MVWG 2014-1 Report to TSS Presentation

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MVWG Report to TSS
January 2014
Stephanie Lu, MVWG Chair
Seattle City Light
Recent Meetings / Workshops
REMTF Nov 4-5, 2013
 Webinar
Nov 5, 2013
MVWG Nov 5-6, 2013
LMTF Nov 7, 2013
Generator Modeling Workshop Nov 7-8, 2013
MVWG Items for TSS Approval
Updated Phase 2 Wind Type 3 Model Specifications
Phase 2 Wind Summary Specifications Document
Updates to the Approved Dynamics Model List
[MSRATF] Distance Relay Model Specifications
[MSRATF] Directional Overcurrent Relay Model
Specifications (for the addition of the directional and load
encroachment elements to overcurrent relays)
Phase 2 Wind Approval Items
Updated Phase 2 Wind Type 3 Model Specifications
Phase 2 Wind Summary Specifications Document
To formally approve the document with the changes previously
discussed and approved
To include all four wind types in one document for easier
Motion: Approve the Phase 2 WT3 Model
Motion: Approve the Phase 2 Wind Model
Specifications Summary
Approved Dynamics Model List
MVWG approved the following changes to the Approved
Dynamic Models List
Add hydro governor model h6b
Add equation-based overcurrent relay TIOCRS
PSSE model for PDCI updated from “new” to “pdcnsu” and
Motion: Approve the Approved Dynamics Model List
January 2014
MVWG Activities Overview
Load Modeling
System Model Validation
Generator Modeling, Testing, and Validation
Renewable Energy Modeling
HVDC Modeling
Other items: SVSMO3 Modeling, NERC
Updates, WECC Project Updates, RAS/Relay
Modeling, Program Updates
Next Meetings and Workshops
Load Modeling
Load Modeling – Composite Load
Model Data Tools
Load Model Data Tool (LMDT4A) is available in
the Composite Load Model Folder on the TSS
Base Cases website
A stand-alone load model data tool developed
by PNNL can output PSLF dyd and PSSE dyr
 Publicly
available on the WECC TSS Base Cases
Load Modeling – Composite
Load Model Motor Protection
IEEE PES T&D Conference accepted the motor
protection paper “Voltage Sag and Recovery
Influence for Modeling Motor Loads”, to be
presented in Chicago April 2014
Confirmed that that assumptions used in the
cmpldw for protection parameters are a good
starting point
Load Modeling – Voltage Dip
WECC-0100 project to develop a guideline for
items remaining from RBP and other needs for
TPL-001-4, including acceptable voltage
MVWG will continue to support the WECC-0100
project regarding the transient voltage
performance criteria
Significant amount of system impact studies are
required before one can make an informed
decision on how to proceed
Load Modeling – CMPLDW Phase
2 Work
SCE has PQube data recordings for validation with and
without FIDVR, more analysis to be performed
Motorc dynamic model is to be cross-validated with
LD1PAC performance model
Studies show that 3-phase faults with normal clearing
(Category B) performed worse than 1-phase faults with
delayed clearing (Category C) because more air
conditioner motors would stall
PNNL is working on an improved version of the Load
Composition Model tool, more validation work is in
Additional data would help
System Model Validation
System Model Validation
WECC staff has developed a Sep 8, 2011 case for model
validation, available to operating entities on request
Draft model validation report on May 30, 2013 PDCI
RAS event is available
Additional events that have occurred:
July 10, 2013 event (1130 MW generation loss in California)
July 25, 2013 event
MVWG is continuing to improve the process to develop
future model validation cases
Using WSM data, EMS data, PI data
Created a spreadsheet of key info to collect data from utilities
Powerflow Modeling Issues
Some generators are connected directly to the high-voltage bus
Every generating unit in a base case must have a step-up transformer
Many of 230/34.5-kV wind power plant step-up transformers in
Pacific Northwest had fixed tap ratio set to 1.0 for high and low sides
This resulted in abnormally high reactive power flow from the system to
wind power plants
 Most wind power plants have high side voltage tap set to 241.5-kV, or
1.05 fixed tap ratio - making this correction improved reactive power
consumption and voltage profile by wind power plants
Several phase shifters are modeled as conventional type 1
Phase shifters should be modeled as type 4 transformers, and include
their phase angle control limits
Individual shunts are not always modeled separately
Even if they are at the same bus, model shunts individually. This should
help with reconciling with the WSM case, and improve the ability for
accurately adjusting shunts during dynamic simulations.
Dynamic Modeling Issues
Generators connected to the same bus require either
Reactive Current Compensation (RCC) or some type
of Cross-Current Compensation (CCC)
 RCC is most commonly used
 CCC is used when better voltage support is
Currently implemented at The Dalles, John Day and
several Willamette Valley plants operated by
 These generators will have Line Drop
Compensation (LDC) and rely on CCC to provide
Example of “xcomp” issues:
Little Goose “xcomp” set to zero. Changed to –0.05.
