Grammars – Chapter 2

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Transcript Grammars – Chapter 2

Programming Languages
2nd edition
Tucker and Noonan
Chapter 2
A language that is simple to parse for the compiler is also simple to
parse for the human programmer.
N. Wirth
Copyright © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
2.1 Grammars
2.1.1 Backus-Naur Form
2.1.2 Derivations
2.1.3 Parse Trees
2.1.4 Associativity and Precedence
2.1.5 Ambiguous Grammars
2.2 Extended BNF
2.3 Syntax of a Small Language: Clite
2.3.1 Lexical Syntax
2.3.2 Concrete Syntax
2.4 Compilers and Interpreters
2.5 Linking Syntax and Semantics
2.5.1 Abstract Syntax
2.5.2 Abstract Syntax Trees
2.5.3 Abstract Syntax of Clite
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Translation/Execution – Compiler
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Thinking about Syntax
The syntax of a programming language is a precise
description of all its structurally correct programs.
Grammar rules are a common technique for
describing language syntax precisely.
Precise syntax was first used with Algol 60.
Three levels:
– Lexical syntax
– Concrete syntax
– Abstract syntax
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Levels of Syntax
Lexical syntax: describes the basic symbols of the
language (names, values, operators, etc.)
Concrete syntax: rules for writing expressions,
statements and programs.
Abstract syntax: describes an internal representation
of the program, emphasizes content over form.
The authors define Clite, a mini-language, to use as a
teaching tool in the study of syntax and semantics.
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2.1 Grammars
A metalanguage is a language used to define other
cf metaknowledge
A grammar is a set of rules, written in a
metalanguage, and used to define the syntax of a
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2.1.1 Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
Notation for describing a context-free grammar
(see Chomsky hierarchy)
Sometimes called Backus Normal Form
First used to define syntax of Algol 60
Now used to define syntax of most major languages
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Elements of a Context-Free Grammar
Set of productions: P
terminal symbols: T
nonterminal symbols: N
start symbol: S  N
A production has the form
A 
A  N and ω is a string from N and T.
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Example: Binary Digits
Consider the grammar:
binaryDigit  0
binaryDigit  1
or equivalently:
binaryDigit  0 | 1
Here, | and  are metacharacters (metasymbols)
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2.1.2 Derivations
Consider the grammar:
Integer  Digit | Integer Digit
Digit  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
We can derive any unsigned integer, like 352, from
this grammar.
(Derivations can (1) produce all legal integers or (2)
show that a particular integer is correctly formed)
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Derivation of 352 as an Integer
A 6-step process, begins with the start symbol
Step 1: Integer  Integer Digit
Replace a nonterminal by a RHS of one of its rules:
Step 1: Integer  Integer Digit
Step 2:
 Integer Digit Digit
Step 3:
 Digit Digit Digit
Step 4:
 3 Digit Digit
Step 5:
 3 5 Digit
Step 6:
Finished when there are only terminals on the RHS
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A Different Derivation of 352
Integer  Integer Digit
 Integer 2
 Integer Digit 2
 Integer 5 2
 Digit 5 2
This is called a rightmost derivation, since at each
step the rightmost nonterminal is replaced.
(The first one was a leftmost derivation.)
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Notation for Derivations
Integer * 352
Means that 352 can be derived in a finite number of steps
using the grammar for Integer.
352  L(G)
Means that 352 is a member of the language defined by
grammar G.
Definition: the language L defined by a BNF grammar
G is the set of all terminal strings that can be derived
from the start symbol.
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2.1.3 Parse Trees
A parse tree is a graphical representation of a
The root node of the tree is the start symbol.
Each internal node of the tree corresponds to a non-terminal
The child(ren) of a node represent a right-hand side of a
production for which the node is the left-hand side.
Each leaf node represents a terminal symbol of the derived
string, reading from left to right.
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E.g., The step Integer  Integer Digit
appears in the parse tree as:
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Parse Tree for 352
as an Integer
Figure 2.1
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Arithmetic Expression Grammar
The following grammar defines the language of
arithmetic expressions with 1-digit integers, addition,
and subtraction.
Expr  Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term
Term  0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )
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Parse of the String 5-4+3
Figure 2.2
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2.1.4 Associativity and Precedence
Grammars define associativity and precedence among
the operators in an expression.
