Why Experiment? - the NCRM EPrints Repository

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Transcript Why Experiment? - the NCRM EPrints Repository

Field Experiments:
A Brief Overview of
Core Topics
Don Green
Columbia University
Why Experiment?
 Causal explanation vs. description: parameters
and parameter estimation
 The role of scientific procedures/design in
making the case for unbiased inference
 The value of transparent & intuitive science
that involves ex ante design/planning and, in
principle, limits the analyst’s discretion
 Experiments provide benchmarks for
evaluating other forms of research
Experiments at the border between theory and
 Experiments allow us to study the effects of
phenomena that seldom occur naturally
(e.g., out-of-equilibrium phenomena)
 Systematic experimental inquiry can lead to
the discovery and development of new
 Momentum of experimental programs: each
finding leads to new questions
Experimentation is not an assumption-free research
 Unbiased estimation of the sample average
treatment effect hinges on assumptions of
Random assignment: independence of
treatments and potential outcomes
Excludability: the only systematic way in which
treatment assignments affect outcomes is via
the treatment itself
Non-interference: potential outcomes are
affected solely by the treatment that is
administered to the subject, not to treatments
administered to other subjects
Core assumptions must be kept in mind at all times
when designing, analyzing, and interpreting
 To the extent possible, try to address core
assumptions through experimental design
rather than argumentation
 What follows are suggestions for making
experiments more convincing
 Many of these suggestions grow out of lessons
learned from my own mishaps and mistakes
Implementing random assignment
CONSORT suggests that random allocation be
performed by an outside team/person
Should be carefully documented (for later RI
If you are working with a naturally occurring
random assignment, make sure you understand
it in detail and verify its statistical properties
Use a random number seed
Good to make the process transparent
(sometimes they are public lotteries), but
beware of excludability violations
Working out the random assignment with research
Your research partners may not fully
understand what you mean when you say
that treatments will be allocated randomly
and that they won’t get to adjust or approve
the random assignment
Be pro-active with more palatable designs
Stepped wedge
Blocking to ensure that “preferred” or
“inexpensive” subjects have a high probability of
being included
90% of life is just showing up
Your experiment may get out of hand if you
don’t supervise it, especially when
interventions are launched and outcomes are
Don’t expect your research partners to
understand your rationale for doing things
Beware of their good intentions (e.g., their
desire to treat everyone)
Noncompliance is often a problem of
miscommunication or misrepresentation
Your partners may exaggerate how many
subjects they are actually able to treat
With supervision, you can use a randomly
sorted treatment list and an exogenous
stopping rule
Measure compliance with the treatment as
accurately as you can
Irony that when research partners exaggerate
their contact rate, the produce an
underestimate of the CACE
Trade offs of orchestrating the treatments yourself
On the one hand, implementing your own
interventions is a pain in the neck and often
All the more reason to do a pilot test to see
what you’re getting yourself into
On the other hand, you get to do more
interesting (and often more publishable) work
that is less prone to collapse
“Program evaluation” work is good for
practice/apprenticeship but may involve
uninteresting treatments or outcomes
Do not confuse random sampling with random
Random sampling refers to the procedure by
which subjects are selected from some
broader population.
Random sampling facilitates generalization
but not necessarily unbiased causal
Random assignment refers to the procedure
by which subjects are allocated to treatment
conditions. Its role is to make assignments
independent of potential outcomes.
Maintain the integrity of random assignment
 When randomly allocating subjects to
experimental groups, follow and document a
set procedure.
 Do not redo the random assignment because
you are disappointed that certain observations
ended up in the “wrong” experimental group.
 Design your experiment in ways that minimize
attrition or cause attrition to be (arguably)
unaffected by assignment
Maintain symmetry between treatment and control
 Apart from receiving different treatments,
subjects in different experimental conditions
should be handled in an identical fashion.
 The same standards should be used in
measuring outcomes across the groups, and
where possible, those tasked with measuring
outcomes should be blind to experimental
Make sure your analysis is appropriate to your
random assignment procedure
When the probability of being assigned to the
treatment group varies across subjects, you
must either analyze the experimental results
separately for each stratum or apply inverse
probability weights before pooling the data
If you use restricted randomization, your
estimation (weighting) and inference
procedures (simulations) should take these
restrictions into account
When estimating average treatment effects using regression
(i.e., regressing outcomes on the treatment as well as a set of
covariates), do not attach a causal interpretation to the
covariates' coefficients
Covariates help reduce disturbance variability
and thus improve the precision with which
treatment effects are estimated.
Regression coefficients associated with the
covariates are not unbiased estimates of
average treatment effects because the
covariates are not randomly assigned
Present results both with and without
covariates (or follow a pre-specified plan)
“Agnostic” regressions may include pre-treatment
covariates ONLY.
 Do not include post-treatment variables as
predictors in order to detect the "mediating
paths" by which a treatment influences the
outcome, as this method of assessing
mediation relies on implausible assumptions.
When interpreting a null finding, consider the
sampling distribution
 A noisy estimate that is indistinguishable from
zero is often called a “null” finding, but its
confidence interval may encompass quite
large effects.
 Do not interpret the failure to find an effect as
a failure. A precisely estimated zero may have
important theoretical implications and may
help redirect scholarly attention toward more
effective interventions.
When analyzing a cluster-randomized experiment, be
sure to account for clustering when conducting
estimation and inference.
 When analyzing a cluster-randomized
experiment, be sure to account for clustering
when estimating standard errors and
confidence intervals.
 The power of a cluster-randomized experiment
is more strongly determined by the number of
clusters than the number of observations per
 Clusters of unequal size may lead to bias in
difference-of-means and regression
estimation; if possible, block on cluster size
When analyzing experiments that encounter noncompliance, do
not compare subjects who receive the treatment with subjects
who do not receive the treatment. Never discard noncompliers.
 Start with a model that defines the estimand
and shows the conditions under which it can
be identified.
 Analysis should be grounded in a comparison
between the randomly assigned treatment
group and the randomly assigned control
group, which have the same expected
potential outcomes
 Groups formed after random assignment, such
as the “treated” or “untreated,” may not to
have comparable potential outcomes.
Keep the estimand in mind when reporting and
interpreting results.
In your sample versus in some larger
 ATE among “Always-Reporters”
 Treatment effects in the presence of spillovers
of various kinds
Beware of interference and consider its empirical
 Unless you specifically aim to study spillover,
displacement, or contagion, design your study
to minimize interference between subjects.
Segregate your subjects temporally or spatially
so that the assignment or treatment of one
subject has no effect on another subject’s
potential outcomes.
 If you seek to estimate spillover effects,
remember that you may need to use inverse
probability weights to obtain consistent
Show appropriate caution when interpreting
interaction effects, or subgroup differences in average
treatment effects
 Adjust p-values for multiple comparisons so as
to reduce the risk of attaching a substantive
interpretation to what is in fact chance
variation in average treatment effects.
 When interpreting interactions between
covariates and treatments, bear in mind that
you are describing how treatment effects vary
across different covariate values.
 A factorial design is a more informative way to
investigate whether changes in one variable
cause changes in the influence of another
Expect to perform a series of experiments.
 In social science, one experiment is never
 Experimental findings should be viewed as
provisional, pending replication, and even
several replications and extensions only begin
to suggest the full range of conditions under
which a treatment effect may vary across
subjects and contexts.
 Every experiment raises new questions, and
every experimental design can be improved in
some way.