日本 文化やしうかん 面白いですね!

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Transcript 日本 文化やしうかん 面白いですね!

Japanese is spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in
Japanese emigrant communities such as parts of Brazil, Hawaii,
USA and Australia. It is the ninth most widely spoken language in
the world. When Japan occupied Korea, Taiwan, parts of the
Chinese mainland, the Philippines, and various Pacific islands
before and during World War II, locals in those countries were
forced to learn Japanese in empire-building programs. As a result,
there are many people in these countries who can speak Japanese
in addition to the local languages.
The top 10 most widely spoken languages across the world are:
English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese
and German.
The Sapporo Snow Festival
( さっぽろ雪まつり)
is held during one week every February in Hokkaido's capital Sapporo.
In 2010, the Snow Festival will be held from February 5th – 11th.
The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in 1950,
when high school students built a few snow statues in Odori Park.
It has since developed into a large, commercialized event,
featuring spectacular snow and ice sculptures and attracting
more than two million visitors from Japan and across the world. Some statues
are more than 15m tall and lit up until 10pm.
The Gion Festival (祇園祭 Gion Matsuri) takes place annually in Kyoto and
is one of the most famous festivals in Japan. It spans the entire month of July
and is crowned by a parade, the Yamaboko Junkō
(山鉾巡行 ) on July 17th. Throughout July, there are street fairs with games
and festival food like takoyaki (balls of egg battered octopus) and tomorokoshi
(grilled ears of corn brushed with soy sauce.) The parade floats are also
constructed on the city streets and some floats can be toured.
Many festival goers dress in yukata (light summer kimonos) and geta (high
wooden shoes.)
Chichibu Night Festival
is the festival of
Chichibu Shrine in
Chichibu City,
Saitama Prefecture,
just 90 minutes
from central Tokyo.
It is held every year
on December 2nd
and 3rd.
成人の日 Seijin No Hi is for all
Awa Odori
Tokushima City, Tokushima
This is the most famous of many
traditional dancing festivals held
across Japan during the obon
(Buddhist)season in mid August.
the women who have just
become legal adults (age 20),
and most families buy a kimono
for their daughter. On the day
the young lady will typically go
to a nearby Shinto Shrine and
pray for health, success, money,
The Japanese Doll Festival (雛祭り Hina-matsuri), or Girls' Day, is held on March 3,
the third day of the third month. Platforms with a red hi-mōsen are used to display a
set of ornamental dolls (雛人形 hina-ningyō) representing the Emperor, Empress,
attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period.
At this festival in November boys who are 3 and 5 years old, and girls who are
3 and 7 are taken to a shinto shrine, often in their first kimono, and the
parents pray for their continuing good health and prosperity. A sweet candy
called chitose-ame is also often bought for them, in a bag with cranes and
turtles, 2 more symbols of long life.
Cherry blossom is the name for Japan’s national flower. The cherry trees known as Sakura (
桜 or 櫻 さくら) blossom in March and April. Cherry fruit (known in Japanese as
assakuranbo) comes from another species of tree.
Cherry blossom represents the coming of spring and also the beginning of the new academic
and business year. The phenomenon (hanami) 花見 or flower viewing is very popular in
Japan’s culture and many people enjoy picnics beneath the trees.
The flurry of blossom petals falling are described as a cherry snowstorm or さくらふぶき
Karaoke is an important form of entertainment in Japan where
you sing the lyrics of the song to its instrumental tune. The
lyrics are displayed on the screen while you sing. Karaoke
has its origins in Japan but is popular all over the world
especially in Asia.
Karaoke is a usual form of entertainment of the business people
in Japan. After a hard day's work which can sometimes be
unusually long, they would drop into a bar; have a drink and
enjoy humming to popular tunes with the help of a karaoke
machine. Karaoke was invented approximately 20 years ago
and has gradually been a part of the Japanese society.
Karaoke bars and shops are spread all over Japan.
Modern karaoke shops in Japan feature a number of private
rooms which are known as private boxes. All rooms are equipped
with a karaoke player, screen, and microphones. You can also order
drinks and food in most karaoke boxes. These rooms are available in
various sizes such as rooms for only two people or large party rooms.
Raw fish is called sashimi in Japan and is not the same as sushi. Sushi
indicates foods that use rice seasoned with sweet rice-wine vinegar. Of
course, raw fish is the most popular ingredient in sushi, but the main
element of sushi is Japanese sticky rice.
It is said that sushi was introduced into Japan in the 7th century from China but
is now a combination of rice and fish.
Sashimi さしみ
Sushi すし
Fast food in Japan is not limited to just burgers. It also tends to vary slightly
across different regions.
Some of the most popular fast food dishes in Japan are don. These are made
in a large bowl called a donburi and are simple and easy to make.
