The Civil Law Systems. Characteristics and Institutions

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The Civil Law Systems.
Characteristics and Institutions
Maria Cecilia García Novillo
Clara Latorre Molina
Marta Martínez Albaladejo
Matías Valiente Egea
Civil Law: basic features
Roman Empire and Medieval Time
Codification Process
Public Law
Court Structure
Legal Process
Legal Actors
Civil Law: Basic Features
• What? Dominant legal tradition today
• Where? Most of Europe, Central & South Africa, parts of
Asia and Africa, Louisiana, Quebec and Puerto Rico
• Features
- Inquisitorial (vs. accusatorial)
- Code-based (vs. case law)
- History: Roman Law
- Branches: public / private – criminal / civil
- Career judges
- Written proceedings (vs. oral proceedings)
The Roman Law
• History origins
• Jurists  legal experts and advicers / “imperial advicers”
– Public service
– Gaius: Institutes  161 B.C
• Corpus Juris Civilis “non exemplis sed legibus
judicandum est” (6th Century)
– Refinement of Gaiu’s Institutes + the Digest + the Code
+ the Novels
Medieval Developments
• Changes in commerce
• The Glossators of Bologna  features
• Evolution: jurists as teachers
• The “gloss” technique: changes made in the Corpus Juris
Accursious: the “Great Gloss” (1230)
Law at universities: Bologna
Salamanca < --- > Palencia
Influence in the Spanish Law  Code of the 7 parts of law
• Canon Law
- Influence of the church
- Organization
- Scholarly writings
• Law Merchant
- Commercial relations  fairs and markets…
- Maritime activities
* Consolato Del Mare: Barcelona (14th Century)
Influences leading to a
Codification Process
 Practice of written laws spreads during the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries.
 Humanism
- origins in France.
- ferment of ideas.
- birth of the concept of the nation state and strong
central governments.
 Natural law
- Hugo de Groot
* writings about universal concept of law that
would transcend national boundaries
and be independent from
other systems of law.
- Samuel Pufendorf and Christopher Wolff
* writings influenced by scientific methods of
Galileo and Descartes.
Logical deduction  experience and
 Enlightenment
- French Revolution.
- Importance of reason as a liberating force in
intellectual life.
- Influence of legal philosophy.
- Egalitarian ideals.
The Codification Process in
France and Germany
 the French Code
- Napoleon named four practitioners who had
studied their predecessor.
- Code Civil des Français.
* 6 articles which announce general
principles of law.
* Book I: civil rights, status of
persons, marriage, divorce and
- Book II: covers real and personal
- Book III: contain provisions on rights of
succession, contracts, and obligations.
- influences
* basic structure  Justinian's Corpus Juris
* overall design  Declaration of the Rigths of
 The German Code
- product of codification process in 3 states:
Bavaria, Prussia and Austria.
- presence of commissions made up of legal
- Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch created in 1896 and put
into effect in 1900.
* Book I - General parts:
. natural and juristic persons.
. definition of things.
. classification of legal acts.
. prescriptive periods.
* Book II - The law of obligations
. creation and discharge of
. contracts.
. law of delict.
* Book III - The law of real and personal
. ownership.
. possession of property.
. servitudes on property.
. securities.
* Book IV - Family law
. marriage.
.other relationships within the family.
The Codes of Chile and Brazil
 Constitutional theory and practise and structure of
government: Northern American influence.
- American Revolution: Southern constitutions and
public law.
 Private law: European legacy.
 Chile
- Andres Bello: jurist specialist in both Roman and
Spanish law.
* member of a commission whose goal was
to design a new civil code which went
into force in 1857.
- This code is still being seen as one of the most
advanced through most of the Spanishspeaking countries in South America.
 Brazil
- Legalism and formalism.
- Obsession for legal codes (water, air, mining,
health, etc).
- Similar to the German BGB:
* general principles.
* the law of persons, things and rights.
