World Literature II - Matskut

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Transcript World Literature II - Matskut

Tuesday 12-14 aud IV, Thursday 1214 aud II (main building)
Tyy 228E, 346E, 347E
28/10 Lecture
30/10 Lecture
04/10 Lecture
06/11 Lecture
11/11 Presentations
13/11 Presentations
18/11 Presentations
20/11 Presentations
25/11 Presentations
27/11 Essay writing
Essay by the end of December, 2014
([email protected])
René Étiemble: Do we have to revise the notion
of World Literature? (1964)
George Steiner: A Footnote to Weltliteratur
A.Owen Aldrige: The Universal in Literature
Zhang Lonxi: Toward Interpretative Pluralism
Claudio Guillén: Weltliteratur (1993)
Dionýz ´Durisin: World Literature as a target
literary-historical category (1993)
Franco Moretti: Conjectures on World Literature
and More Conjectures (2000, 2003)
Vilashi Cooppan: World literature and Global
Theory: Comparative Literature for the New
Millennium (2001)
David Damrosch: What is World Literature (2003)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Planetarity (2003)
Gerard Holden: World Literature and World
Politics: in Search of a Research Agenda (2003)
Shu-mei Shih: Global Literature and the
Technologies of Recognition (2004)
Pascale Casanova: Literature as a World (2005)
Nirvana Tanoukhi: The Scale of World Literature
Mariano Siskind: The Globalization of the Novel
and the Novelization of the Global: A Critique of
World Literature (2010)
Richard Green Moulton (18491924)
World Literature and Its Place in
General Culture, 1911:
“I take a distinction between Universal
Literature and World Literature.
Universal Literature can only mean
the sum total of all literatures. World
Literature, as I use the term, is this
Universal Literature seen in
perspective from a given point of
view, persumably the national
World Literature and Its Place in
General Culture, 1911
“And the theory on which a view of
World Literature is to rest will resolve
itself ultimately into two
supplementary principles. One of
these may be termed the National
Literary Predigee,- the train of historic
considerations that connects the
reader’s nationality with its roots in
the far past, and traces its relationship
World Literature and Its Place in
General Culture, 1911
With other parts of the literary field.
Here we are on the sure basis of
history. But it will be history seen from
the standpoint of literature: literary
predigee may be very different from
ethnological or linguistic descent. The
other principle is Intrinsic Literary
Interest. The individuality of the
author..or the accidental flowering of
World Literature and Its Place in
General Culture, 1911
Some literary type may lift portions of
a literature quite out of the position
that would have been given them by
their historical settings,” (p.31)
Fritz Strich (1883-1963)
World Literature and Comparative
Literary History (1930)
“But Europe is not the world, and the
question should precisely be asked
whether world literature does not
really begin where the borders of
Europe are being transcended.”
World Literature and Comparative
Literary History (1930)
“When does a national literature gain
entry to world literature so conceived,
and why does it do so at that
particular moment? What did one
nation give to the others, what did it
receive from these others, and on
which basis did this exchange
happen?” (p.39)
World Literature and Comparative
Literary History (1930)
“World literature in the sense we have
just given to this ambigious concept is
then the literature that on the basis of
its national and general human
dimension achieves a validity
transcending space and time.” (p.44)
Albert Guérard (1880-1959)
Preface to World Literature, 1940:
1. Universal literature
2.World Literature
3.Comparative Literature
4. General Literature
Erich Auerbach (1892-1957)
Philology and Weltliteratur, 1952:
History is the science of reality that
affects us most immediately, stirs us
most deeply and compels us most
forcibly to a consciousness of
ourselves. Under the rubric of history
one is to understand not only the
past, but the progression of events in
general; history therefore includes the
present. The inner history of the last
Philology and Weltliteratur,
Thousand of years is the history of
mankind achieving self-expression:
this is what philology, a historicist
discipline, treates. (p.67)