S.Clara “xcomp” set to zero. Changed to –0.05.
Magcorp “xcomp” of +0.05. Changed to -0.05.
Looks like conversion from PSS®E to PSLF. RCC is
positive in PSS®E and negative in PSLF.
Dynamic Modeling Issues (cont.)
Errors identified in July 4 2012 report are still present
Helms units were operated as pumps and showed growing oscillations. The sign of
PSS gain needs to be negative for units to be stable in pumping operations.
High Desert units (busses 29000 – 29003) do not have exciter models, and go out-ofstep during certain simulations. A typical excitation model is added.
“pss2a” model for 46895 "RI SOUTH" 13.80 "BA" is unstable.
"Cflag" in “hyg3” model for [ 44143 "CHJ 0506" 13.80 "05"] is changed to 1 from –1 to
correctly represent Woodward PID governors installed at the unit similar to other
Chief Joseph units 1 – 16.
 Water starting times were updated for several hydro-turbine models based on the
recent data provided by generator owners."
45448 "KFALLCT1" 18.00 “1” "xcomp" is changed to 0.0 from 0.150, otherwise
unstable. Confirmed with the test report.
Rock Island units changed the sign for "xcomp", otherwise unstable.
16504 "SUNDTCT " 13.80 "2 " "xcomp" is changed –0.05 from +0.05, otherwise
unstable. Sister unit at same bus has “xcomp” of –0.10.
65021 "MAGCORP " 13.80 "1 ", "2" and "3“"xcomp" changed from 0.05 to –0.05,
otherwise unstable (could be PSS®E to PSLF conversion issue).
Ryan units in Montana "xcomp" are changed to -0.042 from +0.042, otherwise units
at same bus are unstable (could be PSS®E to PSLF conversion issue).
System Model Validation
MVWG is participating in the TSS WBRTF effort
MVWG contract with GE to convert WECC dyd data to
an “element code” definition with WSM
GE provided demo of node-breaker capabilities in PSLF version
19 beta
Scan view allows bus-branch, node-breaker, or hybrid view
Uses EMS labels for devices (e.g. bus LID)
Has provided benefits to reconciling modeling differences,
identifying and fixing modeling discrepancies
Recommendation: Model shunts individually
Final deliverable should be completed in the next few months
JSIS Update
522 PMUs have been deployed to date
BPA provided comments to FERC NOPR on Frequency Response and
Frequency Bias Setting Reliability Standard BAL-003-1, see FERC website
Docket Number RM13-11
JSIS developed frequency response application, including adding NERC
FRM calculation, adding over 5 years of frequency disturbances into data
WECC, NREL, EPRI, UVIG, Enernex, and Sandia are in a joint effort to use
PMU data for wind power plant model validation
2400 MW of renewable generation is covered by PMUs
JSIS has further developed the oscillation analysis tool
Oscillation detection went live on October 1, 2013 and will alarm
dispatchers when there is an event. Currently BPA and WECC RC (Peak
Reliability) have this set up in their control centers. WECC RC hosts a Wide
Area View that entities should be able to view.
JSIS is writing a paper on modes of inter-area oscillations in the West
Generator Modeling, Testing,
and Model Validation
Synchronous Generator, Excitation
and Turbine Control Models
Power Plant Model Data Task Force
Excitation Model Update
Governor Modeling
Power Plant Model Validation
Power Plant Model Data Task
Reviewed the most recent list of suspected
Will include suspect data errors related to
“xcomp” model
If there are additional errors suspected, continue
to send them to Kent
MVWG will work with SRWG to incorporate
additional data checks into the base case review
Excitation Models – OEL / UEL
IEEE Standard 421.5 on excitation models are
still in process of going to ballot
 Includes
approximately 30 excitation models
 All include HV and LV gates to incorporate OEL and
UEL models
More discussion will be needed to determine
which model(s) WECC will recommend to be the
Currently OEL1 is WECC approved
UEL1 and UEL2 have been recommended to be
implemented in the programs
Governor Modeling
IEEE PES task force completed a report
on turbine-governor modeling:
H6b model has been implemented in
PSLF and tested
 Discussed an issue raised about
powerflow modeling of frequency
responsive reserves
Power Plant Model Validation Tools
Power Plant Model Validation (PPMV) version 1B using
PSLF play-in function is available on the WECC MVWG
PPMDTF Documents website
Tool for validating generator response on a 2 bus system
“” is available on the
WECC Library > For Generators website
Frequency response tool “” is
available to help analyse generator response to
frequency disturbances
John Undrill’s data checking tool is posted in the For
Generators area in Generator Testing Program Folder
Renewable Energy Modeling
Wind/Solar Webinar Nov 5, 2013
REMTF Webinar
Program Status
WECC status on approved base cases:
PSLF: wind (except new type1/2 pitch controller) and PV in
v18.1_02 (already released).
