ex - okstate-ecen4243-plp-spring-2011

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Phase 1 Presentation 2/14/2011

Wisdom of the Day

 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆  Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is perilous.

 Today we will encourage thoughts while you learn about the execution stage.

Confucius (551Bc-479BC) was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life.

Execution Engine Overview

 Responsible for producing the result of almost every instruction  Three design points:  The ALU  PC Manipulation  Memory Accesses

Block Diagram

Execute Stage Block Diagram





ALU Overview

 The ALU is the main math unit of the CPU  It takes two inputs and then returns the results of various operations on them

ALU Datapath

ALU Operations

 Add (ADDU)  Subtract (SUBU)  Or (OR)  And (AND)  Nor (NOR)  Set Less Than (SLT)  Set Less Than Unsigned (SLTU)  Shift Logical Left (SLL)  Shift Right Logical (SRL)  Load Upper Immediate (LUI)


 Uses a ripple carry adder to produce the sum  Other options include a carry look ahead adder  We believe the ripple carry adder is sufficiently fast for our implementation.

C Code int ADDU(int a, int b){ return a+b; }


 Modified existing adder to handle both Add and Subtract  Subtraction is the addition of one number and the 2s compliment of a second number  2s compliment: invert bits then add 1  A-B = A + (B! + 1) C Code int SUBU(int a, int b){ return a-b; }


 For our adder to handle both Add and Subtract, we place a mux in front of the adder  Choice 1: signal unmodified  Choice 2: inverted part of B  Then to add one we set the carry in bit of the adder to high C Code SUBU(int a, int b){ return a-b; }

Set Less Than

 On a set less than instruction, the ALU determines if the first input is less than the second.

 To implement, we subtract the two operands and then determine if the output is negative.

 The sign becomes the result.

 1 means it is less than.

 0 indcates that it is not.

C Code boolean SLT(int a, int b){ return a

Set Less Than Unsigned

 First, let's try using the exact same logic as SLT:  12<3?

  12-3<0?

1100-0011 = 1100+1101 = 1001 = -7  We have determined this won't work.

 Ideas?

C Code boolean SLTU(uint a, uint b){ return a

Set Less Than Unsigned

 Let’s add an extra zero to make them positive  12<3?

  12-3<0?

01100-00011 = 01100+11101 = 01001 = 9  This does work.

 Sign bit is only the XOR of 0, 1 and the last carry out bit.

 If you're savvy, you'll notice this is simply the NOT of the carry-out bit.

C Code boolean SLTU(uint a, uint b){ return a


 The output bits choose their bit based on the input shamt  Implemented using MUXes.

 We made it faster by converting shamt to one-hot encoding.

 No cascading of MUXes  Uses a bunch of and gates in parallel  Any ”leftover” bits are 0's.

C Code uint SLL(uint a, int shamt){ return a<

Logic Operations

     AND OR NOR

In order to complete these operations we use bitwise, AND, OR, and NOR. Uses 32 gates for each operation.

C Code int AND(int a, int b){ return a&b; }

Load Upper Immediate

 Returns the value of the immediate shifted left 16 times.

 Reusing SLL complicates the logic of the ALU circuit.

 Uses a dedicated 16-shift left module.

C Code int LUI(int a){ return a<<16; }

ALU Control

 How is the ALU controlled?

 How can we accomplish this?

 Alternative options?

ALU Control

 Nearly every operation is computer in parallel  When ADDU is performed, SUBU, SLT and SLTU are not, and vice versa  There is a MUX inside the ALU  The MUX chooses the output based on the requested operation

ALU Control

 How was this accomplished?

  One hot encoding SIG 0 is for indicating the adder must do subtraction.

Operation ADD SUB OR AND NOR SLT SLTU SLL SRL LUI Code 000000001 000000001 000000010 000000100 000001000 000010000 000100000 001000000 010000000 100000000 SIG0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0

ALU Control

 Alternative Options  Binary Encoding  One Cold Encoding  We use one hot to make the MUX less complex  Just as we did for the SLL and SRL


 Adding special instructions for immediates would be painstaking and wasteful  Determine second input from outside the ALU

Immediate Datapath

PC Manipulation







PC Manipulation Overview

 Dynamic alteration of the PC allows for programs to be non linear  Greatly increases the capability of computers


 Branch instructions modify the program counter to skip over sections of code or to go back to repeat previous code.

