Boy Scouts of America Troop 346

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Transcript Boy Scouts of America Troop 346

Boy Scouts of America
Troop 346
Welcomes New Scout Parents to
Troop Orientation
“Building Leaders Since 1970”
Troop 346 Welcomes You!
Troop 346 Welcomes You!
Troop Resources
Troop Handbook – online at website
Troop Website –
User name = “Troop346”, PW = “camping”
Troop email list
Monthly Parent Meetings
Each Other
Other Resources
Troop 346
Four main areas of emphasis:
Boy Run Program
 Camping
 Advancement
 Strong Parent Participation
Boy Scouts – A Boy-Run Program
Program Planned and Run by Scouts
As Scouts advance, they assume more responsibility
Allowed to learn from mistakes
Adult Leaders & Parents support the scouts,
but “don’t do it for them”
“Never do for a Scout what a Scout can do for himself”
Boys Organized by Patrols of 6-10 Scouts
Probably Two New Scout Patrols this year (7-8@?)
Patrol Guide(s) assigned to guide new scouts
Scouts will usually tent and eat by Patrol
"The patrol system leads each boy to see that he has some individual responsibility
for the good of his patrol” Sir Robert Baden-Powell
BSA National - Northern Star Council - Mustang District
Charter Organization
Institutional Head
Charter Organization Rep
Troop Committee - Chair
…Other committees
Assistant Scoutmasters
Troop Leadership – Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
Asst. SPLs, Quarter Master, Librarian, Scribe, Historian,
Chaplin’s Aide, Instructors, Troop Guides…
Patrol Leader
Asst. Patrol Leader &
Patrol Members
Patrol Leader
Patrol Leader
Asst. Patrol Leader &
Patrol Members
Asst. Patrol Leader &
Patrol Members
Scouts wear uniform for all scouting events
Troop provides: Neckerchief & slide, “346”,
Shoulder Loops, Patrol Patch, & Handbook
Also Merit Badge & Rank Patches when earned
Acquiring Uniforms
Uniforms available for sale at scout shops
Northern Star Council runs periodic uniform
exchanges (see their website).
Troop 346 has some uniform pieces in limited
sizes and quantities (mostly pants)
"The uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences
of class and country.“ Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Official Uniform (Class A)
BSA Shirt with shoulder loops and appropriate patches
Troop 346 BSA Blue Scarf with some type of scarf slide
Leadership Patrol may substitute a Bolo for the scarf
Boy Scout Belt
Web belt or Boy Scout leather belt
Dark socks
Official BSA green socks if wearing shorts
Pants must either be green or khaki in color
Not blue jeans, track pants, or sweat pants
Uniforms required for most Meetings, Scoutmaster
Conferences, Boards of Review, Courts of Honor
Un-official Class B Uniform is Blue Troop 346 T-Shirt
Typically worn when working or camping
Scouts need sleeping bag & eating
Troop provides most non-personal items
Use checklists for packing
Take your time buying other equipment
Shop sales,
Ask around for suggestions
Scouts re-charter each year in December;
$15 in 2011
+$12 for Boys Life
+$50 per year from Wreath Sales
Financial Assistance available
Additional fees collected during the year
for camping fees, food, & other expenses.
