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Coding Standards
Producing readable, maintainable code
Source code is written for humans to read. Not computers.
Want to provide as much information as possible to the next
person who reads the code – even if that person is you
Consistency, in the form of conventions, gives lots of extra
Coding Standards – what are they?
Naming conventions
How to name classes, variables, files etc.
Code Layout
● Indentation
● Comments
Usage of the language
Which features to avoid
Preferred methods for accomplishing tasks
Naming Conventions
What are they?
Method for selecting names for variables,
classes, parameters to functions etc.
e.g. :
ComputeTumourGrowth(OdeSystem &rTumourOdes)
AbstractOdeSolver *pOdeSolver = new RungeKuttaOdeSolver();
... some more code ...
Code layout
Consistent brace style
braces at start of new line, 4 space indentation
if (valueToTest == comparison)
Easiest to read, know where to look to find the matching
Avoids problem with no brace if statement
Code layout
Consistent brace style
//Potentially buggy:
if (valueToTest == comparison)
C++ allows if statement without braces as above
Leads to hard to spot bug when adding another statement:
if (valueToTest == comparison)
someValue = 1.5; //this will always be executed
If you always use braces, one less bug to find
Code layout
Describe the intent of the programmer
Document tricky sections of the program
Provide a way of adding metadata e.g. physical
Aim is to Describe, rather than Duplicate:
// initalize voltage to zero
int voltage = 0.0;
int voltage = 0.0; // Transmembrane potential (mV)
Code layout
Use comments to lay out skeleton for code
Helps to solidify the algorithm in your mind
Afterwards – no need to write more comments!
// Initialise stiffness matrix
// Add boundary conditions
// Assemble linear system
// Set initial conditions in Solution vector
// Solve linear system
Code layout
Comments == Documentation
We want to keep the documentation in sync with the
Don't want to write the same thing twice
Have to write comments anyway.....
Doxygen - generates HTML / PDF / XML from code :
/** Computes the volume of a standard cone.
* @param baseRadius The radius of the cone base (cm)
* @param height The height of the cone (cm)
* @return The volume of the cone (cm^3)
double ComputeConeVolume(double baseRadius, double height)
Usage of Language
C++ lets you be very very clever...
Don't be very very clever.
Don't do things like this :
struct X {
static bool f( int* p )
return p && 0[p] and not p[1]>>p[2];
Be as clear as you can, even if it takes more
lines of code
Final notes
The time you spend typing is a tiny fraction of the
time you spend coding.
Code clearly. Save time.
Drink tea and eat doughnuts.