 Our branches allow for conditional movement to an offset.

Conditional Branch

   BEQ: Branches when the values in the two registers are equal BNE: Branches when the values in the two registers aren’t equal Two things must be calculated:   New address Comparison C Code if(a == b) goto c; /* BEQ */ if(a != b) goto c; /* BNE */

Conditional Branch

  Solution: dedicated adder to calculate new address The ALU can then do the comparison  Extra output to determine if subtraction results in a 0 C Code if(a == b) goto c; /* BEQ */ if(a != b) goto c; /* BNE */

Branching Datapath


  Jumps unconditionally change the PC Their addresses are absolute rather than offsets of the current PC goto c; C Code


 Two unlinked jumps   Jump(J): jumps directly to the instruction in the immediate field Jump Register (JR): jumps to the instruction whose location is the value of the given register C Code goto 0xDEADBEEF; /* J */ goto c; /* JR */

Jumping Datapath

Linked Jumps

 Two linked jumps   Jump and Link(JAL): jumps to the instruction in the immediate field and saves the return address in $ra Jump and Link Register (JALR): jumps to the instruction in the immediate field and saves the return address in the specified register C Code $ra = PC+8; goto 0xDEADBEEF;

Linked Jumps

 Linked jumps record the address of PC+8  This is the instruction after the delay slot instruction  More MUXes on the ALU inputs to choose when return the link address C Code $ra = PC+8; goto 0xDEADBEEF;

Linked Jumping Datapath

PC Change Determination

 PC will change on a successful branch or a jump command  Use and a combination of AND gates and an OR gate  Use JUMP? bit to choose the new address C Code if(BEQ && !Not Zero || BNE && Not Zero || Jump){ goto NewAddress; }






Memory Interfacing Overview

 There are a limited number of registers in the CPU  To maintain and obtain more data, we need to be able to access a larger pool of data

Load Word

 Loads some word into a register from memory  The address is determined by adding an offset to the first operand  Easily implemented in the ALU C Code b = mem[a+0x000016]

Store Word

 Stores a register to memory  We use the same method as load word to calculate the address C Code mem[a+0x000016] = b

Memory Datapath


 Three design points:  ALU  PC Manipulation  Memory Accesses  Take advantage of repeated logic  If all else fails, more hardware


                

Works Cited

Confucius  http://www.all-famous-quotes.com/images/uploads/confucius1.jpg

Exeggutor  http://www.pokecommunity.com/signaturepics/sigpic136542_1.gif

Block Diagram  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/MIPS_Architecture_%28Pipelined%29.svg/800px-MIPS_Architecture_%28Pipelined%29.svg.png

Doctor of Math  http://brownsharpie.courtneygibbons.org/?p=452 Flowchart  http://xkcd.com/210/ Bank Branch  http://media.glassdoor.com/m/7f/db/98/f9/a-typical-suntrust-bank-branch-this-one-located-at-4235-university-drive.jpg

Navy Seal  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/NavySeal.png

One Tree Hill  http://gmovietrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/One-Tree-Hill.jpg

Van Halen  http://flavio.castelli.name/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/van-halen-jump.jpeg

Paratroopers  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/720th_Special_Tactics_Group_airmen_jump_20071003.jpg

Jumper  http://www.themovieblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/jumper-poster-2.jpg

Jumping Spider  http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/356/1/a/green_jumping_spider_closeup_by_troypiggo.jpg

RAM Upgrade  http://farm1.static.flickr.com/145/329883185_6b80bde503.jpg

Battering Ram  http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_86fa3woQOHU/SwPiRaktsdI/AAAAAAAAA4c/pn35L4Ei7B8/s1600/BatteringRam.jpg

Tron Ram  http://obsoletegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/RamMyBuddy300.jpg

Animal Ram  http://www.bigfoto.com/themes/nature/animals/ram-animal-i4t.jpg

Fry  http://scalp.plaxmol.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/fry-panique-questions.jpg