PSSE: wind in v33.4 (already released) and PV in v33.5 (already
PowerWorld: wind in v18 (beta released, planned release in
Spring 2014). PV not yet implemented.
Currently on PSLF 18.0, soon to go to 18.1_02
PSSE is on version 33.4
PowerWorld version 17
UVIG Resource:
REMTF – Wind/Solar Models
Distributed PV: PVD1, CMPLDWg
Wind/Solar Implementation Plan
MVWG Approved Model Specifications
November 2012
TSS Approved Model Specifications
January 2013
Complete WECC-scale model testing with model prototypes (Alpha version)
September 2013
Release version of commercial software programs (at least PSLF) made
available to WECC as Beta version
Nov/Dec 2013
Complete drafting of MVWG to provide Application Guidelines with ‘typical’
data for major manufacturers
November 2013 
March 2014
2-Hr Webinar: cover policy, model development, expected deployment
November 2013
Update Approved Dynamic Models List (add updated wind models and solar
models, and remove obsolete models)
March 2014
WECC completes PSLF vetting process and address cross-platform
conversion tools; release to WECC users
March/April 2014
Issue request for entities to submit data using new models into WECC case,
with grace period
Summer 2014
User Workshop
Summer 2014
REMTF – Next Steps
Phase 2 Wind Type 3 model – based on one vendor
feedback, will pursue additional discussions to determine
if it is necessary to keep the more complex torque
controller as a separate module
Distributed PV models
PVD1 is to be reconsidered
More discussion is needed between REMTF, program vendors
and LMTF to determine how to incorporate distributed PV in the
composite load model (CMPLDWg).
A new item is to look at energy storage modeling, such
as battery storage
HVDC Modeling
HVDC Modeling
Conventional point-to-point HVDC
 Powerflow
model: already exists, documentation is
being improved
 Dynamic model: being developed
EPRI provided a benchmark test case to Siemens and GE
Siemens recently provided simulation results for comparison,
some issues are being investigated
When issues are resolved, will seek input from ABB and
others on the model
HVDC Modeling
VSC point-to-point HVDC
 Powerflow
Implemented in PSSE, beta in PowerWorld, PSLF is
Next step is to benchmark across programs
 Dynamic
model: specs have been agreed upon
model: two proposals are being discussed
1) DC injection based model vscdc and 2) voltage phasor
behind reactance type model vscdc1
Siemens recently provided simulation results, to be circulated
and discussed
HVDC Modeling
Pouyan and the HVDCTF provided a memo as an
educational document for the HVDC user-defined
models in WECC, including PDCI, TransBay, IPP and
Included is contact information for the HVDC owners
Memo has been shared with TSS
Trans Bay DC model still needs to be validated
PDCI Modeling
Sylmar model still needs to be validated
Celilo is expected to be replaced in 2016, the updated model is
in progress
Other Items
Other Items
SVSMO3 Modeling
 NERC Updates
 WECC Project Updates
MSRATF Update - RAS/Relay Modeling
 Program Updates
SVSMO3 Modeling
S&C presented their experience with the
SVSMO3 model and suggested to adding the
following to the model:
Reactive power control, droop control
Line drop compensation similar to in REPC_A
Power factor control mode
Master-slave control with power plant control
Modeling multiple short-time ratings
More discussion to follow
NERC Updates
Eric Allen (NERC) provided updates
 NERC MWG efforts:
Standardization of dynamic models– initial list targeted for July
Will start from interconnection lists, including WECC’s Approved
Dynamics Model List
Node-breaker modeling proposal – more documentation is
MOD-032-1 (modeling data) and MOD-033-1 (validation)
are open for comment until Nov 20, 2013
PRC-002-2 on Disturbance Monitoring is open for
comment until Dec 16, 2013
WECC Project Updates
WECC-0101 SAR Gen Validation Policy
WECC-0098 Droop Criterion
MVWG recommended to the WECC Standards Committee to
draft a regional reliability standard or a variance to reconcile
WECC Policy and MOD-026 and 027
Drafting team formed, chaired by Shawn Patterson USBR
Drafting team disbanded after document not approved, waiting
for direction from NERC
WECC-0099 PSS Effectiveness
Drafting team formed (consists of Control Work Group), chaired
by Martin Bauer USBR
Additional studies will be performed to support this effort
Next Meetings / Workshops
Next Meetings / Workshops
March 18-20 in Salt Lake City UT, hosted by WECC
REMTF Mar 18-19
 LMTF Mar 19
 MVWG Mar 19-20
June 16-19 in Portland OR, hosted by BPA (pending WECC
Renewable (Wind/Solar) Modeling Workshop
 Generator Testing and Modeling Workshop
November 18-20 in Albuquerque NM, hosted by Sandia National
Laboratories (pending WECC approval)
HVDCTF and PPMDTF will meet independently from the main M&VWG
Questions ?