. the stronger our partnerships,
the stronger our safeguarding system.
What is the CCG’s role in
CCG commissioning responsibilities stretch across healthcare for older people, people with
dementia, people with learning disabilities and people with mental health conditions – in
primary, community, secondary and social care settings.
CCGs will have (subject to the Care and Support Bill) a statutory duty to participate in
Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs), working in partnership with local authorities, NHS
England, CQC and others.
CCGs need to have:
plans to train staff in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues
a clear line of accountability for safeguarding, properly reflected in governance
a safeguarding adults lead and a lead for the Mental Capacity Act, supported by the
relevant policies and training.
CCG’s responsibilities explicitly include ensuring that they commission safe services for
those in vulnerable situations, including effective systems for responding to abuse and
neglect of adults in vulnerable situations and effective interagency working.
Our 2013/14 programme in West
NHS safeguarding work is led by Sue Cannon, Director of Nursing NHS England
(West Yorkshire). The programme in our first year covered:
Quality assuring the NHS contribution to safeguarding incident reviews
Monitoring (and managing, for directly commissioned services) implementation
of actions from SCRs and incidents
Learning from safeguarding incidents in West Yorkshire
Building safeguarding capacity and capability in primary care.
Establishing safeguarding assurance process (minimum standards)
Co-ordinate safeguarding leadership across the NHS commissioning system
through the safeguarding forum.
Supporting NHS England safeguarding board members
What have we achieved?
Publication of national “Safeguarding Vulnerable People Accountability and
Assurance Framework”, NHS England 2013
Publication of Standard Operating Procedures for Managing Safeguarding
Serious Incidents across West Yorkshire
Establishment of safeguarding forum across five local authority areas and
ten CCGs
Establishment of primary care leads and training programme
Meta-analysis of learning and improvement actions for primary care
Learning for Primary Care
Looked at 6 IMRs for safeguarding and 3 domestic homicide reviews. Seven
1.Understanding vulnerability factors eg dementia and learning disabilities
2.Seeking to identify vulnerability – missed opportunities to pro-actively identify
3.Recording and flagging vulnerability in records – over-reliance on IT flagging
systems and low level of reliance on clinical judgement and practice
4.Maintaining engagement – contact and communication when vulnerable people
may fail to keep appointments
5.Sharing information and concerns – information governance and sharing
6.Multi-agency working – knowledge about local resources and services
7.Leadership – need for a named GP role particularly in adult safeguarding.
Next steps
Understand the implications for NHS of the statutory role for Adult
Safeguarding Boards
Look at clinical leadership of adult safeguarding in general practice
Develop a set of good practice protocols (what to do when….)
Strengthen training programme for GPs and practice nurses
Develop a carer assessment tool to support vulnerable people in the
Develop a general practice assurance template
Utilise opportunity from changes to adult social care responsibilities to explore
safeguarding in prison and secure settings.
What else?