* the law of family, property, obligations
and succession.
- “The greatest monument to legal thought and
codification in Latin America”.
The Civil Law System as it exists and
functions in the Modern Era
 Public Law – Private Law Dichotomy.
-Private law  relationships between individuals
-Public law  relationships between individuals
(citizens, companies) and the state
- Public law is not part of the civil codes. More fluid.
Private law-matter
ordinary courts
- Legal practice
Public law-mater
administrative courts
Court Structure
 Differences Common Law – Civil Law
- Civil-law countries  several separate court system
coexist. Courts immune from jurisdiction of
other courts.
Common-law judicial
Civil-law judicial system
 Ordinary Courts
- adjudicates the majority of civil and criminal cases.
- apply law found in the civil, commercial and penal
 Administrative courts
- specialized courts or sections to deal with
administrative cases.
- independent jurisdiction from ‘ordinary courts’: rules
specifically designed for administrative cases
Problems when deciding the proper court for a case
Legal Process
Civil procedure
- Public proceedings, controlled by the parties
conducted in writing
- Civil process lawyers ‘article of proof‘
opposing counsel
witness questioned at a later hearing
supervises evidences
prepares a summary
no ‘dramatic trials’
- Differences from Common Law trials
absence of civil jury
Judges: fact-finding process
Criminal procedure
- Three phases:
1. Investigative
3. Trial
collect evidences
warrant formal charges
complete and review
proceed to trial
Appellate procedure
- Intermediate appellate review
- Supreme court
only law
Court of Cassation
Affirm lower court decision
Remand the case for consideration
Legal Actors
 Legal Scholars → “basic thinking”
 The Legislature → supplement and update codes
 Judges → “operators” with a simple and narrow role
 Legal Education and Lawyers
- Undergraduate education in law.
- Choice among several branches.
* Private practice (advocate, notary).
* Government lawyers (public prosecutor,
lawyer for government).
* Judges.
Comparison of Civil-Law and
Common-Law Systems (I)
 Corpus Juris Civilis influence
- Civil-Law → significant
- Common-Law → modest
 Codification Process
- Civil-Law → comprehensive codes from single drafting
- Common-Law → codes reflecting rules of enunciated
judicial decisions.
Comparison of Civil-Law and
Common-Law Systems (II)
 Equity law (no comparable law)
- Civil-Law → originated in Rome to be applied to
non-Roman peoples
- Common-Law → originated in England to soften the
rigor of Common-Law
 Creation of law: role of judicial decisions
- Civil-Law → negligible
- Common-Law → supreme prominence
Comparison of Civil-Law and CommonLaw Systems (III)
 Manner of legal reasoning
- Civil-Law → Deductive
- Common-Law → Inductive
 Structure of Courts
- Civil-Law → Integrated Court system
- Common-Law → Specialty Court system
 Trial process
- Civil-Law → Extended process
- Common-Law → Single-event trial
Comparison of Civil-Law and
Common-Law Systems (IV)
 Judges
- Role in trials.
* Civil-Law → elevated role
* Common-Law → «referee»
- Judicial attitudes.
*Civil-Law → mere appliers of the law
* Common-Law → search creatively for an answer
- Selection and training.
* Civil-Law → a part of the civil service
* Common-Law → selected from a political process
Comparison of Civil-Law and CommonLaw Systems (V)
 Legal training
- Civil-Law → undergraduate
- Common-Law → post-graduate
Civil process
 1. Why were glossators called that way?
 2.In what language was first published Consolato Del
 3. Which are the two schools of thoughts which influenced
the process of codification during in the Modern era?
 4. Did the South American legal system have another
influence apart from the European one? If so, which one?
 5. In the civil procedure, is the judge involved in the fact-
finding process?
 6. How many phases are there in a criminal procedure?
 7. Write two differences between the Common-law and the
civil-law systems.
 8. What is the function of the Legislature?