Goals - Rajesh Tagore

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Transcript Goals - Rajesh Tagore

Imagine people playing a football game
without a goal post.?
That’s how most peoples live their life !!!
Rajesh Tagore
Steps to begin
towards writing your dreams & goals.
1. Purchase a 400 pages Beautiful Hard bound Dreams
and Goals Register. Ask your trainer for a sample copy
2. Leave the first 20 pages for writing DREAMS
3. Divide the book into 10 equal sections for writing
Dreams and eight kinds of goals
4. Name the first two sections as My Dreams and my
5. Write as many dreams as possible without thinking
whether they are possible or not.
6. Write logical as well as illogical goals
7. Leave it aside for 48 hours after writing about 100 to
500 of your Dreams. After 48 hours read each of your
Dream and ask yourself Why to each of the list
8. If you do not get a convincing and strong reason for
your Dreams, means you are not sure about it. Forget
that Dream.
9. If you get a good reason for your Dream then it is your
10. Update the Goal to the Goals page to be followed and
write the 7 steps.
11. Finally ask yourself is it morally right and challenging to
attain the goal.
Writing in a beautiful, big, thick and Hard bound
register reflects seriousness towards your life
How to set goals and achieve them on schedule
There are several steps to set and achieve goals.
First of all remember a fundamental :
Everything is possible if our mind conceives and believes.
Smart formula
SMART formula is the first we needs to remember while setting our goals. It stands for
Kinds of Goals formula
The LTG, MTG, STG and WIGs
LTG: Long term goals
MTG: Medium term goals
STG: Short term goals
MIGs: Most Important Goals
Goals set direction for life
How to write your Goals
Never write like this
I want to be a big man
I want to be a successful man
I want to have a good Car
I want to have a Big home
I want to help people
I want to become a rich man
I want to have lots of money
I want to be number one
I want to become a good husband/wife/ son/ father
I want to become very popular etc.
because these statements are not Specific and
therefore do not fall into SMART principles.
One of my first goal was to buy a car before 23rd Dec 2000. I
achieved it. I bought a 30th hand Premier Padmini (Fiat) Car
18 year old. I never wanted that car. But I never specifically
mentioned which car I wanted. That’s when I understood what
specific actually means - Rajesh Tagore
When the goals are not specific their
definitions can alter to suit your 4
Write Goals like this
• My goal is to do 5 Million business by March
• My goal is to have 20 policies of 1 crore or more
by Dec 2010
• My goal is to own Hyundai i20 car by March 2011
• My goal is to add one new client every day for the
until the year 2020
• My goal is to have 300 new clients every year
• My goal is to do 1 crores Conventional premium
every year for 20 years
• My goal is world tour with family in Apri-may 2014
• My goal is to attend MDRT convention every year
for 40 years
• My Goal is to achieve COT by the year 2013
• My Goal is to achieve TOT every year until year
• The second formula for setting goals is a seven
step formula. Following these seven steps shall
ensure that you can achieve the goal on
Career Goal should not be an event. It should be a
continuous process. Otherwise achieving that goal can
be the end of your career
8 kinds of Goals
Physical goals
Personal goals
Professional goals
Financial goals
Educational goals
Social goals
Spiritual goals
Attitudinal goals
Setting 8 kinds of goals help you achieve the
ultimate balance for your life
Why should we have
8 kinds of goals
Imagine a person goes to a gym and does only right hand
exercise of lifting dumbles 2000 times each day for 6
months. What would happen to his body after 6
months? Right hand would look like Arnold’s arm but
what about the remaining part of the body? It would
look like the body of a polio patient. isn’t it?
Simmilarly goal setting should reflect to all parts of life. We
should grow in all areas of life with specific goals and
action plan towards every aspect as mentioned in 8
kinds in this literature.
5star hotels have a culture of giving tea and sugar
seperately. That’s because most people who can afford
to go to such hotels can not afford to have tea with
sugar. Because their health does not permit.
Whats the point of having money without health or fame
without family happiness. Whats the point of
professional success if you don’t have social
recognition and inner spiritual enlightenment and
wisdom. When you set all 8 kinds of goals you grow
simultaneously in all directions of life. Thus attain
complete balance in life
Growing in one directions becomes meaningless.