Everything can be covered by fundraising
Scout Accounts
Profit from fundraisers deposited into
individual “Scout Troop Accounts”
Troop Account can be used for any Scout
Expenses; equipment or campouts
Troop Fundraising Opportunities
Flower Sales – early Spring
Minnetonka Summerfest Concessions
Wreath Sales – late fall
Other opportunities may be offered
Scout Participation Important
Troop encourages active, involved, boys
Well rounded scouts routinely participate
School Work
Family Activities
Church Activities
Sports & Other Youth Activities
Troop meetings not usually mandatory
However: Involvement = Advancement
Scout Advancement
Requires Scout Initiative
(With adult encouragement)
Scout advances at his own pace
Scout works on requirements
Scout has requirements signed off
Often by an older Scout
Scout Schedules a Scoutmaster
Conference & Board of Review
“Scouting is a game with a purpose.” Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Scout Ranks
Skill Ranks
Second Class
First Class
Leadership Ranks
Star Scout
Life Scout
Eagle Eagle
Rank Advancement Process
Do the work or demonstrate skill
Have the requirement signed off
Scoutmaster Conference
Board of Review
Court of Honor
Do Work & Get Signed Off
Scoutmaster Conference &
Board of Review
Court of Honor
Troop Meetings
One or Two Troop Meetings a month
One usually includes next campout prep
Monthly Troop Leadership (TLC) meeting
Scouts with Leadership Positions
Scouts in charge of last & next two events
Three Courts of Honor a year
Fall, Winter, Spring
Occasional Troop Service Projects
Monthly Patrol Meetings suggested
Adult Meetings
One Parent Committee Meeting a Month
One District Roundtable per Month
September - June
Scoutmaster Roundtable
After Scout TLC meeting
Annual Calendar meeting (volunteer!)
Usually in July
Adult Training available: Classes & Online
Troop 346 puts
the “Outing” in
Troop 346 tries to
“camp” once a
Includes Old
Favorites & New
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.”
Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Canoe Campout
Hiking Campout
Biking Campout
Gun Safety Campout
Shelter Campout
Cabin Campout
Ski Campout
Other Winter Activities
New Scout Campout – April 15-17
At Camp Sacajawea in Apple Valley
Meet Friday at church, probably 5:00 pm
Scouts should eat dinner before coming
Probably trailer packing on Thursday evening
Set up Camp
Scout camp by Patrols
New Scouts have a Patrol Guide & Mentors to
help them set up camp & cook
Have Cracker Barrel (Snacks) & Campfire
Sleep overnight in tents
New Scout Campout - Saturday
Scouts rise & shine
Prepare breakfast & cleanup
New Scouts attend “classes”
Learn many Scout & Tenderfoot rank skills
More Demos
Prepare for…..
Scout & Family Pig Roast
New Scout Campout - Sunday
Scouts rise & shine
Prepare breakfast & cleanup
Pack everything up
Back to the church before noon
May & June Activities
May 2: Spring Court of Honor
May 21-22: Farm Campout
June 3-5: Ripley Rendezvous
June 11-12: White Water Rafting campout
June 20: Bowling Meeting
June 25: Summerfest Concession
Many Point Scout Camp
July 24-30 (Week 1)
Many Point – Sunday Morning
Meet at church and
travel by school bus
Stop in Park Rapids
for lunch
Many Point Scout Camp
NW of Park Rapids
Voyager Camp Area
Fort William &
Two Harbors
first week
(Ft. Bill only 2nd week)
Set Up & Swim Qualification
Sleeping at Many Point
Scouts sleep in Many Point wall tents
Two scouts
to a tent,
Scouts sleep
on cots
NEED mosquito
Tents grouped
into patrols
Eating & Cooking at Many Point
Many Point – First Year
First Year Scouts attend one week
July 24 – 30 this year
Older scouts have option of second week
First Year Scouts camp with their
First Year Scout Patrol
First Year Scout Patrols are assigned a
Patrol Guide to help them function
Monday – Friday Typical Day
6:15 am
6:15-8:15 am
8:15-8:30 am
8:30-8:45 am
8:45-11:20 am
11:20-1:00 pm
1:00-4:00 pm
4:00-5:00 pm
5:00-7:00 pm
7:00-9:00 pm
Personal Prep., Breakfast, & Cleanup
Troop Assembly, Flag Ceremony, &
Camp Assembly & Announcements
Merit Badge Class & First Class
Lunch & Cleanup
First Class Aquatics
Dinner & Cleanup
Free Time for Activities
Free Time Activities
Saturday – Pack & Leave