Precedence: which operator is evaluated first; e.g., in the
expression “a + b / c”
Associativity: evaluation order for equal precedence
(adjacent) operators; e.g., in the expression “a - b + c”
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Grammar G1:
Consider the more interesting grammar G1:
Expr + Term | Expr – Term | Term
Term * Factor | Term / Factor |
Term % Factor | Factor
Factor  Primary ** Factor | Primary
Primary  0 | ... | 9 | ( Expr )
Expr 
Term 
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Parse of 4**2**3+5*6+7
for Grammar G1
Figure 2.3
Expr  Expr + Term
|Expr – Term
| Term
Term  Term * Factor
| Term / Factor
| Term % Factor
| Factor
Factor  Primary ** Factor
| Primary
Primary  0 | ... | 9
|( Expr )
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Associativity and Precedence for
Grammar G1 Table 2.1
* / %
+ The structure of the parse tree shows operator
precedence & associativity: Operators lower in the tree
are evaluated first.
An operation can’t be performed until its operands are
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Precedence & Associativity in Grammars
An operator’s precedence is determined by the length
of the shortest derivation from the start symbol to
the operator (see Figure 2.3)
Left- or right- associativity is determined by left- or
right- recursion.
compare the operators ** and + in Figure 2.3
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2.1.5 Ambiguous Grammars
A grammar is ambiguous if one of its strings has two or
more different parse trees.
C, C++, and Java have a large number of
– operators and
– precedence levels
Instead of using a large grammar, we can:
– Write a smaller ambiguous grammar, and
– Give separate precedence and associativity rules (e.g.,
Table 2.1)
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An Ambiguous Expression Grammar G2
Expr → Expr Op Expr | ( Expr ) | Integer
Op → + | - | * | / | % | **
– G2 is equivalent to G1. i.e., its language is the same.
– G2 has fewer productions and nonterminals than G1.
– However, G2 is ambiguous.
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Ambiguous Parse of 5-4+3
Using Grammar G2
Figure 2.4
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The Dangling Else
IfStatement → if ( Expression ) Statement |
if ( Expression ) Statement else
Statement → Assignment | IfStatement | Block
Suppose one of the statements was another If?
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With which ‘if’ does the following ‘else’ associate ?
if (x < 0)
if (y < 0) y = y - 1;
else y = 0;
Answer: either one!
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The Dangling Else Ambiguity
Figure 2.5
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Solving The Dangling Else Ambiguity
Algol 60, C, C++: associate each else with
closest if; use {} or begin…end to override.
Algol 68, Modula, Ada: use explicit delimiter
to end every conditional (e.g., if…fi)
if (x < 0)
if (y<0)
y = y - 1;
y = x / y;
if (x < 0)
if (y<0)
y = y - 1;
y = x / y;
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Solving The Dangling Else Ambiguity
Java: rewrite the grammar to limit what can appear in a
IfThenStatement → if ( Expression ) Statement
IfThenElseStatement → if ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf
else Statement
The category StatementNoShortIf includes all
statement types except IfThenStatement.
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2.2 Extended BNF (EBNF)
BNF: recursion to represent iteration
EBNF: additional metacharacters represent iteration
– { } braces: show a series of zero or more occurrences
– ( ) parens: pick exactly one from the enclosed list
– [ ] brackets: pick zero or one from the enclosed list
How are metacharacters distinguished from terminal
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Compare BNF/EBNF Examples
→ Term | Exp + Term | Exp - Term
IfStatement →if ( Exp ) Statement |
if ( Exp ) Statement else
→ Term { ( + | - ) Term }
IfStatement →if ( Expr ) Statement
[ else Statement ]
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C-style EBNF
C-style EBNF lists alternatives on separate lines
and uses opt to signify optional parts. e.g.,
if ( Expression ) Statement ElsePartopt
else Statement
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We can always rewrite an EBNF grammar as a BNF
grammar. e.g.,
can be rewritten:
A → x A' z
A' → ε | y A'
(Rewriting EBNF rules with ( ), [ ] is left as an exercise.)
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Syntax Diagram for
Expressions with Addition –
Figure 2.6
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Syntax diagrams
are another way
to describe
grammar rules.
when they were
used to describe
Pascal grammar.
All Three are Equally Powerful
BNF is considered equivalent to context-free
grammars because it can express any rule in the
EBNF is no more (or less) powerful or expressive
than BNF. Its virtue is compactness.
Syntax diagrams are equally expressive.
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Summary & Preview
• Grammars
– BNF notation
– Grammars & parse trees
– Grammars, parse trees, associativity & precedence
– Ambiguity in grammars
• Next up:
– Clite syntax
– Lexical and concrete syntax
– Compilers & interpreters
– Abstract syntax
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