Unfortunately people are too busy to
understand it
Physical Goals
While setting physical goals think of yourself during your
60th year and 80th year and 100th year. What kind of
health you must possess in order to live healthily and
happily that long.
Your physical exercise, weekly exercise
Look at your diet, think in terms of where all can you
Your dental health, check and protect your teeth
Your skin condition how strong is it
Your ability to run. A healthy man should be in a position to
run 5 km within 35 minutes
Your tummy and appearance, your weight? Should you do
something to increase it or reduce it?
How frequently you fall ill?
How many times have you visited a doctor?
What health habits have you developed?
Consider all the above and decide your goals
Then write them is 7 steps
Mention if you want to give up smoking, drinking
Left : My photographs while running
maratbhon and
Right :my figure after daily run
Your body is a temple
Worship it,
Personal Goalsincluding Family Goals,
Personal goals consist of personal possetional Goals and
family goals and private goals
Possetional Goals: Like Which Car by when,
What kind of Home, Holidays, second home, property,
estate, Gold Jewellery, diamonds, anything for yourself
or your children or spouse that you want to own/buy
Family Goals: Goals for spending time with family,
including parents, children, spouse, brothers & sisters.
You should also mention the rules of family like not beating
children, going for a private outing, cultivating Values,
Reading habits, TV watching, Internet rules, playing
with children, Story telling to children, etc.
Private Goals: set Goals for some time private time for
yourself. Be alone, in an unknown place, anylize your
life in a desert, or in front an ocean or deep jungles for
4 to 8 days every year.
Relation building is more important
than building wealth
Professional Goals
including Career Goals
This is easy to write
You want to achieve MDRT, COT, TOT continuously next
20 years, 30 years, decide long term and write down
You can also mention about your
No. of clients goal
No, of visits in a year for the next 10-20 years
No. of new clients goal
No. of policies, amount of premium, amount of commission
Set Goals about your office, staff, computers software
Set your goals in terms of new clientile
Set goals in terms of minimum premium due
Set your growth path professionally
Decide what you want to accomplish after 20 – 30 years
Your expansion plans
Your service standards
Career building is a process and not an Event
Financial Goals
How much money you want to make
How much money you want to Save
How much money you want to invest - Where
Your insurance personal planning
Your retirement plan.
Your estate planning
Tax planning
Children welfare
Readyness for any eventuality
Medical Planning
Your credit card
Your financial IQ
Your spending habits
Your wealth education implementation
Your portfolio
Investment interests
Your asset allocation
This planning is very essential and also plan for an coach
as this is your field in all sence and people look for you
It does not matter how much money you make
What matters is, How much money you invest
Educational Goals
How do you look at Education.
Do you want to read for atleast an hour everyday
No. of books to be read
No. of cassettes/CDs to be heard or viewed
New subjects of interest
Learn, Jogging, Swimming, Driving, Cooking, Dancing
New skills of your interest- Computers, internet, Typing,
Software skills, maths, Public Speaking, writing
Practicing Yoga, Karate,Classical Dance, Music like Guitar,
Tabla, flutre,
How about professional Sales Educaion
Learn, Selling skills, Closing skills, Follow-up skills, Key
Account Managemen skillst, HNI Selling skills,
Telephone Skills, Human Relation skills, Objection
Handling skills, Competition handling skills, Goal writing
skills, communication skills
How about management skills, Parenting skills, Love
making skills, Human management skills, Change
implementation skills, execution skills?
What we can learn in life is endless. Set your goals in this
Education has got to be continuous
and never ending daily affair
Social Goals
Social goals can also be known as contribution goals
How would you repay back to the society
Construct a temple, Hospital, school, Hall, garden, old age
home, child care centre
Help the world become greener by planting trees, jungles
Protect wild animals, lakes, ponds, soil, Indian culture,
Read newspaper every-day for the blind
Create awareness about the need of retirement fund,
Dig wells or birewells for villagers or poor
Donate money, cloths, books, blood, organs,
Start a readers club, salesmen club, Education centre
Social goals are the biggest confidence builders
when performed without any selfish motives
Spiritual Goals
Understanding spiritual connection
Practicing meditation every day
Living in peace, prayer and harmony
Living with honesty and integrity
Never bending under pressure
Never bribing anybody or never accepting bribes
Accept people as they are
Overcome demands and expectation from people by
building self control
Understand the rules of the nature and live by it.