A 牛丼 or ぎゅどん(beef bowl) consists of rice, sliced beef and onions boiled in
a sweet mixture of soy sauce and sugar.
Tempura is deep-fried seafood/vegetables and is known as tendon when
served with rice and a tangy sauce in a donburi
Onigiri or omusubi is a ball of white rice either mixed or stuffed with
savoury items and rapped in nori (laver seaweed). It can be made
quickly and easily at home to take on outings, picnics or in a
lunchbox. It can now be purchased easily at convenience stores.
Ingredients can include tuna, pickled plum, salmon flakes,
barbequed meat and more.
Kareraisu (curry and rice) was
introduced to Japan after passing
through Britain from India.
According to a survey in 2000 the
Japanese eat an average of four
servings of curry per month!
Udon (饂飩 うどん) noodles are made from water, salt and wheat flour which is
kneaded, ripened, rolled flat and cut into strips. The noodles are boiled and
served in hot broth or with a dipping sauce.
Soba (そば or 蕎麦 ) is a thinner noodle made from buckwheat flour. Soba is
also eaten cold and known as zarusoba. As a fast food, the most popular
type of soba is tachigui soba or ‘stand and eat noodles’ and customers in
these restaurants stand and eat noodles at counters.
Preparing Soba
Ramen is a noodle dish of Chinese-style
noodles made from a dough of soda water
(kansui) that is kneaded into wheat flour.
The word ramen appears to have come from
Chinese characters meaning ‘stretch out’
and ‘noodle’.
Ramen is categorised according to the
thickness, type of soup stock and richness
of flavour.
Ramen vending machine
Yakisoba (焼きそば)
literally "fried noodles“ mmm! 
This dish is often sold at festivals but originates in China. Unlike udon, soba
and ramen there are very few restaurants that specialise in Yakisoba.
The noodles used for yakisoba are pre-steamed and lightly coated in oil and
fried with sliced pork, diced cabbage and onions or other vegetables, then
sprinkled with a powdered sauce.
Cup yakisoba, like cup ramen is a popular item at convenience stores.
回転寿司 kaiten-zushi orくるくる sushi
Conveyor-belt sushi
In Japan there are over 5000 kaitenzushi
restaurants but they are becoming
popular in other countries too. In
Australia it is known as a sushi train.
In these restaurants the sushi usually circles
clockwise on a conveyor belt (most
people are right-handed) Prices differ
and the more expensive sushi dishes are
placed on different colour plates.
Customers can also request specific
kinds of sushi from the chefs behind the
counter and order side dishes such as
As they finish eating the sushi. The
customers stack their plates so it is easy
to calculate the bill.
Salads and deserts are also offered at these
Would you like fries with
that squid?
Japan is in many ways becoming westernised and many visitors to
Japan can easily pay a visit to McDonald’s . The McDonald's
locations in Japan have the same stuff as American McDonald's
restaurants but there are some subtle differences. Aside from the
much smaller portions and lack of Super Sized fries and drinks, you
will notice that some of their burgers have big eggs on them!
Another thing that is now available is their Filet O Shrimp burgers.
This is basically the same principle as the Filet 'O Fish but with lots
of mini shrimps in one big breaded cob!
MOS Burger
I’ll have two MOS burgers and medium
French fries please…
This Japanese burger chain was established in
1972 and there are over 1300 outlets in
Japan and there are also some outlets in
Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and
Indonesia but this fast food is not necessarily
fast. Most Mos Burgers prepare the food only
after it's been ordered, and customers may
wait 10 to 15 minutes for their orders to be
The unique MOS Rice Burgers currently on the
menu are: the 'kaisen kakiage rice burger'
(fresh seafood shrimp fritter rice burger), the
'kinpira rice burger' (fried burdock and carrot
rice burger), and the 'buta shōga yaki rice
burger' (grilled pork and ginger rice burger).
Mos Burger desserts include frozen cake bars, milkshakes, and parfait type
desserts, all made with Japanese style ingredients. The drink items offered
include Pepsi, Iced Coffee, Iced Tea, Orange Juice, Melon Soda, White
Grape Soda, Oolong Tea, Iced Café Latte, Iced Cocoa, as well as hot tea
and coffee.
This corresponds to roughly one US dollar or 60p per item, making the shops a great
source for travellers and residents on a budget as the shops sell a huge variety of
things . There are thousands of 100 Yen Shops across Japan, ranging in size from
multi-storey "department stores" to small corners in shopping malls. The market
leader is called Daiso.
Some of the items you will find in a 100 Yen shop include: chopsticks, leisure goods,
socks, slippers, make-up, stationary, garden ware, DIY tools, kitchen items etc. The
current Japanese sales tax of 5% is also added, making a 100 Yen purchase actually
cost 105 Yen.