Japan ※Business cards exchange

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Transcript Japan ※Business cards exchange

In the Asian
※Business cards exchange
Japan, business cards are called meishi. Japanese
give and receive meishi with both hands. It should be
printed in your home language on one side and Japanese
on the other.
the card with the Japanese language side up.
Take special care in handling cards that are given to you.
Do not write on the card. Do not put the card in you pocket
or wallet.
receipt of the card, it is important to examine the
card carefully as a show of respect.
※Bows and Handshakes
The customary greeting is the bow. However, some
Japanese may greet you with a handshake, albeit a weak
one. Do not misinterpret a weak handshake as an
indication of character.
If you are greeted with a bow, return with a bow as low as
the one you received. How low you bow determines the
status of the relationship between you and the other
individual. When you bow keep your eyes low and your
palms flat next to your thighs. The business card should be
given after the bow. This is very important to remember.
Drinking is an important part of Japanese culture. It is a
way to relieve business stress. Never pour a drink
yourself; always allow someone else to do it for you.
Most business entertaining is done in restaurants or bars
after business hours. Often in karaoke or "hostess bars."
Businesswomen should not attend "hostess
bars.“Business may be discussed at dinner during these
Japanese rarely entertain in the home. If you are invited
to the home of your Japanese host, consider it a great
honor and display a tremendous amount of appreciation.
It is perfectly acceptable to slurp your noodles. Doing so
will exhibit your enjoyment of your food. To do otherwise,
indicates that your meal was not a pleasant one.
Casual dress is never appropriate in a business setting.
Shoes should be easy to remove, as you will do so often.
Slip-ons are the best choice.
Women’s dress should be conservative. Little emphasis
should be placed on accessories. They should be
minimal.Women should not wear pants in a business
situation. Japanese men tend to find it offensive.
Women should only wear low-heeled shoes to avoid
towering over men.
A kimono should be wrapped left over right to do
otherwise symbolizes death.
Tipping is
14 is bad luck,
because in
Japanese it
sounds like the
word for death.
prefer to use
last names.
Japanese don’t
like talking
about War 2.
Japanese prefer
not to use the word
※Relationships & Communication .
The Chinese don't like doing business with companies
they don't know. Business relationships are built formally
after the Chinese get to know you.
Be very patient. It takes a considerable amount of time
and is bound up with enormous bureaucracy.
The Chinese prefer face-to-face meetings rather than
written or telephonic communication. Meals and social
events are not the place for business discussions. There
is a demarcation between business and socializing in
China, so try to be careful not to intertwine the two.
※Business Meeting
•Appointments are necessary and, if possible, should be
made between one-to-two months in advance, preferably
in writing.
•You should arrive at meetings on time or slightly early.
The Chinese view punctuality as a virtue. Send an
agenda before the meeting so your Chinese colleagues
have the chance to meet with any technical experts prior
to the meeting.
• Written material should be available in both English and
Chinese, using simplified characters.
•Presentations should be detailed and factual and focus
on long-term benefits. Be prepared for the presentation to
be a challenge.
※What to Wear?
Business attire is conservative and unpretentious.
Men should wear dark colour, conservative business
Women should wear conservative business suits or
dresses with a high neckline. Women should wear flat
shoes or shoes with very low heels.
Bright colours should be avoided.
※Business Cards
Business cards are exchanged after the initial troduction.
Have one side of your business card translated into
Chinese using simplified Chinese characters that are
printed in gold ink since gold is an auspicious colour.
Your business card should include your title. If your
company is the oldest or largest in your country, that fact
should be on your card as well.
Hold the card in both hands when offering it, Chinese
side facing the recipient. Never write on someone's card
unless so directed.
Other countries
Vietnamese don’t like people touch his shoulder
or being pointed when you are talking with him.
Specially,children here should not be touched at
Filipinos don’t like the number 13 and they avoid
using left hand handing food or other things.
Qatari don’t like exchanging gifts at first
meeting,especially they can’t accept wine or
woman’s photo as a gift.
Sri lanka (斯里兰卡)
Sri lankan Buddhist(佛教徒) don’t eat anything
after 12 o’clock.They think appointment before
meeting is very important.