Get connected with nature with own spirit
We are not human beings
We actually are spiritual being
Attitudinal Goals
The world is changing faster than our imagination
Changing yourself according to the need of the hour
Adapting to the environment
Learning new rules of life everyday and live without
Understanding and Making your own rules and phylosophy
Come out of our life paradigms and living with harmony
Normalising new, accomdating young and restless
Upgrading and updating to the challenges of the day
mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually,
Protecting yourself frome getting out dated and irrelevant is
attitudinal Goals
Change is not enough
We need to transform
Give Score to your present self
between 1-10
Proper analysis of where you are at present
gives the opportunity to decide where exactly
you want to go in all aspects of life 16
8 kinds of Goals
• By
• Rajesh Tagore
My Goals
The following is my physical goal as written in my Goal
Book. This is just a guideline for the clarity for you to
follow. You shall have to write all your Goals in the
same way. As written in the year 2000
I am in my 30th year now. I want to remain very strong
My chest 36, waist 32, Height 5.10 cms
Posture always straight, Short hairand clean shaven
Every morning 5 kms of jogging
Skipping 500 times
Dandis- 50 times. 30+20 or 35+15 either way
Push ups 50 times Pull ups 10 times
Meditation sudarshan kriya 30 minutes everyday
I would never like to get tired physically during the next 50
Drink 5 liters of water everyday
Dieting one dinner per week.
Clean shave everyday
Haircut/setting once every month
Writing goals brings in a lot of clarity and
commitment to your personality
My physical exercises
Always neatly dressed &
presentable with ironed clothes & polished shoes, only full
sleeve formal shirts, Never wear Jeans,goddy T- shirts or half
Never allow tummy to appear to others.
I should always look 10 to 25 years younger than I am.
Chantinana (my uncle ) is one family member I like in terms of
physical fitness. He has maintained his physical appearance
for 50 years by playing football
Even though I am not directly associated to any sport I will be
participating in all kinds of athletic competitions. I dream to
participate in 5000 meters race, 10K race, marathon race and
win all over.
Someday I will run a marathon within 2 hours as the world
record is 2 hours 7 minutes. (Now 2hours 04 minutes by Paul
Thergat of Kenya)
I live 100 years without any disease. I would never get
BP,diabatis, heart attack, cancer, HIV, cholestrol, paralysis or
any other disease. I would never indulge myself into smoking,
drinking, over-eating, chewing tobacco. I would not become
Writing the details of goals means
you are not bluffing with yourself
7 Steps to write goals
• Write them in a Goal Book
• Put a deadline (Time)
• Write down the obstacles
• Write down the Plan Of Action (Daily)
• People, Groups & Organizations
• What’s in it for me.
• Knowledge, Skills & Attitude.
Definiteness of achieving your goals depend on
assertively writing these steps
I am getting up before 5 am every morning.
Doing the exercises and sudarshan kriya.
I am running for 7 kms every morning. I am
completing my run in less than half an
Then immediately without taking rest I am
doing 1000 skipping and continuously I
am doing 10 times pull ups non stop
Then I am doing 20 sets of surya namaskar
I am stretching enough for 20 minutes to
ensure that muscles are balanced
I am practicing aum meditation in full
length every Morning including positive
visualization of achievement of my goals
People who set goals achieve far more in a
shorter time period than people without
Put a time line
• Everyday for life
We over-estimate what we
can accomplish in one year,
but we under estimate what
we can accomplish in five
years- Peter Drucker
WRITE THE obstacles, difficulties,
problems and issues
I might feel lazy every morning.
Out of sheer determination I might get up and do
everything for one day or a week or a month.
