Gripe Speech Power Point

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Transcript Gripe Speech Power Point

Look at this receipt, the horrible and annoying
8.5% of sales tax that everyone forgets
about is the government creation that bugs
me the most in this world.
The extra 8.5% of sales tax that we pay to the
government and never get anything back is
the most annoying thing in this world. After
hearing my reasons, story and solution,
you will be more than welcome to write a
complaint letter to our government.
What would you do if you have
important things to do after work,
and there is always someone who
is slow and slows you down?
Slow and lazy people are the
worst people on earth. By the time
I’m finished with my speech, you
will agree with my reasons and
also solution for the slow ones.
*Cough* *Cough*, that terrible smelling smoke
got to me AGAIN! People who smoke are not
only disgusting and obnoxious, but they’re
also people that I can not stand at all.
Whether it’s the smoke, or just the smell itself,
it annoys me very much.
People who smoke aren’t only disgusting and
irritating, but they are also killing themselves
slowly, by still smoking those terrible products
called cigarettes. After listening to my reasons
and story, you will not only agree with me, but
you will also celebrate my solution to this
Imagine if you were going to the best party
ever and you had a whole outfit picked
out, and when you went into your closet it
was gone.
People who take things without asking are
the rudest people in the world. When I’m
finished with my speech, you will agree
with all of my reasons why they are rude. I
will also tell you a story about a time
where I experienced this gripe, and share
with you my solution.
II. These are some of the reasons why people who take things without asking
bug me.
A. It’s rude…it’s just not a nice thing to do.
B. It might get lost…if the person who stole it doesn’t know how to take
care of stuff.
C. Also, the person that took it loses trust from the person they took it
II. Here are some of the reasons why my gripe bugs me so much.
A. When people work slowly, they not only slow down themselves, but
they also make my day go longer.
B. Sometimes they don’t have enough time to finish up their work.
C. Because of their laziness, I have to do extra work. That means that
after I finish my job, I also have to help them and I get more
II. I have three reasons as to why I hate people who disrespect their parents and
I’m going to inform you about them.
A. Parents work hard and deserve our respect in return.
B. They work hard for us and they do it because they love us.
C. We should treat them as they treat us, if not more better.
III. Let me tell you one of the many times that I experience my gripe.
Most of the time I experience my gripe is at work. I work in a store.
B. There is a girl who is the slower person I’ve ever known.
C. She doesn’t want to do what I tell her to.
D. She also wants everyone to help her, even though she knows that she
can do it all by herself.
E. She doesn’t finish her job on time, and because I do my work fast and
finish early, I have to help her.
F. When we do go backs after we close the store, she takes the longest
time to put away things.
III. Here is a little story that about my gripe.
I went to visit an old friend and while visiting her I noticed her mom was
beat from working a 12 hour shift.
B. It was her birthday and should have come home to comforting children.
C. Only the youngest was cussing and throwing things everywhere because
she didn’t get any money.
D. Normally when a single mother works long and hard on her birthday the
children should be thankful and show some support for being a single
IV. I have two very simple solutions to this very horrible situation.
A. First of all, people should start to ask if they could take things before
they just take it without asking.
B. .Also, if they did take something without asking make it up to them
by either buying them something new if you lost what you
stole, or let
them borrow something of yours.
IV. But I have some solutions to this problem. I think that the best solutions
would be the following.
A. I should tell the manager if he could ask her to hurry up or do
her job
B. I shouldn’t work the same days she does because I just can’t
with her.
IV. Here’s a solution to this major problem.
A. If the kids are old enough to work, than get a job! See how it is to
earn your own money.
B. Whenever you’re in trouble or need somebody to talk to you would
normally go to your parents.
C. Therefore you should show them that you appreciate their comfort.
A.By now I hope it is understood how much I despise
smokers, especially when they smoke around me. People
who smoke are disgusting and need to find a new hobby!
B. If anyone near me smokes, I’ll pullout my knife and cut
up your cigarette for you to eat. Because since you plan on
contaminating my insides, I will assure you that I will
contaminate yours!
A.I hope this speech made it easier to understand why
sales tax is the stupidest thing in the world. I feel like
something should be done with this fast before the
government steals more money from us.
B. If you agree with my speech, go home and write a
complaint letter to the government about sales tax.
A.By now I hope it is understood how much I despise
smokers, especially when they smoke around me. People
who smoke are disgusting and need to find a new hobby!
B. If anyone near me smokes, I’ll pullout my knife and cut
up your cigarette for you to eat. Because since you plan on
contaminating my insides, I will assure you that I will
contaminate yours!