But there are going to be breaks. Like
Some days I might feel too tired
Sometimes the sleep could be insufficient
Sometimes alarm clock may not ring
Sometimes it could be raining
Sometimes it could be too cold
Sometimes it could be too hot
Sometimes I might have gone to bed very late
Sometimes I could be out of station
Sometimes I might be on a train or a plane
Sometimes I might just feel like giving up
Sometimes I might suffer from fever
Sometimes I might have injuries on legs
Sometimes I might not have proper shoe or proper dress
Sometimes I might be de-motivated
Thinking about all possible obstacles and writing
them in advance offers you the real chance to
achieve almost impossible goals 23
I will not take it as a difficulty or hurdle or pain. Its a challenge
for a lifetime. More important is the continuity of the
challenge. Its not the alarm clock that rings or wakes me up.
Its the opportunity clock. This is the first test for me each
morning. If I keep winning the first examination every morning,
I will keep winning all the tests everyday.
Weather it rains or it is too cold or hot I will run and do
exercise every morning. I will begin my day with a winning
note every morning. I will set standards and benchmarks for
generation to come.
If I come across unavoidable situations like travelling in a train,
car or plane I will do the best possible things like skipping.
Even if I have minor injuries like cuts or fever or less sleep or
physical difficulties I will not compromise in this morning
routine and hobby.
Just as the milkman comes to supply milk everyday weather it
rains or cold or hot
Just as the newspaperman delivers every morning weather it
rains or cold or hot
Just like the train and the buses ply under any circumstances
I will also get up before 5 am and do the routine as if it is my
job and I am paid for it.
I will do it whether I am in Bombay or Delhi or Chennai or
London or Rayagada or anywhere in the world I will just do it.
Writing the daily action plan is your
commitment to your goals 24
People, groups and associations
I associate myself to a group of football players,
cricketers, athletes or swimmers so that the continuity
happens without suffering. People who run karate
classes, yoga classes and people who run gyms are the
people I am getting associated to as they are
professionals in sports.
In the days to come I am associating with the biggest
sports personalities of the country like Ramakant
Achrekar, Sachin Tendulkar, P T Usha, Milka Singh,
Leander Peas, Mahesh Bhupati, Bhaichang Bhutia,
Ashwini Nachappa, Karnan Maheshwari, Rahul Dravid,
Sourav Ganguly, Viswanathan Anand etc. I am also
associating to CCI, FFI, Cricket club, Football
Federation, Olympic association etc.
I am joining a sports association to start with and also
be associated to Suresh Kalmadi.
I am buying cassettes, cds and books on the
international champions, their performances, records
and keeping on updating myself on a continuous and
never ending basis to motivate myself.
I am working towards creating Olympic medal winning
factory and culture in india by 2028
Associating with the right people keeps you
motivates to accomplish your goals on a
continuous basis
Knowledge, Skills and
In order to improve my knowledge about my
physical goals and physical future
I am joining one sports academy or coaching
session every year.
I am seeing at least one film on sports and
attitudes every year.
I am watching the Asian games, National
Sports and Olympics.
I am having the posters of the best sports
personalities of the country displayed at
my residence.
Buying sports books and cassettes on these
topics is my regular habit.
I am also attending workshops and seminars
on doing exercises in order to apply the
learning's practically on myself.
As far your knowledge goes, every today
has got to be yesterday plus 26
What's in it for me?
The ultimate benefit
I am living healthy, young and
physically strong life
throughout my training
career and helping myself
set the highest standards of
excellence in order to be the
This is a reflection of your ultimate
accomplishment of achievement of your goal
Most Important Goals
Use the right vocabulary and language while writing your Goals. Right
language activates the sub-conscious mind to understand the essence
of your goal and work towards achieving it.
Therefore decide your Most important goals in life
Write each goals in present continuous tense
For example: instead of writing
I will buy a Mercedes Benz car by Nov 2013.
Write like this
I am buying a Mercedes Benz car by Nov 2013
Make a list of your 20 most important goals in this language in a piece of
paper and fold them and keep them in your pocket. Read them 5 times
everyday. Ideally reading these goals should take more a minute or
less. You will always be focused towards Goals and therefore achieve.
For understanding exactly how to write your Goals and the right vocabulary
download the my current life goals from www.rajeshtagore.com //
about Rajesh Tagore
Rajesh Tagore
1702-B, Kia park, Vira Desai Road,
Andheri west Mumbai 400058
[email protected]
[email protected] 28
09820157787, 09322511226